Is nuclear war inevitable?

Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said: said:
I hope you realize that this is a witnessed verbal contract that we made hold you to.
You do know that he probably knows about the law regarding verbal contracts.

I know that a verbal contract isn't written down, which I presume counts as somehow proclaiming myself Johnny Cochran

You certainly ain't no Johnny Cochran that's for sure an Oral contract isn't written down however

a verbal contract is one that is agreed to using words, either written or spoken, as opposed to an implied contract
Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said: said:
I hope you realize that this is a witnessed verbal contract that we made hold you to.
You do know that he probably knows about the law regarding verbal contracts.

I know that a verbal contract isn't written down, which I presume counts as somehow proclaiming myself Johnny Cochran
I knew that too. Its only abit of whimsy pal. Now can you please answer the question in my previous post, i genuinely want to know.
everythingchangesbutblue said:
Damocles said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
You do know that he probably knows about the law regarding verbal contracts.

I know that a verbal contract isn't written down, which I presume counts as somehow proclaiming myself Johnny Cochran
I knew that too. Its only abit of whimsy pal. Now can you please answer the question in my previous post, i genuinely want to know.

that is not strictly true
everythingchangesbutblue said: said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
I would'nt worry about nuclear bombs, its the bio engineered virus' that some madman may release thats the bigger threat imo(and by madman i don't mean a world leader).

A friend of mine is writing a novel on this where a religious zealot develops a race specific virus and then threatens to release it in England.

He says the research has been amazing and it isn't that far fetched a subject.
I have thought would it be possible to have a race specific virus as im sure the only thing to stop some terrorist outfit is the fact that it would kill them too. I've always thought it would thankfully be impossible because i assume race skin colour means nothing at DNA level. Come on Damocles, is it bollocks or what. I would be more worried about some top brass at some cdc place whos wife has just left him to think "fuck it, i'm takin you all with me"

Surely Race is defined in a persons Genes and I am sure it may be possible to engineer a virus that attacks specific genes and by definition specific races however once released mutations may be problematic, I am not saying that we have the technology to do this now but I believe it may be nearer than we think. said:
everythingchangesbutblue said: said:
A friend of mine is writing a novel on this where a religious zealot develops a race specific virus and then threatens to release it in England.

He says the research has been amazing and it isn't that far fetched a subject.
I have thought would it be possible to have a race specific virus as im sure the only thing to stop some terrorist outfit is the fact that it would kill them too. I've always thought it would thankfully be impossible because i assume race skin colour means nothing at DNA level. Come on Damocles, is it bollocks or what. I would be more worried about some top brass at some cdc place whos wife has just left him to think "fuck it, i'm takin you all with me"

Surely Race is defined in a persons Genes and I am sure it may be possible to engineer a virus that attacks specific genes and by definition specific races however once released mutations may be problematic, I am not saying that we have the technology to do this now but I believe it may be nearer than we think.
Maybe, i don't know as i don't have any real knowledge of the subject but i'm thinking if its skin colour alone is that really a gene thing or is it temporay like changes in rock doves when they are bred for shows. If it is possible to target genes that cause skin colour theen that is truly frightening.
If we get these 2 in May I'd say its odds on

everythingchangesbutblue said: said:
everythingchangesbutblue said:
I have thought would it be possible to have a race specific virus as im sure the only thing to stop some terrorist outfit is the fact that it would kill them too. I've always thought it would thankfully be impossible because i assume race skin colour means nothing at DNA level. Come on Damocles, is it bollocks or what. I would be more worried about some top brass at some cdc place whos wife has just left him to think "fuck it, i'm takin you all with me"

Surely Race is defined in a persons Genes and I am sure it may be possible to engineer a virus that attacks specific genes and by definition specific races however once released mutations may be problematic, I am not saying that we have the technology to do this now but I believe it may be nearer than we think.

Maybe, i don't know as i don't have any real knowledge of the subject but i'm thinking if its skin colour alone is that really a gene thing or is it temporay like changes in rock doves when they are bred for shows. If it is possible to target genes that cause skin colour theen that is truly frightening.

Race is defined by more than skin colour and certain traits are only in certain races I don't think it would be easy, it is a bit like the fact that certain races are much more prone to certain diseases that must be down to genetics
everythingchangesbutblue said:
I have thought would it be possible to have a race specific virus as im sure the only thing to stop some terrorist outfit is the fact that it would kill them too. I've always thought it would thankfully be impossible because i assume race skin colour means nothing at DNA level. Come on Damocles, is it bollocks or what. I would be more worried about some top brass at some cdc place whos wife has just left him to think "fuck it, i'm takin you all with me"

It's not really a realistic notion, no.

Race is a social thing and not particularly supported in genetics. There's no way to make a virus that would target one specific race and leave others untouched. This actually makes sense when you think about it; it's not like your ancestors DNA has just disappeared.
I keep thinking of sickle cell anemia which affects alot of people of African or medaterrian(sp) origin but im sure i've heard and i may be wrong but isn't it really that affects those who have built up immune systems to malaria or something and that white europeans still get it. Again this might be all bollocks but im sure i read that somewhere.

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