Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

Or how about he just thinks someone walking around in that get up looks like a post box or a bank robber and said so, he may well have known it would set the PC brigade off but so what, in all the fuss its been skipped over that he was defending the freedom to wear that kind of outfit no matter how ridiculous in spite of the security concerns it could carry.
I don’t accept the term Islamophobia. It’s used to deflect criticism of the tenets of Islam, which need to be criticised.

Having a go at Muslim people just because they are Muslim is a different story.

It’s racism.
I don’t accept the term Islamophobia. It’s used to deflect criticism of the tenets of Islam, which need to be criticised.

Having a go at Muslim people just because they are Muslim is a different story.

It’s racism.

Muslims are not a race, it is a religious ideology so a fear or hatred would normally be classed either as anti or phobia

For example anti-catholicism is a negative and hostile opinion of catholics

However christionphobia is a fear, dislike or hatred of christians.

How islamaphobia is used by some is as it is with most things and will be used either to deflect or be genuine.

If what you mean is South Asians and Arabs are normally targetted as presumed to be muslim, then yes that is racism.
Boris Johnson makes his letter box and bank robber comments on the veil and refers to the suicide vest in the Mayday Brexit proposals.

Inflammatory words - unnecessarily so. Thing is - does this show Boris is Islamophobic or does he recognise a latent Islamophobic element in its number and is he seeking to exploit it with the dog whistle wording?

or is it perhaps an element of both?
I’m not an Islamophobe as you know but I don’t like the full face veil or the “letter box” in much the same way I don’t enjoy interacting with people wearing balaclavas or motorcycle helmets.
Muslims are not a race, it is a religious ideology so a fear or hatred would normally be classed either as anti or phobia

For example anti-catholicism is a negative and hostile opinion of catholics

However christionphobia is a fear, dislike or hatred of christians.

How islamaphobia is used by some is as it is with most things and will be used either to deflect or be genuine.

If what you mean is South Asians and Arabs are normally targetted as presumed to be muslim, then yes that is racism.

I have major issues with the creed, I don’t with the people who follow it unless they want to make it law in the West.

I also have equal issues with those evangelical Christian ****s wanting biblical law.

Islamophobia is used to deter criticism, to shut down pointing out the medieval shit in it.

I don’t have a fear or hate of Muslims, I have a fear of enacting their book into society.
I have major issues with the creed, I don’t with the people who follow it unless they want to make it law in the West.

I also have equal issues with those evangelical Christian ****s wanting biblical law.

Islamophobia is used to deter criticism, to shut down pointing out the medieval shit in it.

I don’t have a fear or hate of Muslims, I have a fear of enacting their book into society.

Fair enough, I ain't keen on interpretations of the book by some, but still fact is Islamaphobia is a valid word , and a word that was around before it became a political tool.

Is being against the burka Islamaphobic, not really, using it as a political tool to stir up tension for your own gain is

Nailing bacon to a mosques doors is Islamaphobia.
Verbally abusing a woman because she is in niqab is islamaphobia.
Attacking an asian person because they are asian is racism.

Critiscising Islam and it's teachings isn't Islamaphobia, just like criticising the bible isn't Christaniphobia.

Twating a christian because their christian however is.
Fair enough, I ain't keen on interpretations of the book by some, but still fact is Islamaphobia is a valid word , and a word that was around before it became a political tool.

Is being against the burka Islamaphobic, not really, using it as a political tool to stir up tension for your own gain is

Nailing bacon to a mosques doors is Islamaphobia.
Verbally abusing a woman because she is in niqab is islamaphobia.
Attacking an asian person because they are asian is racism.

Critiscising Islam and it's teachings isn't Islamaphobia, just like criticising the bible isn't Christaniphobia.

Twating a christian because their christian however is.

I have to agree to differ about the phrase. Nailing bacon isn’t Islamophobia it’s incitement motivated by hate.

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