
Stirling1978 said:
Isco's Disco-biscuits said:
I am completely in the Dzeko out bandwagon. However if it transpires that we can not get rid of him, then I think if Pelle comes in and orders him to stay around the box and not get involved in any of our build ups, he may actually end up scoring a fair amount of goals. Dzeko always seems to be seagulling out on the wing trying to get involved in moves which he has no business doing giving his weaknesses. If this was eradicated from his game and he just mooched around the right areas he may be a success.
It always annoys me when Dzeko is out on the wing leaving no-one in the box.

I always say he should just stay in line with the 2 goals, as far forward as he needs to be.

Exactly, and if we are playing with only one up front then we should have more than enough playmakers to provide opportunities for him. As long as he is in the right funking position!
Stirling1978 said:
Isco's Disco-biscuits said:
I am completely in the Dzeko out bandwagon. However if it transpires that we can not get rid of him, then I think if Pelle comes in and orders him to stay around the box and not get involved in any of our build ups, he may actually end up scoring a fair amount of goals. Dzeko always seems to be seagulling out on the wing trying to get involved in moves which he has no business doing giving his weaknesses. If this was eradicated from his game and he just mooched around the right areas he may be a success.
It always annoys me when Dzeko is out on the wing leaving no-one in the box.

I always say he should just stay in line with the 2 goals, as far forward as he needs to be.

I go sick when this happens, and knowone around understands he is the target man yet refuses to get in the box

Málaga midfielder Francisco Román Alarcón, aka Isco, is in no doubt that his blistering form for the Spain under-21s stems in part from the creative freedom he enjoys within the system. He is keen to play a similar role at his next club.

The subject of interest from Real Madrid and Manchester City, Isco will go wherever he feels he will have the best opportunity to develop on the pitch. "My priority is to keep playing and enjoying my football", he told journalists ahead of the European Under-21 Championship final.

One of the players of the tournament, the Málaga playmaker has managed to keep his feet on the ground and his mind firmly on 'La Rojita', despite the rumours surrounding his future.

Part of the reason why Isco has flourished in Israel has been the fact that the team plays to his strengths. He feels at home within the national team set-up and believes that the team's possession-based ethos should remain the blueprint for Spanish football for the time being. "This style suits both myself and the current generation of players in the country down to the ground", he explained.

The local press in Israel have fallen head over heels for Spain and in particular Isco, following some magical performances. Newspaper 'Yediot Aharanot' has dubbed the midfield starlet a "natural-born dribbler", while 'Haaretz' dedicated virtually its entire preview of the final to the Málaga playmaker, whom it singled out as the jewel in the 'La Rojita' crown.

He always states this line in every interview of his.
Anyone else watching u21 Final and notice the presenter say Isco has two choices "Ma... Real Madrid or Manchester City" ?


Someone's interrupted in his ear "hang on, we're all rags here remember, say them last"
There will be less pressure if he signs for City that is for sure. Our only problem is that we are not at Real Madrid's level just yet.
Ray78 said:
There will be less pressure if he signs for City that is for sure. Our only problem is that we are not at Real Madrid's level just yet.

with isco, our other signings (those made and to come) and pellegrini, we will be
andrewmswift said:
Ray78 said:
There will be less pressure if he signs for City that is for sure. Our only problem is that we are not at Real Madrid's level just yet.

with isco, our other signings (those made and to come) and pellegrini, we will be

We were within a hairsbreadth of beating Madrid at their place and we didnt do to bad against them at ours!! And they got stuffed in the semi!!

Dont think we are that far behind them to be honest!
I think we will get him, only problem is I have a slight feeling that he might see joining a City team managed by Pellegrini as not testing himself and as the easy option, persuading him to challenge himself at Madrid. Just a thought, desperate for him to join us though, he is a special player.

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