Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

See them as, think they look like. Same same.

And your support of Gove when his wife came out and said racist comments of muslim women was "clever and funny"

And you want her husband leading the country?

Certainly not except for the fact that a brief tilt at the top job by Boris and his like would finish their party - they wouldn't need to achieve power just run for it..
Yes, it does matter because its a descriptive, you could say if they were carrying a sink plunger it would look like a darlek and be telling a truth to a lot of people that are not "Racist" but find it funny, your putting your interpretation on its meaning and how others perceive it.

His job as a journalist is to entertain his readers, he mocks many things including himself at times, if it were any other weirdo cult not a word would be said, what causes discrimination is actions and this section of society has brought a lot on its self, why is it a special case that can not be mocked ?.
There isn't a section of society walking about with sink plungers looking like darleks though is there? This was a targeted attack on people who look different in order to gain support. Unless you've been on the receiving end of abuse for looking/ dressing different or just because your skin is a different colour it's easy to justify boris's comments. He's not a journalist he's an opportunist nut case hoping to appeal to the lowest common denominator in order to gain support. He knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote that article
There isn't a section of society walking about with sink plungers looking like darleks though is there? This was a targeted attack on people who look different in order to gain support. Unless you've been on the receiving end of abuse for looking/ dressing different or just because your skin is a different colour it's easy to justify boris's comments. He's not a journalist he's an opportunist nut case hoping to appeal to the lowest common denominator in order to gain support. He knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote that article

No, but there is one walking about looking like postboxes, since when has anything that looks different in British society not been commented on ?, and how does a descriptive become an "Attack" when its pointing out the bleeding obvious.
You obviously do not believe in equality because you want to apply different standards dependant on your views, care to name anyone who has not had abuse for being Ginger, tall, fat, spotty, short, soft, thick, thin, where they are from, how they dress, their accent, the f*cking glasses they wear, how about for political leanings, the team they support or the job they do.

He did not comment on their race (Because they are not a race), he did not incite violence towards anyone, at worst he caused offence to some, and they are free in this country to be as offended as they want, just as you are to decide his motives.
He commented to turn a subject into an object. Its easier to hate an object.

So how many objects are on your hate list ?, unless I have stubbed my toe I find people far more deserving of dislike, but reading hatred into a descriptive quip is a stretch for anyone less than a full blown SJW, not everything is an attack or a plot for world domination, sometimes its just say what you see.
So how many objects are on your hate list ?, unless I have stubbed my toe I find people far more deserving of dislike, but reading hatred into a descriptive quip is a stretch for anyone less than a full blown SJW, not everything is an attack or a plot for world domination, sometimes its just say what you see.

I honestly dont know what to say to you. Not because i have ran out but because it is completely pointless
So is seeing everything as an attack on minorities, that mentality has seen the branding of Enid Blyton and Laura Ingalls Wilder ( writer of little house on the prairie ) for f*ck sake, the conservative party is not the extreme right or anywhere close an neither is Borris.
Boris Johnson makes his letter box and bank robber comments on the veil and refers to the suicide vest in the Mayday Brexit proposals.

Inflammatory words - unnecessarily so. Thing is - does this show Boris is Islamophobic or does he recognise a latent Islamophobic element in its number and is he seeking to exploit it with the dog whistle wording?

or is it perhaps an element of both?

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