
He's been an absolutely brilliant signing. Plenty of assists, works his balls off, gives us a different kind of dimension & didn't cost very much. I don't know what's the matter with some people.

He ties hard i'll give him that, don't know if i'd says he's been a brilliant signing, but the price wasn't massive so...
As far as Navas is concerned you gets what you pays for . £14M was a decent fee and for that hes given value, but hasn't exceeded it. A good player but not a top class one.

If you are wanting to be competing at the business end of the Champions League you don't do it with Navas starting for you. Good worker, can destroy bad full-backs but never gives the runaround to a class one. Ive never seen a winger better at hitting a full-backs shins
He's been an absolutely brilliant signing. Plenty of assists, works his balls off, gives us a different kind of dimension & didn't cost very much. I don't know what's the matter with some people.
Hardest working player since Dickov, and quicker and much more skilful. Only thing lacking is his finishing, but I agree he's been quality.

Gets a bit of criticism for his crosses, but notably no one was criticising that when Negredo was on the end of his crosses. They were a great partnership.
Yep, I was too harsh and wrong with a "rentboy", my fault. But he was only good sometimes. And it was mostly last season when we were more succesful in scoring goals and we had a style of play that actually worked. This season the team wasn't so good, there were less runs in the box, but he kept crossing and crossing and crossing and crossing and doing almostly nothing useful or sharpening. 99% of his crosses fly away to the sideline, are catched by a keeper or cleared by the deffence with us losing the ball, and they aren't even dangerous for the defending side.
As far as Navas is concerned you gets what you pays for
Side topic, but can anyone explain this phenomenon of sometimes adding an 's' for no reason? "You pays your money you makes your choice". "You gets what you pays for". I've always wondered where this came from. It doesn't make any sense!
Out of everyone we have been linked with, i would chose Isco above Pogba, De Bruyne, Sterling etc....
I think he would be great for us.
Me too, I've seen more of him than Pogba and De Bruyne, he is our 'must have' signing in my opinion. Isco and Silva feeding Aguero would be great to watch.

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