Is this wrong or right??

If his attendance record is very good-one day will make no difference if he is committed to working hard to catch up on the day he misses. My son is 21 and daughter is 19, they were hardly ever off school, but I remember asking school if they could miss one day as my nephew got married in Edinburgh. They missed the day's schooling and caught it up no problem.
One day lost when he could have been copying words from an out of date text book and sharing a classroom with a teacher who would rather be anywhere else.
unsworthblue said:
dctid said:
unsworthblue said:
our kids driving to Arsenal for the match next week with me and him in the car but now he has said he's taking his 15 year old lad out of school for the day and he's coming with us.I personally don't see anything wrong with taking him out for just one day,the experience and education of travelling to London with me will be better for him than spending one day in school,in this world life experience comes up there with academic qualifications,too many people have degrees coming out of their arse's but haven't got a clue what goes on in the real world,thoughts please!

dont beat your self up about it - the same teachers whom castigate parents for taking their children out of school or on holiday in term time are the same fookin teachers that will and have gone on stike in the not too distant past - double fookin standards do what right for you because that what teachers have been doing for may many years
i would happily take my kids out of school to go travelling with me and meeting and talking to different people,from different countries and parts of the world,different outlooks on life,different colours,different religions! let the children see the world is a big place made up of 'different' things,one day out of school won't harm him too much,we all want whats best for our children surely.

Always find it strange that the Ski ing trips and Alton Towers day trips or similar that are run by most secondary schools which are very often in terms time are not seen as an issue whilst a parent taking their child out of school in term time make you the spawn of the devil

Fook em - anyway leagally they cant touch you for upto 5 days unauthorised absences in a school year
Right imo. The social have people to fill in your claim forms for you these days so what does it matter if he misses out on his free education provide at the taxpayers expense ;-)
Take him. I'm a teacher and I'm on strike on Wednesday. But I'm going to the game. Why shouldnt he? I'm not going to be hypocritical about it.
Of course it's ok. Life is about learning in many different ways and he'll enjoy it.
Wrong. What exactly will he be learning by going to the emirates for a day? How to jib into modern stadia? How to have a fag at half time without getting caught?

But if its a one off it wont hurt, especially with teachers striking; they cant really argue against you doing this if they are refusing to do their job
marco said:
Cheesy said:
marco said:
all this bullshit you cant take your kids out, it never did me any harm or my lad who has done the florida trip over 10 times he's left school now and has a great job, brainwashed jobsworths telling the parents whats best, fuk off and live your own life and let us get on with ours

I think it did do you harm. Your punctuation and grammar are terrible.

are you on the right forum matey this is football if you want to be a snob go elswhere

So are you saying a snob cant follow football or join a football forum and give his opinions, even if they do differ from your's ??

Edited to answer the O.P.
I think deep down you know he should be in school, otherwise you wouldn't have felt the need to ask the question in the first place.
Worked at a youth centre in the early 90's in Flixton and a couple of the lads there went to St Bede's and every kid was given a letter saying they were not allowed to take time off to go to watch the rags in the ECWC final in Rotterdam 1991.
Three kids from the club went and were suspended for a few days afterwards!!
So they missed one day and as a result were made to miss a few more days! Didnt make sense!

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