Is Mancini adapting his Inter tactics? [Tactics talk]

Interesting interview with AVB about his philosophy and tactics....

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Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas's footballing philosophy

Ahead of his Premier League debut at Stoke, Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas reveals, in an exclusive interview, how he believes the game should be played and what he expects from his players at Stamford Bridge.

EXCLUSIVE: New Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas on his footballing tactics and philosophy
Forceful: Andre Villa-Boas is focused and determined ahead of his first game in the Premier

By Duncan White

11:00PM BST 13 Aug 2011

The career of Andre Villas-Boas was famously launched by an encounter with Sir Bobby Robson in the Porto apartment block they shared.

Encouraged by Robson, Villas-Boas would write out detailed scouting reports and leave them for the great man in his post box.

Robson started to invite him to Porto’s training and informal coaching clinics that included Jose Mourinho.

Two years ago Villas-Boas had his own encounter with precocity. On March 27 2009 he went to the Cafe Maiorca in his home town to be interviewed by Daniel Sousa, a 24-year-old student in the faculty of sport at the University of Porto.

“He interviewed me when I was at Inter, assisting Jose,”explained Villas-Boas. It was for his university thesis. When I got the club job with Academica back in Portugal I invited him to come and scout for me because from what I saw and heard during the interview it appeared to me that this boy could go all the way, in terms of scouting and in terms of management.” Sousa flourished.

He now does the job Villas-Boas did for Mourinho at Chelsea, working as the opposition scout. Sousa has prepared the dossier on Stoke City that Villas-Boas will have used in preparation for his first competitive game in charge of his new club.

This Cafe Maiorca interview is the most comprehensive expression of Villas-Boas’ football philosophy. In it Villas-Boas explains his theories about how the game should be played and gives a fascinating and detailed insight in what to expect from his Chelsea team.


Circulation: the retention of possession by passing from player to player without taking risks.

Vertical: Up and down the pitch, from goal to goal.

Horizontal: Across the pitch, from touchline to touchline.

Transition: When possession is regained, the opportunity to counter-attack.

Low block: A team that defends with two deep banks of defenders and midfielders. Mourinho’s succinct term for it was “parking the bus”.


AVB: There are more spaces in football than people think. Even if you play against a low block team, you immediately get half of the pitch.

And after that, in attacking midfield, you can provoke the opponent with the ball, provoke him to move forward or sideways and open up a space. But many players can’t understand the game.

They can’t think about or read the game. Things have become too easy for football players: high salaries, a good life, with a maximum of five hours work a day and so they can’t concentrate, can’t think about the game.

Barcelona’s players are completely the opposite. Their players are permanently thinking about the game, about their movement, about how to provoke their opponent with the position of the ball.

DS: Does a top team need to dominate possession to win a match?

AVB: Not necessarily, for a simple reason. In Portugal we have this idea of match control based on ball circulation.

That’s what we in Portugal want to achieve in our football: top teams that dominate by ball possession, that push the opponent back to their area.

If you go find the top English teams pre-Arsene Wenger they tell you how to control a match in the opposite way without much ball possession, direct football, searching for the second ball.

Maybe now, controlling possession is the reference point for a top team, but that happens because they have much more quality players than the other teams, so it would be wrong not to take advantage of those individual skills.

DS: One thing Louis Van Gaal says is that you can control a match offensively and defensively but you must keep in control defensively you can also determine where your opponent will play on the pitch.

AVB: Yes, I agree. In that sense, yes. But the idea we now have in Portugal of match control is about having more ball possession than the opponent.

DS: Exactly, but match control has to result in scoring chances. That’s the only way it makes sense. There are teams that have like 60 per cent ball possession and that results in nothing at all.

AVB: That’s it. Match control always has to have a purpose, a main goal.

DS: And in that concept of match control, are there any sectors of the team more important than others?

AVB: Well, that depends on the mechanisms you want to use defensively and offensively. Let me give you an example.

Top teams nowadays don’t look to vertical penetration from their midfielders because the coach prefers them to stand in position (horizontally) and then use the movement of the wingers as the main source to create chances.

So, you, as a coach, have to know exactly what kind of players you have and analyse the squad to decide how you want to organise your team offensively. And then, there are maybe some players more important than others.

For instance, many teams play with defensive pivots, small defensive midfielders.

And, except Andrea Pirlo and Xabi Alonso, and maybe Esteban Cambiasso and one or two more, they are players that are limited to the horizontal part of the game: they keep passing the ball from one side to another, left or right, without any kind of vertical penetration.

Can’t you use your defensive midfielder to introduce a surprise factor in the match? Let’s say, first he passes horizontally and then, suddenly, vertical penetration?


AVB: There has been an evolution in football language and football analysis since Mourinho started to coach. There’s a different way of looking at a match, a different way of doing technical analysis.

People have started to look beyond the formation, and started talking about the dynamics within the team and how they’re more important than the team’s formation.


DS: What’s the difference between playing with three or four midfielders?

AVB: Rafa Benitez created a 4-4-2 much more dynamic than the usual English 4-4-2. Because he introduced speed in ball possession, he gave it variation between vertical and horizontal passes.

