Is Mancini adapting his Inter tactics? [Tactics talk]

I'm pretty sure all things being equal we'd have two wide men, Silva and Johnson, with Tev and Balo up top and 2 out of Milner Barry Toure in the middle with de Jong sweeper, we will be more attacking when everyone is fit, or else Mancini is having us all on and REALLY is a boring coach ! :)
mcfcliam said:
Before the sending off..


After the sending off..


Such a lack of width...we could really hurt teams on the wings.

Are you suggesting that Clichy and Sagna are vulnerable? ;)

A perfect example of how the fullbacks can be used was the 1-2 between Tevez and Richards that led to the second chance right before the sending off. Arshavin can't/won't stay with Richards on the run, and Tevez forces Djourou into making a choice between covering Richards on the overlap and staying with the ball. The reason Djourou hesitates is because Tevez is such a threat cutting in from the wing on his left foot that he can't cheat him outside, which would allow him to also cover Richards running into the same space. Hence the inverted wingers, which is the real novelty of Mancini's plan (and Barcelona's as well.)
I was having an arguement today with a crewe supporter who thought that Tevez was holding us back as a team. Ridiculous arguement, but it did move into another potential problem which is when Ballotelli is fit who drops out.

My point being that so far Mancini is doing what he can with the players at our disposal, so far that has meant a big reliance upon Tevez. I'm pretty sure he has said as much that it is not the ideal formation that he wants to adopt. But the question being who drops out when Ballotelli comes back (or Ade forces his way into the side). Its a dillema because on one hand Tevez has been inspirational as the spearhead of the attack, moving his position could be to the detriment of the side as a whole, on the other we need to have a look at Ballotelli. I havent read the thread but the pivotal quesion is how do you fit Ballotelli (or Ade), Tevez, AND Silva into the starting line up. My thoughts were either one of Barry, De Jong, Toure come out, Tevez plays more of the attacking midfield role, Silva as the midfield playmaker and Milner moves from the wing position to replaces Barry, De Jong or Toure in the centre (or drops out completely).

When you start to think of the permutations and how the previous manager got the balance hopelessly wrong it is a difficult situation for Mancini. I hope the formation develops but at the same time recognise (due to injurty limitations) we have had decent success in deploying Tevez as the focal point of the attack.

In short to move Tevez changes the whole dynamic of the side and how many games will it take to adapt to a new system of play where Tevez isnt the focal point of the attack?
If I'm honest deep down I'm gutted with the system we are playing and keep on clinging to injury hopes,but deep down I'm gutted and hate the way we play.
christen at St Marks said:
If I'm honest deep down I'm gutted with the system we are playing and keep on clinging to injury hopes,but deep down I'm gutted and hate the way we play.

I cannot understand people who think like this. This is far & away the most technically gifted set of players we have ever had. Mancini is trying to get them to play a highly tactical possession game. A veritable feast for football purists.
I for one have had my fill of watching limited players running about chasing lost causes whilst better teams simply pass us to death.
And what's that about hoping for injuries!!! FFS.
Forza Mancini
jimbo101 said:
christen at St Marks said:
If I'm honest deep down I'm gutted with the system we are playing and keep on clinging to injury hopes,but deep down I'm gutted and hate the way we play.

I cannot understand people who think like this. This is far & away the most technically gifted set of players we have ever had. Mancini is trying to get them to play a highly tactical possession game. A veritable feast for football purists.
I for one have had my fill of watching limited players running about chasing lost causes whilst better teams simply pass us to death.
And what's that about hoping for injuries!!! FFS.
Forza Mancini

i can understand what he is saying.

like you i believe that this is the most talented group of players we have ever had, yet they are underperforming in my opinion even when we win.

i find our style of football negaitve and frustrating. Playing a midfield with yaya, barry, dejong and milner in means no pace very litle creativity and although it is one that can keep possession it is also one that does very little with it.
it also leaves silva, tev and AJ very isolated. I also dont believe that those 3 are the best combo we could be playing..

