Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

Cobwebcat said:
Freestyler said:
I agree Benitez would be radical, but Mourinho wouldn't make the same mistake 3 times like Roberto.

When Jose changes the game or his tactics/formation, he does it cause he know it will work. Not by panicking and putting players in positions they can't play.

-- Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:56 pm --

Cobwebcat said:
How did Kidd get on as a manager? How many points do you think we should have won last season? You're an idiot.

I'm an idiot, yeah really?

You're the idiot, grow up.

Give a shit what Kidd won as a manager, he convinced and put the belief back into Mancini we could win the league. Mancini's 'mind games' weren't mind games afterall, he just didn't believe we could win it.

Changing to a 3-5-2 open to counter attack when the opposition are under pressure, then conceding to a a counter attack goal 2 minutes later is some of the worst management i've ever seen.

Clichy didn't know what to do, infact he didn't know where to stand. That's when you know you fail tactically.

You clearly have no sense about football at all, you must love how our own manager has no self belief in his own players, what a guy he is.

Have a read. Have a think. You make Didsbury Dave look clever and he's been waiting years to moan about Mancini....we will never win the Premiership under him.

I'm not Didsbury Dave though am i.

We'll never get anywhere in Europe under Mancini, sacked at Inter for it, couldn't deliver. Hasn't learnt from last season, and getting worse in Europe this season.

The fact you still defend our performance and managers tactics from wednesday is staggering, its just desperate.
Ric said:
Freestyler said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
and when you consider it just becomes nonsense; Clichy cannot play as a CB his game and his physical attributes do not make him suited to this role, and he should n't end up playing RB either, he was exposed there against Sporting, surely that was enough for Mancini to realise to NEVER PLAY HIM THERE AGAIN. If he wants full backs that can switch to play CB he should of bought 1, Micah might work in that formation, the only snag is that he was n't with us during pre-season.

Tactical switches can work wonders; the key is preparation and application.

Mancini has shown himself to be lacking in these areas, Benitez appears much better in these areas, Mancini likes to pretend to be a tactical genius but he is n't, he proclaimed that there would be no more tactical evolution only improvement in physical conditioning. This is where he falls down for me, if you are not open to new ideas then you fail to spot them, even minor nuances can alter games and become solutions. Benitez shines out as a great candidate for his successor, if Mancini addresses his problems in Europe there is no need for the change but I have come to the realisation he never will.

The only obstacle to European success for Mancini is himself if he does n't realise this and address it then the club is left with little option but to sack him.

Watch this and tell me Benitez would n't make a good successor, he is even more media savvy than Mancini.

To be honest his tactics in the Premiership have always been suspect aswell as his substitutions.

I've always had the theory and opinion it was down to the player strength and not the management that won us the league.

The biggest one, Kidd convinced Mancini not to give up. He conceded the title, negative. What sort of example for the players does it set?

good manager, not as great as some think though.

That DD bloke's post was spot on, he said what i felt but i didn't know how to word it.

Mancini has cost us more points making big tactical changes, than actually winning and gaining points making good tactical changes. Even in the Prem he's done it, and this season he's done it.

I don't think it's fair to blame Mancini solely for our failures, and only credit the players for our successes. The buck ultimately lands with the manager, so Mancini should be lauded for the F.A. Cup and Premier League, but held accountable for the Champion's League failures. It'd be folly to get rid of him at this stage, but thankfully the owner and Khaldoon are unlikely to do so.

Great post.

Mancini has dropped plenty of bollocks but he's also shown fantastic ability & ultimately, it's won us both of the competitions we most wanted & could realistically expect to win at the time.

If the Champions League has so far proven a bit beyond him, who is to say he won't sort it, like he has the other two ?

All he needs to do is keep his head imo & it will come right. So far, his CL management has been below the level we require but he's proved he can do it at Prem level & has earned the chance to have a go at Europe, provided he doesn't lose it (mentally).
Freestyler said:
Cobwebcat said:
Freestyler said:
I agree Benitez would be radical, but Mourinho wouldn't make the same mistake 3 times like Roberto.

When Jose changes the game or his tactics/formation, he does it cause he know it will work. Not by panicking and putting players in positions they can't play.

-- Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:56 pm --

I'm an idiot, yeah really?

You're the idiot, grow up.

