Is nuclear war inevitable?

The main risk to civilisation with modern nukes is if the exchange went after cities rather than military targets / launch sites.

If they went after the military sites we’d be looking at something approaching a 1bn or so people. If they go after the cities it’s extinction event time for the human race as the uncontrolled fires will give us the nuclear winter that we feared in the 1970s/80s.

Given the west will adopt a first strike strategy this will almost certainly be against military sites. If the response back is against cities then the second west strike will go against cities and we’re doomed.

It’s fantastic how fucking primitive we are that wiping us out as a species is even a thing to talk about.
There is considerably less nuclear panic than there was in the 50's, saying that I believe that religious fundamentalism will be the cause of the big orange fireball at one point, nothing will stop that.

Probably and all in the name of an imaginary entity. Imagine how disappointed that person is going to be when they realise it’s bollocks.
Was watching a Brian Cox documentary last night and he reckons all civilisations self destruct eventually as resources etc run out. Even potential alien ones.

It's mental. A beautiful planet and we do nothing but fuck it all up one way or another.
There hasn't been a nuclear weapon detonated in anger for almost 80 years now, and I think it's very unlikely to happen anytime soon.
The concept of Mutually Assured Destruction still very much applied to all nuclear armed countries.
Imagine if North Korea launched a pre- emptive nuclear strike on a NATO country (for whatever reason), the response from NATO (particularly US Navy/Royal Navy submarines) would be devastating and would basically put N.Korea back into the 19th century.
Let's hope that it never gets anywhere near to that scenario.
Our subs would need to get in range first
Our subs would need to get in range first
6,500 miles ??
And nobody knows where in the world these subs are.
They could launch a Trident missile (with upto 16 warheads ) from the depths of the Pacific Ocean and easily be in range of North Korea.
And France,UK and USA all have nuclear missile armed subs in their fleets.
Was watching a Brian Cox documentary last night and he reckons all civilisations self destruct eventually as resources etc run out. Even potential alien ones.

It's mental. A beautiful planet and we do nothing but fuck it all up one way or another.

Part of the Fermi paradox that. It was one of the presented reasons why we’ve not met aliens.

It’s also why getting on another planet (and naturally fucking that up) is vital for the survival of our species.
Part of the Fermi paradox that. It was one of the presented reasons why we’ve not met aliens.

It’s also why getting on another planet (and naturally fucking that up) is vital for the survival of our species.

I suspect that considering the uniformity of the universe and the great order of things that there are countless other human races fucking their part of the universe up the same way we are.

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