The usual classic English 4-4-2 is more basic: a penetrating midfielder and another one that stays in position; a winger who moves inside and another one who stays wide; a full back who overlaps and another one who covers the defence.

If you talk about a 4-4-2 diamond, that’s totally different. You play with two pivotal midfielders, one defensive and one offensive, so it creates many more problems for your opponent.

Defensively, though, you take a great risk of ceding too much space because you are very central and you lack width. You have to create compensation mechanisms.

Me, I’m a 4-3-3 fan, not 4-4-2. I don’t see how a classic 4-4-2 could work in the Spanish league, where every team plays 4-3-3 and the superiority of the midfield has become crucial.

What Mourinho did with Chelsea with his 4-3-3 was something never seen before: a dynamic structure, aggressive, with aggressive transitions...and then there is Barca’s 4-3-3, which wouldn’t work in England, because of the higher risk of losing the ball.

If you have midfielders like Frank Lampard or Steven Gerrard you don’t want your forwards to come and play between lines, because Lampard and Gerrard have a large field of action and very often move in to those spaces.

Lampard was often irritated with Didier Drogba because Drogba wanted to receive the ball there but then, amazingly, his first touch was poor, so he lost the ball and we were exposed to a transition from the opponent.

So we had to limit Drogba from going there and ask him to play deeper.


DS: Is good ball circulation essential in the attacking organisation of a top team?

AVB: Well, it’s essential to every team. Every team want to score. That’s the purpose of the game. Barcelona play horizontally only after a vertical pass. See how the centre backs go out with ball, how they construct the play. They open up (moving wider), so that the right or left-back can join the midfield line.

Guardiola has talked about it: the centre backs provoke the opponent, invite them forward then, if the opponent applies quick pressure the ball goes to the other central defender, and this one makes a vertical pass.

Not to the midfielders, who have their back turned to the ball, but to those moving between lines, Andres Iniesta or Lionel Messi, or even directly to the striker.

Then they play the second ball with short lay-offs, either to the wingers who have cut inside or the midfielders, who now have the game in front of them.

They have an enormous capacity not to lose the ball, to do things with an unbelievable precision.

Another thing about Barcelona, there is always a full-back who arrives earlier in the attack, the other stays in position initially but then progressively joins the attack, as the ball circulates on the other side of the pitch, so he can be a surprise element. When you least expect he arrives. He chooses the perfect timing for the overlap.

DS: Louis Van Gaal says a vertical pass is not a risk, but a horizontal pass is because when you make a horizontal pass you are much more open, more exposed in case you lose the ball.

AVB: Yes, that’s right. And there are differences between a horizontal pass and a slightly diagonal pass.

Something that used to happen a lot in England, when teams played 4-4-2, was that the central midfielders exchanged the ball between them in parallel passes so what we did with Lampard, or Liverpool did with Gerrard, was to try to cut into that space between the two midfielders with fast movement from Lampard.

If they got the ball there, there were already two opponents eliminated in the attacking transition.


DS: How do you attack a team that plays with an ultra-low block?

AVB: Let’s see. Juventus play with an ultra-low block, they don’t put any pressure on you high up the field. Nowadays most teams don’t. It can limit you because they control the space behind them with perfect offside timing.

They limit your vertical passes as well because they are all grouped within 30 or 40 metres, completely closed in two lines of four plus the two forwards.

So you start constructing “short”, begin the attacking process with your centre-backs of full-backs carrying the ball forward to the midfield area but then you want to pass the ball to the midfielders and you don’t know how to do it, because there is an ultra-limited space, everything is completely closed.

DS: So what to do?

AVB: You have to provoke them with the ball, which is something most teams can’t do. I cannot understand it. It’s an essential factor in the game.

At this time of ultra-low defensive block teams, you will have to learn how to provoke them with the ball. It’s the ball they want, so you have to defy them using the ball as a carrot.

Louis Van Gaal’s idea is one of continuous circulation, one side to the other, until the moment that, when you change direction, an space opens up inside and you go through it.

So, he provokes the opponent with horizontal circulation of the ball, until the moment that the opponent will start to pressure out of despair. What I believe in is to challenge the rival by driving the ball into him.

That’s something Pep Guardiola believes is decisive. And that’s something that Henk ten Cate also took to Avram Grant’s Chelsea. He took it with him form Frank Rijkaard’s Barcelona. We did it differently at Chelsea under Mourinho.

Our attacking construction was different, with the ball going directly to the full-backs or midfielders. With Ten Cate, play was started with John Terry or Ricardo Carvalho, to invite the opponent’s pressure. Then you had one less opponent in the next step of construction.
Outrun said:
okstate99 said:
Is it time for an update.. or should just wait to see who we bring and how they change our formation and tactics?


Re-reading this thread, it's fun to see how many of us got the tactics right. It's also fun to see how many of us got some parts wrong. I see I myself claimed Silva was not at all playing a wide left winger role on page 14, while it has been appareny over the season that he has, even though with a free role. Reading the OP, I'm pleased to see how much De Jong's creativity has evolved over season.

