Is nuclear war inevitable?

Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
I have thought would it be possible to have a race specific virus as im sure the only thing to stop some terrorist outfit is the fact that it would kill them too. I've always thought it would thankfully be impossible because i assume race skin colour means nothing at DNA level. Come on Damocles, is it bollocks or what. I would be more worried about some top brass at some cdc place whos wife has just left him to think "fuck it, i'm takin you all with me"

It's not really a realistic notion, no.

Race is a social thing and not particularly supported in genetics. There's no way to make a virus that would target one specific race and leave others untouched. This actually makes sense when you think about it; it's not like your ancestors DNA has just disappeared.
Cheer mate, i hope thats true as im sure tests into all kinds of things go on secretly. I once had a college teacher tell me that he knew for a fact that brains we're being kept alive independently of bodies in research facilities and he didn't seem the kind to chat shit. Scary thought.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
I keep thinking of sickle cell anemia which affects alot of people of African or medaterrian(sp) origin but im sure i've heard and i may be wrong but isn't it really that affects those who have built up immune systems to malaria or something and that white europeans still get it. Again this might be all bollocks but im sure i read that somewhere.

It's not to suggest that certain people aren't more or less immune than others to certain illnesses, just that specifically targeting something at that racial group isn't a realistic prospect.

Forget skin colour for a minute. It's pretty well known that Scandinavians generally have a larger immunity to HIV than others. Could you make a virus that targets Scandinavians specifically? Does this include Finnish people? What about people on the border of Finland and Russia? What about people from Greenland? Are the English Scandinavian in origin or aren't they?

It's a little like that chain of thought. There's no genetic classification of "English" even though we have a cultural one, the genes of an Englishman and a Scotsman don't differ enough across the populace to target anything at them even if we were to assume it was possible. Same goes for races.

Here's an image to sort of display the whole problem with the idea:


Can you make a virus that specifically attacks only purple letters?
Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
I keep thinking of sickle cell anemia which affects alot of people of African or medaterrian(sp) origin but im sure i've heard and i may be wrong but isn't it really that affects those who have built up immune systems to malaria or something and that white europeans still get it. Again this might be all bollocks but im sure i read that somewhere.

It's not to suggest that certain people aren't more or less immune than others to certain illnesses, just that specifically targeting something at that racial group isn't a realistic prospect.

Forget skin colour for a minute. It's pretty well known that Scandinavians generally have a larger immunity to HIV than others. Could you make a virus that targets Scandinavians specifically? Does this include Finnish people? What about people on the border of Finland and Russia? What about people from Greenland? Are the English Scandinavian in origin or aren't they?

It's a little like that chain of thought. There's no genetic classification of "English" even though we have a cultural one, the genes of an Englishman and a Scotsman don't differ enough across the populace to target anything at them even if we were to assume it was possible. Same goes for races.

Here's an image to sort of display the whole problem with the idea:


Can you make a virus that specifically attacks only purple letters?
Although i don't know enough about the subject like you that was what i thought in my first post on the subject, that the differences are too subtle.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Although i don't know enough about the subject like you that was what i thought in my first post on the subject, that the differences are too subtle.

Pretty much. Genetics is one of those insanely interesting topics that I always want to know more about; it carries the awe of astrophysics but there doesn't seem to be too much popular science programs in that direction. There's a free MIT course on it and if you like torrenting e-books then Human Evolutionary Genetics by Jobling is an amazing book that isn't TOO heavy (though bring a dictionary).
Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Although i don't know enough about the subject like you that was what i thought in my first post on the subject, that the differences are too subtle.

Pretty much. Genetics is one of those insanely interesting topics that I always want to know more about; it carries the awe of astrophysics but there doesn't seem to be too much popular science programs in that direction. There's a free MIT course on it and if you like torrenting e-books then Human Evolutionary Genetics by Jobling is an amazing book that isn't TOO heavy (though bring a dictionary).
Just had a read and watched the 1st video on that, interesting stuff. I'm currently trying to learn spanish(verb conjugations driving me mad) but will get back to that at some point. knowledge really is the bomb. I wasted my school days but its great the stuff thats available these days.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Although i don't know enough about the subject like you that was what i thought in my first post on the subject, that the differences are too subtle.

Pretty much. Genetics is one of those insanely interesting topics that I always want to know more about; it carries the awe of astrophysics but there doesn't seem to be too much popular science programs in that direction. There's a free MIT course on it and if you like torrenting e-books then Human Evolutionary Genetics by Jobling is an amazing book that isn't TOO heavy (though bring a dictionary).
Just had a read and watched the 1st video on that, interesting stuff. I'm currently trying to learn spanish(verb conjugations driving me mad) but will get back to that at some point. knowledge really is the bomb. I wasted my school days but its great the stuff thats available these days.

I learnt a little Italian using Duolingo and thought that it was great. Not keen on Rosetta Stone and the like of.

If we're talking learning resources then Khan Academy is probably the best site on the internet for the subjects that it covers. Maths and all of the sciences are covered in excellent detail from nursery level to degree level, and it is extremely visual and gamified. They use a sort of RPG/progression model akin to FarmVille or the like to encourage further study and use a variety of teaching styles as a form of engagement. I used it when I wanted to learn more on Anatomy and Physiology and my missus used it almost entirely to study for her GCSE Maths course at the Adult Education Centre, both with happy results. In fact I probably couldn't recommend a single education based site more than I do Khan Academy for those who are looking for a bit of education at their own pace and interest.
Can’t see it myself but the world is certainly volatile at the moment, a few unstable countries seem to like talking about it, hope it’s just that.

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