Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

I’ve not said that it is.

What I will say though is that Christianity has been forced to reform and can no longer get away with throwing gay people off buildings or executing them. Islam should try that next.

As soon as there are no groups running around imprisoning or killing gay people then I’ll agree that that they are as bad as each other. In the mean time, one is miles ahead.

Can you point out at which point the Bible was edited to grant homosexuals equal rights? Christian doctrine hasn’t changed. What has changed is the behaviour and views of many of its followers, though you’ll still find many Christians that believe homosexuals should be put to death. So the issue is with the people and not so much a problem of the religion.
So I take it that you hold equally disparaging views of Christians because of the behaviour and beliefs of some fundamentalist Christians? The same also of Jews. And of Buddhists. And of atheists.
I've never heard a Christian make those remarks in my presence. If I ever hear someone make a homophobic remark, I ask them if they're religious. None have ever claimed to be of any religion at all so it's just that they are dickheads.

I've heard the word 'gandu' many times.
Oh go on. There been many suicide bombings, planes flown into buildings, gays thrown off buildings or similar recently in the name of... oh that’s right. Not in the name of anything.

Care to run a tally of all the various different beliefs (or lack thereof).

Are you saying that atheists do no evil? That no atheists hold antisemitic or racist views?

Show me in the Quran where it commands its followers to throw gay people from buildings.
Can you point out at which point the Bible was edited to grant homosexuals equal rights? Christian doctrine hasn’t changed. What has changed is the behaviour and views of many of its followers, though you’ll still find many Christians that believe homosexuals should be put to death. So the issue is with the people and not so much a problem of the religion.
No the issue is the religion and the outdated books to which the thick adherents cling to. Without such Stone Age thinking then the gullible masses would not have the excuse to hide behind.

You should soon realise that every whataboutism regarding Christianity just proves my point. Any person that wants to dictate who any other human should be able to fall in love with based on a book written 2,000 years ago can go and fuck themselves.
I've never heard a Christian make those remarks in my presence. If I ever hear someone make a homophobic remark, I ask them if they're religious. None have ever claimed to be of any religion at all so it's just that they are dickheads.

I've heard the word 'gandu' many times.

I went to University with some South Korean Catholics who were openly homophobic and racist. It didn’t cause me to believe that Catholicism is overly homophobic or racist.
No the issue is the religion and the outdated books to which the thick adherents cling to. Without such Stone Age thinking then the gullible masses would not have the excuse to hide behind.

You should soon realise that every whataboutism regarding Christianity just proves my point. Any person that wants to dictate who any other human should be able to fall in love with based on a book written 2,000 years ago can go and fuck themselves.

You didn’t address my point. You claim that Islam (the religion) has a greater problem with homosexuality than Christianity. So now you must prove this to be the case by quoting the single document that establishes the beliefs and commandments of the religion. If you cannot do than then you cannot claim that Islam is more homophobic than Christianity.

I never said that amongst Muslim populations in general there does not exist homophobic views. I would agree that there does. But these views are guided more by culture than religion.
Are you saying that atheists do no evil? That no atheists hold antisemitic or racist views?

Show me in the Quran where it commands its followers to throw gay people from buildings.

Christ, as strawmen go, that’s a weak one. No. I’m not saying all atheists do no evil.

I’m saying that atheism isn’t used as beacon to excuse or give virtue to evil acts.

The cunts following A.Q and I.S genuinely believe that what they are doing is virtuous. They believe that when they achieve martyrdom then paradise and a boat load of virgins await. They believe that their religion tells them that jihad is the most holy quest they can undertake.

As for the reason why IS throw gay men off buildings:

“There are several places in the Quran where the story of Sodom is repeated, with emphasis placed on the destruction of the town for homosexual lewdness. Also, according to Serge Trifkovic: Mohammed’s first successor Abu Bakr reportedly had a homosexual burned at the stake. The fourth caliph, Mohammed’s son-in-law Ali, ordered a sodomite thrown from the minaret of a mosque. Others he ordered to be stoned. One of the earliest and most authoritative commentators on the Koran, Ibn ‘Abbas (died 687) blended both approaches into a two-step execution in which “the sodomite should be thrown from the highest building in the town and then stoned.”
Man alive, Google must be getting hammered with searches for '''lslam v homosexuality" and "Christians v homosexuality".

Gonna give it a go myself to see what comes up.
You claim that Islam (the religion) has a greater problem with homosexuality than Christianity.
Fucking quote me then because you’ve decided to make that up.

What I said was;

“What I will say though is that Christianity has been forced to reform and can no longer get away with throwing gay people off buildings or executing them. Islam should try that next.

As soon as there are no groups running around imprisoning or killing gay people then I’ll agree that that they are as bad as each other. In the mean time, one is miles ahead. Islam needs a reformation, you’re quite right. What it is doing instead is lurching to the right thanks to our Wahhabi friends in Saudi. ”

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