Is there a red shirt cartel or are we just deluded?

I don’t see it as a cartel as such, as they compete with each other, but certain things bring them to act in common. The runaway success of City being the big one, fear of others such as Newcastle following City terrifies them, and so they manipulate the structure of the game to protect their “historical” privilege and stop “interlopers” spoiling their party. Growing US ownership wants to de-risk their investment and protect their profit stream going forward. Liverpool’s owner wanting games played in the USA is a shockingly awful vision, but he largely got a free pass in the media. Imagine the shitstorm if the Sheikh ever made a similar suggestion.

Because of the sheer size of their current fan base (given the media business model in the click bait age) media and sports journalists unite around them to blow smoke up their collective arses and yet attack City without mercy at every opportunity.

It’s a perfect storm. But no storms last forever.
So pleased City are at last challenging them legally.
It’s a cartel as far as regulation and business matters are concerned. They only compete on the football side.
Who gives a flying fuck? I don't, sick of hearing about it, relegate us, it won't bother me, I'll get my club back and that's a definite plus.
You have your club, what you on about?
If you hanker for yo-yoing and having the bitter taste of defeat in your mouth regularly, then go support Burnley.
I don't want that club back, thanks. MY club wins stuff now, and plays the beautifulist of football.
Was just thinking today we haven't had a everyone hates us and is plotting our downfall thread for at least 5 minutes.
Anyone who thinks the last 15 years of premier leagues emails not providing a clear pattern of corruption underestimates our legal team. There is unlikely to be an email that says something on its own but when investigating in chronological order against rule changes & charges with clear advice contrary to independent thought or for the good of the game with Cartel representatives.

The Post Office legal team have just been slaughtered for days as their emails clearly show clear & organised corrupt behaviour & yet no single email on its own looks an issue.

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