I was going to update this thread anyway after yesterday's match, because it was fun to see Milner in his role. I felt like Milner and Yaya now shared the same role. Over the season, it has seemed like De Jong has been DM, Barry DM/CM and Yaya AM. Yesterday, we seemed to play with De Jong as DM and Milner and Yaya as two CM's. It was more along the path of how Mancini played at Inter:
Zanetti - Cambiasso - Vieira. Two CMs who can cross the ball and play passes, while a DM (Cambiasso/De Jong) in the middle who clean up in front of the defense. (Keep in mind that at Inter, Vieira was much more of a box-to-box midfielder to compared to his aging version here)

Will be interesting to see how Mancini aim when buying players this summer. Will he keep up with the same formation or go with something else?

In my world we seem to lack some things:
*A good left back, or the hope of Kolarov finding a pair of balls this summer.
*A good crossing winger (IF we keep Dzeko) who can compete for places. I'm happy with Silva but Johnson needs a competitor for his spot, SWP isn't good enough in my view. (I expect either Tevez or Balotelli leaving)
*A really creative CM. And by creative, I mean REALLY creative. Must be someone good, otherwise I'm happy to continue playing Yaya - De Jong - Milner, with Barry as back-up.

Anyone got some other suggestions or comments?

like this whole thread, but wanted to bump especially this post with the impending signing of Nasri.

" It was more along the path of how Mancini played at Inter:
Zanetti - Cambiasso - Vieira. Two CMs who can cross the ball and play passes, while a DM (Cambiasso/De Jong) in the middle who clean up in front of the defense."

will we have that now, Yaya and Nasri the two CMs, with De Jong of course the DM?
Yesterday looked like very very close to 442 with a midfield diamond.




Be interested to know if anyone agrees.
I thought it was a very rough 4-2-2-2 with Toure and Barry as the holding players. Attacking wise Silva was playing from the right but given the freedom to roam and Milner was playing from the left but also free to roam. I think when Nasri eventually comes he'll play from the left instead of Milner but him and Silva will just interchange and it'll make us even better going forward. Big Nige will probably comeback into one of the holding roles, more than likely instead of Gaz Baz. I think Mancini is showing more trust in Silva and Yaya this season and giving the players a bit more responsibility to decide when to run and when to stay back.

Richards - Kompany - Lescott - Clichy
------------De Jong - Yaya
------Silva ----------------Nasri
--------------Kun - Dzeko
BillyShears said:
Yesterday looked like very very close to 442 with a midfield diamond.




Be interested to know if anyone agrees.
I was watrching on the tele where you don't get such a good idea of shape and although I owuld agree that much of the time we played as a diamond particularly going forward I would say that Milner was more on the left and Barry and Yaya alternated as holding midfielder.
Here's the chalkboards from yesterday of our full backs showing just how essential they are to our attacking play down the flanks...


fatbloke said:
I thought it was a very rough 4-2-2-2 with Toure and Barry as the holding players. Attacking wise Silva was playing from the right but given the freedom to roam and Milner was playing from the left but also free to roam. I think when Nasri eventually comes he'll play from the left instead of Milner but him and Silva will just interchange and it'll make us even better going forward. Big Nige will probably comeback into one of the holding roles, more than likely instead of Gaz Baz. I think Mancini is showing more trust in Silva and Yaya this season and giving the players a bit more responsibility to decide when to run and when to stay back.

Richards - Kompany - Lescott - Clichy
------------De Jong - Yaya
------Silva ----------------Nasri
--------------Kun - Dzeko

I agree, twas 4-4-2 or 4-2-2-2. No Diamonds. Milner was on the left more than anywhere else and he was on the left more than anyone else.....the only one on the left at all in our own half... and off the ball... so.. he was playing on the left. Nice little vignette on MOTD showing how it worked, with Milner dragging the RB infield for Kolarov to move into the space. And they were right to say Yaya was pulling the strings, countless times he audibly and visibly organised his partners that they dragged players out of position, then passed to the man who moved into the newly created space. That man was Silva, 9/10.

Barry and Yaya did a good job of organising who was going and who was covering, but I would say the main reason it worked (apart from Bolton over committing men to win the ball back) was because they lacked any real threat from behind Davies. It was all geared up for the wide men. If they had anyone half decent working the space in front of the CB's, I doubt we'd play that way.

Come to think of it, Tottenham have VDV, don't they. Welcome back Nigel!
To me it looked much closer to a 442, no doubt.

However at Inter, Mancini played a 4312 (diamond-ish). Sometimes 442 as well.

Been saying it for a while we would move to something like that.

And yes, this is fairly accurate, but Silva's movement dictated often our shape, which of course makes sense:



1.618034 said:
Here's the chalkboards from yesterday of our full backs showing just how essential they are to our attacking play down the flanks...



Hahaha shows how much I know! I was just about to start a thread saying that at the moment Bobby is restraining the full-backs in comparison to last season to keep as solid a back-four as possible whilst the team adapts to its more attacking, fluid shape.
The thread was going to be a celebratory boast about how there is even more attacking options to come once Micah and Clichy/AK are unleashed like they were last year.
Then I saw the stats above...

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