Give a shit what Kidd won as a manager, he convinced and put the belief back into Mancini we could win the league. Mancini's 'mind games' weren't mind games afterall, he just didn't believe we could win it.

Changing to a 3-5-2 open to counter attack when the opposition are under pressure, then conceding to a a counter attack goal 2 minutes later is some of the worst management i've ever seen.

Clichy didn't know what to do, infact he didn't know where to stand. That's when you know you fail tactically.

You clearly have no sense about football at all, you must love how our own manager has no self belief in his own players, what a guy he is.

Have a read. Have a think. You make Didsbury Dave look clever and he's been waiting years to moan about Mancini....we will never win the Premiership under him.

I'm not Didsbury Dave though am i.

We'll never get anywhere in Europe under Mancini, sacked at Inter for it, couldn't deliver. Hasn't learnt from last season, and getting worse in Europe this season.

The fact you still defend our performance and managers tactics from wednesday is staggering, its just desperate.

Tell me what you mean by "in Europe" are you talking about Norway or Malta?

Explain how Mancini isn't as clever as you tactically.

What did you make of the stats showing Mancini the third best manager in the history of the prem?

Would you have sacked Bacon last season for going out of the CL at the group stage and winning nothing? If not why?
Ric said:
Freestyler said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
and when you consider it just becomes nonsense; Clichy cannot play as a CB his game and his physical attributes do not make him suited to this role, and he should n't end up playing RB either, he was exposed there against Sporting, surely that was enough for Mancini to realise to NEVER PLAY HIM THERE AGAIN. If he wants full backs that can switch to play CB he should of bought 1, Micah might work in that formation, the only snag is that he was n't with us during pre-season.

Tactical switches can work wonders; the key is preparation and application.

Mancini has shown himself to be lacking in these areas, Benitez appears much better in these areas, Mancini likes to pretend to be a tactical genius but he is n't, he proclaimed that there would be no more tactical evolution only improvement in physical conditioning. This is where he falls down for me, if you are not open to new ideas then you fail to spot them, even minor nuances can alter games and become solutions. Benitez shines out as a great candidate for his successor, if Mancini addresses his problems in Europe there is no need for the change but I have come to the realisation he never will.

The only obstacle to European success for Mancini is himself if he does n't realise this and address it then the club is left with little option but to sack him.

Watch this and tell me Benitez would n't make a good successor, he is even more media savvy than Mancini.

To be honest his tactics in the Premiership have always been suspect aswell as his substitutions.

I've always had the theory and opinion it was down to the player strength and not the management that won us the league.

The biggest one, Kidd convinced Mancini not to give up. He conceded the title, negative. What sort of example for the players does it set?

good manager, not as great as some think though.

That DD bloke's post was spot on, he said what i felt but i didn't know how to word it.

Mancini has cost us more points making big tactical changes, than actually winning and gaining points making good tactical changes. Even in the Prem he's done it, and this season he's done it.

I don't think it's fair to blame Mancini solely for our failures, and only credit the players for our successes. The buck ultimately lands with the manager, so Mancini should be lauded for the F.A. Cup and Premier League, but held accountable for the Champion's League failures. It'd be folly to get rid of him at this stage, but thankfully the owner and Khaldoon are unlikely to do so.

I understand what you're saying.

His saving grace is the fact he can say he won the league.

I know at least 60% of city fans would have a different opinion on him if we hadn't of.

With the team we had, we should have won the league and competed.

In Europe we should be able to at least 'compete' at best, but we haven't once and were totally played off the pitch by a bunch of kids Wednesday.
Barcon said:
Rocket-footed kolarov said:
Freestyler said:
Don't agree with his comments today, he's on the verge of losing the dressing room.

So he says the players should be able to adjust, if they can't then they're no good enough? ermmmm he bought the players himself.

Truth is, he doesn't know what he's doing in Europe.

and when you consider it just becomes nonsense; Clichy cannot play as a CB his game and his physical attributes do not make him suited to this role, and he should n't end up playing RB either, he was exposed there against Sporting, surely that was enough for Mancini to realise to NEVER PLAY HIM THERE AGAIN. If he wants full backs that can switch to play CB he should of bought 1, Micah might work in that formation, the only snag is that he was n't with us during pre-season.

Tactical switches can work wonders; the key is preparation and application.

