Israel-Palestine Conflict

You just accused a country of breaking all the international rules in the book but then admit you can't name a single specific law they are breaking. That's hatred in my book. I like to deal in those pesky little things called facts. I know they are annoying, but when I feel the entire jewish race is being unfairly accused of things they aren't guilty of, whilst fighting an enemy who as recently as yesterday evening stated on TV they wanted to keep repeating the Oct 7th masssacre until all jews are destroyed, it seems reasonable to want to stick to facts. Or do you not agree ?
Good luck with some on here with the facts part mate. Opinion and conjecture aplenty though.
Here's the Guardian's take on Human Shields. It's not exactly a publication known for it's pro-Israeli stance, so one assumes you'll think it has some relevance
Hamas are a terrorist organisation intent on murder and don’t adhere to international law. We all know that.
However Israel are no saints and never have been.
I’m totally secular and although I understand the circumstances after the Second World War that led to the granting of the Israeli state, I find the idea of setting up a Jewish state and removing the people who already lived there, totally flawed.
Maybe it’s me not understanding Jewish and Judaism. Jewish being a culture perhaps and not a religion, but Ben Gurion declared it a Jewish state, which is non inclusive in my mind.
Regardless though, the neighbours took exception and through war the original borders changed.
Since 1967 however it looks to the objective outside world that there has been an expansionist agenda and every opportunity has been taken, using any excuse no matter how unjustified the objective outside world find it.

Israel are in violation of quite a few international rules.
Have a look.
You may not like the source, but they say where they are drawing information from.
No problem, here's the Geneva convention. You should probably start with article 4
They have been breaking article 49 for decades with illegal occupation and forced evictions to allow settlers to emigrate to palestinian territory.

Also the blockage of the med and land routes is a violation of international law and the UNWRA, Red Cross, Red Cressent, human rights watch and amnesty have all said it has been a violation of Article 33 of the GC

The ICC regocnises Gaza and the West Bank as members and as such any evidence that humanitarian aid has been restricted, civilian populated areas have been targeted for attack intentionally or any continied occupation andd settlement in the area captured will break Imternational human rights laws and Israel government officials could be subject to arrest overseas for crimes if it can be proved laws habe been broken.

Equally the ICC has said October the 7th attacks break international law and any Hamas leaders captured should face war crime trials in the hague.

Hamas and Likud have both broken Internatiobal law and both should be prosecuted for war crimes.

The two states and their general populations should not be tarnished for the fanatical zealolts leading then
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They have been breaking article 49 for decades with illegal occupation and forced evictions to allow settlers to emigrate j to palestinian territory.

Also the blockage of the med and land routes is a violation of international law and the UNWRA, Red Cross, Red Cressent, human rights watch and amnesty have all aud it has been a violation of Article 33 of the GC

The ICC regocnises Gaza and the West Bank as members and as such any evidence that humanitarian aid has been restricted, civilian populated areas have been targeted for attack intentionally or any continied occupation andd settlement in the area captured will break Imternational himan rights laws and Israel government officials could be subject to arrest overseas for crimes if it can be proved laws habe been broken.

Equally the ICC has said October the 7th atracks vreak international law amd any Hamas leaders captured should face war crime trials in the hague.

Hamas and Likud have both broken Internatiobal law and both should be prosecuted for war crimes.

The two states and their feneral populations should not be tarnished for the fanatical zealolts leading then
Well said.
I find the constant vilification of anyone who is critical of Israel’s actions as support of Hamas and/or antisemitism not only tedious, disingenuous, illogical but without self awareness in many instances.
Here's the Guardian's take on Human Shields. It's not exactly a publication known for it's pro-Israeli stance, so one assumes you'll think it has some relevance

I think we all know what human shields are, how Hamas are using them and why they breach IHR. We also know that none of that absolves the Israelis from taking all reasonable precautions to protect civilian life. Nearly 10,000 civilian lives so far tells me they aren't.

You can't just bomb hospitals, refugee camps and schools because they are being used wrongly. For two reasons: first, in most circumstances, that in itself breaches IHR; secondly, because it's exactly what Hamas want. It's tough on Israel and it makes their "job" harder but them's the rules unless the Israelis want to be just as inconsiderate about human life as Hamas. You may be happy with that. I suspect most people are less so.
If Netanyahu is guilty of facilitating the rise of Hamas so as to play them off against Fatah and make a two-state solution impossible then when he is going to be held to account?
Hopefully as soon as this is over and he gets voted out. He already escaped prosecution once and it shouldn’t happen again. He’s spent the last year trying to water down the powers of the judiciary rather than effectively running the country and this was part of the distraction that allowed Hamas to mount such a murderous attack.
He’s a ****.
If Netanyahu is guilty of facilitating the rise of Hamas so as to play them off against Fatah and make a two-state solution impossible then when he is going to be held to account?

Shortly after he has been found to have deliberately ignored warnings about the Hamas attack for his own political ends, would be my guess.

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