Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

Islamophobia is a construct and should never be acknowledged. Hate of Muslims is a different thing.
I don’t accept the term Islamophobia. It’s used to deflect criticism of the tenets of Islam, which need to be criticised.

Having a go at Muslim people just because they are Muslim is a different story.

It’s racism.

Muslims are not a race and thus you can not be racist towards a Muslim because of his religion.

It isnt racist to dislike any religion.
I don’t accept the term Islamophobia. It’s used to deflect criticism of the tenets of Islam, which need to be criticised.

Having a go at Muslim people just because they are Muslim is a different story.

It’s racism.

Good post.

Muslims aren’t strictly a race though but it’s definitely just plain old bigotry.

Islamophobia is a terrible word that can be used to stop you criticising an absolutist religion.
Whatever you replace the word Islamophobia with will still be used by certain people to smear critics of religious ideas. That's just human nature. People will use all sorts of underhand tactics to ensure that people can't criticise their views. Nobody argues that we should get rid of the word antisemitic because it's sometimes used to silence criticism of Israeli government policy or actions, or get rid of the word racism because it's sometimes used to silence legitimate debate about immigration. You could argue that having the word Islam in it means it suggests that it's about the ideas rather than the people, but to be honest, I think most sensible adults can make that distinction without needing it to be spelled out.
I’m not an Islamophobe as you know but I don’t like the full face veil or the “letter box” in much the same way I don’t enjoy interacting with people wearing balaclavas or motorcycle helmets.

Only one of the three is worn by the wearer because she identifies it with her religion. But I am sure you were aware of that already when making the fatuous comparison.
Only one of the three is worn by the wearer because she identifies it with her religion. But I am sure you were aware of that already when making the fatuous comparison.
Fuck all to do with her religion and everything to do with her male dominated society.

The comparison isn’t remotely fatuous.
The wearer is unlikely to agree with you but of course you reserve the right to tell her what she can wear............where is that male dominated society again?
Jog on you absolute splat.

Don’t misquote me or put words into my mouth.

Live in a Muslim country. Have more acquaintances that are Muslim than not. Speak to them. Hear what they actually say and feel and you may have a better understanding of the culture of the veil (as opposed to the religious aspect of it). Then and only then, would you know what the wearer may agree with or not. It’s certainly not in their holy book nor is it a common occurance in Indonesia.

At no point have I said what anyone should wear, simply my feelings on interacting with people where only their eyes are visible and with the full veil, not even that.

Now if you want to go and misconstrue any part of my post then rethink and go fucking swivel instead. I thought you were better than that sort of post but no, you went in with both feet without thinking.
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