Mancini has shown himself to be lacking in these areas, Benitez appears much better in these areas, Mancini likes to pretend to be a tactical genius but he is n't, he proclaimed that there would be no more tactical evolution only improvement in physical conditioning. This is where he falls down for me, if you are not open to new ideas then you fail to spot them, even minor nuances can alter games and become solutions. Benitez shines out as a great candidate for his successor, if Mancini addresses his problems in Europe there is no need for the change but I have come to the realisation he never will.

The only obstacle to European success for Mancini is himself if he does n't realise this and address it then the club is left with little option but to sack him.

Watch this and tell me Benitez would n't make a good successor, he is even more media savvy than Mancini.

You'r making a fool of yourself, Benitez is fucking useless.

He has come closer to winning two champions leagues than Mancini has or will ever get to one, if Mancini gets the boot from us he will never have it as good again as he had with us and Inter bank rolled beyond most other Top managers year after year and yet it is not good enough he needs more.
It's no surprise a thread like this has come up. It was, after all, only 5 weeks into his tenure the first 'Mancini out' thread appeared on here!

At the start of the season, most City fans said retaining the league title was our priority, and personally, I haven't spoken to a single City fan who has said anything else.

The MEN today had a knee jerk about the quality of the Premier League, and this thread is no different.

Perhaps the poster was one of those lost souls that left the ground 5 minutes before time in the game against QPR. we wait 44 years for the title and then less than 6 months later sack the took fergie 13 years to win the Champs league.
Cobwebcat said:
Freestyler said:
Cobwebcat said:

Have a read. Have a think. You make Didsbury Dave look clever and he's been waiting years to moan about Mancini....we will never win the Premiership under him.

I'm not Didsbury Dave though am i.

We'll never get anywhere in Europe under Mancini, sacked at Inter for it, couldn't deliver. Hasn't learnt from last season, and getting worse in Europe this season.

The fact you still defend our performance and managers tactics from wednesday is staggering, its just desperate.

Tell me what you mean by "in Europe" are you talking about Norway or Malta?

Explain how Mancini isn't as clever as you tactically.

What did you make of the stats showing Mancini the third best manager in the history of the prem?

Would you have sacked Bacon last season for going out of the CL at the group stage and winning nothing? If not why?

Champions League.

Did i say i was more clever tactically? all i'm gonna say is after 10 minutes (and not just me) i identified the right wing problem at Ajax. Neville said it, everyone did. Mancini didn't, 20 minutes later an inevitable goal appears. Just one example of many...

Ferguson is proven in Europe, put his kids out different story. Never played his strongest side. 250mill of players get a lesson of a bunch of ajax lads. Dortmund once again, a team put together which wasn't the best. The manager churned them into a good football side, once again another team who played us off the pitch.

Mancini would need ALOT of money to make us a better team, he couldn't improve players much by his own standards or the team. But a hefty amount of cash would...

Dortmund are by far the perfect example.
Fowlers Penalty Miss said:
It's no surprise a thread like this has come up. It was, after all, only 5 weeks into his tenure the first 'Mancini out' thread appeared on here!

At the start of the season, most City fans said retaining the league title was our priority, and personally, I haven't spoken to a single City fan who has said anything else.

The MEN today had a knee jerk about the quality of the Premier League, and this thread is no different.

Perhaps the poster was one of those lost souls that left the ground 5 minutes before time in the game against QPR.

Spot on. People can't wait to moan. Notice that the people moaning about the Prem last year shut up when Chelsea won the CL?

This year we still have the third best record so far with 7/7 still involved but that doesn't make a nice story.
BLUEMATT23 said:
Mike D said:
After what can only be described as an humiliating night in champions league football for the club. The question I am now asking which I guessing is in back of a lot of peoples minds is this it for Macini? Is this as far as he can take us?

I think we all know why he was shown the door at Inter, and this competition has been his archilles heal? Personally I have been questioning where we go from here or a few weeks, and perhaps the coincidence that we have brought in an ex Barca honcho might be a clue for who we are looking at if the trigger is pulled.

But even if Mancini can bring us another premier league trophy this season is that gonna be enough, personally I don't think so. Right now barring a miracle of biblical proportions we are out of the champions league and that just is not good enough.

We win never ever ever win the Champions League with Mancini. He hasn't a clue i Europe. In my opinion he has taken us as far as he can.

If he insists play in 3-5-2, yes, of course!!!

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