Is this wrong or right??

Who says a day out travelling to London and watching a football match surrounded by adults won't teach him more than he would learn if he went to school?

Kids in my class take days off for taking part in competitions, weddings etc and they will learn more in that day than they would in a week of school. I welcome them taking the day off to learn from new experiences - not too much though!
unsworthblue said:
themadinventor said:
unsworthblue said:
no Mr madman,deep down in my heart i know its right that he should come,i only asked the question to create an internet football forum type discussion on 'taking 15 year olds out of school on educational field trips'.

No need to resort to name calling, just because we don't agree, i thought you wanted to set up a "forum type discussion", different opinions etc, if not just call it "I'm keeping my lad off school to go to the match, like it or not".
'name calling' haha,he's not my lad by the way,its my nephew i'm talking about,if it was a regular occurance then i would say its wrong as education for children is very,very important but its just one day,he's a belting lad who isn't a scrote and has good values

Fair do's, I'm sure he will love it.
Let him go worked with some people who have never been past Barton bridge, he will never forget it, what happens when he's sick. Hope we win
unsworthblue said:
dctid said:
unsworthblue said:
our kids driving to Arsenal for the match next week with me and him in the car but now he has said he's taking his 15 year old lad out of school for the day and he's coming with us.I personally don't see anything wrong with taking him out for just one day,the experience and education of travelling to London with me will be better for him than spending one day in school,in this world life experience comes up there with academic qualifications,too many people have degrees coming out of their arse's but haven't got a clue what goes on in the real world,thoughts please!

i would happily take my kids out of school to go travelling with me and meeting and talking to different people,from different countries and parts of the world,different outlooks on life,different colours,different religions! let the children see the world is a big place made up of 'different' things,one day out of school won't harm him too much,we all want whats best for our children surely.

Spot on. Every day is a day in school.

I would have loved to pull this off when I was a kid...but no way would my dad / parents have allowed it.

(I even missed the first half of the 1981 FA Cup final because of a school commitment - playing cricket for the 2nd team !!)

Scientific research shows that the best single indicator of a kid's future prospects in life is the ability to "delay" instant pleasure/gratification for the promise of more in the future.
i.e. you can have one lollipop now or wait five mins...and take away two lollipops.
Kids that show the discipline (common sense) to wait for their reward are demonstrating a recognition that "current" investment in something they may not like (being at school / studying / waiting for a treat) is ultimately more rewarding than taking the "easy" option (nicking a day off school to watch a footie game).

Watching football matches is a treat for kids (paid for by their parents)...but is not something they should feel entitled to...until they have left school and can pay their own way.
100% right. Unless its during his exams then he can catch up. He can always bring a book, he'd get through Tess of the Durbeyvilles on that journey to London. Visit the natural history museum or the museum of science & industry (both free) and he'll be reet. Tell him you'll only take him if he learns 10 facts about London!

Enjoy the game. The face that you're worrying about it shows he's got good parents. P
skiving should be taught from as young an age as possible.

don't listen to the do-gooders... let him go!

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