People keep saying wait for the injured players to come back...well ade has been fit for a couple of weeks now yet he didnt start against arsenal despite scoring a hattrick in his previous game. balo is now fit but will RM start with two atackers in his next game (balo and ade as tev is not fit)....i dont think he will

I just wish RM would take a chane every now and again.....i know we had 10 men from the 5th min vs arsenal but the team that started was a negative midfield......we had 3 offensive minded players on the pitch in tev silva and AJ...the rest are more concerned and are naturally defensive or holding midfielders. For me, Milner isnt cutting it at all...he was brought in to add drive and creativity and isnt doing that at all.....he works tirelessly and runs all game but he adds very very little to the attacking side of our penetration, no running beyond defenders, very little goal threat, no pace and very little on the creative side.
and our attack is too lightweight with tev aj and silva....

basically the balance is still all wrong and thoughit works in some games it never looks comfortable and we are playing well below our capapbiltiy

and the additionof kolorov and boatang wont change this
simon23 said:
jimbo101 said:
I cannot understand people who think like this. This is far & away the most technically gifted set of players we have ever had. Mancini is trying to get them to play a highly tactical possession game. A veritable feast for football purists.
I for one have had my fill of watching limited players running about chasing lost causes whilst better teams simply pass us to death.
And what's that about hoping for injuries!!! FFS.
Forza Mancini

i can understand what he is saying.

like you i believe that this is the most talented group of players we have ever had, yet they are underperforming in my opinion even when we win.

i find our style of football negaitve and frustrating. Playing a midfield with yaya, barry, dejong and milner in means no pace very litle creativity and although it is one that can keep possession it is also one that does very little with it.
it also leaves silva, tev and AJ very isolated. I also dont believe that those 3 are the best combo we could be playing..

People keep saying wait for the injured players to come back...well ade has been fit for a couple of weeks now yet he didnt start against arsenal despite scoring a hattrick in his previous game. balo is now fit but will RM start with two atackers in his next game (balo and ade as tev is not fit)....i dont think he will

I just wish RM would take a chane every now and again.....i know we had 10 men from the 5th min vs arsenal but the team that started was a negative midfield......we had 3 offensive minded players on the pitch in tev silva and AJ...the rest are more concerned and are naturally defensive or holding midfielders. For me, Milner isnt cutting it at all...he was brought in to add drive and creativity and isnt doing that at all.....he works tirelessly and runs all game but he adds very very little to the attacking side of our penetration, no running beyond defenders, very little goal threat, no pace and very little on the creative side.
and our attack is too lightweight with tev aj and silva....

basically the balance is still all wrong and thoughit works in some games it never looks comfortable and we are playing well below our capapbiltiy

and the additionof kolorov and boatang wont change this

Do you watch the games or just read the sun,s match reports?

I must have been really pissed on Sunday because i cannot remember seeing AJ playing
The additions of Kolarov and Boateng will give us width that we don't have at the moment. So while he can still play players like Barry, Toure and De Jong who are never gonna get down the wings, we will have our fullbacks bombing forward, while the three 'defensive' midfielders will mean we won't be caught short at the back on the counter if the fullbacks can't get back (like Richards doesn't now.)
In that 3 man midfield we really need an Alonso or Di Rossi type, I was hoping Barry was going to provide that sort of passing ability along with defensive strengths.

Up front I don't see an issue, from what I have seen of Balotelli (admittedly mainly youtube) it looks like Inter used him cutting in from the left hand side. Used like this he is on his strongest foot whilst cutting inside and leaves Silva and Johnson doing the same on the right.

Something like this for tough games


Subs Milner, Johnson, Ade/Tevez

or for easier games


Subs Milner, Ade/Tevez, NDJ/Barry
When he has got his fullbacks fit in boateng and kolarov , I presume he will scrap the wingers and get width from the fullbacks . He will stick with three in midfield and I think milner will occupy one of those roles and silva will be playing off of the front two which I think will be Tevez and Balotelli . But you scrap the wingers , you scrap one of our best attacking threats in Adam Johnson . If he was to play in the team he would play the role silva would play but with silva being david silva dn AJ being a natural winger , I just don't se him getting in the team.

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