Israel-Palestine Conflict

When you say zionist, do you mean all 16 million jews on the planet (because for many, zionist is codeword for jew) or just the estimated 10 million+ jews who identify as zionist ?

Did you even think for one minute how offensive your post is to jews ?

Do you know what zionism is ?

I suggest you look it up

There is of course no one single definition of zionism, but these seem to be the commonly accepted ones

The Oxford Living Dictionaries says Zionists believe in “the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel”. The Board of Deputies of British Jews describes Zionism as “the national liberation movement of the Jewish people.” The non-Zionist left-wing Jewish group Jewdas have defined it simply as “the belief that there should be a Jewish state in Israel”.

So according to you, in your words, the underlying fact is people who believe in the above are following a racist and supremacist ideology

And what about the people in the Middle East who are opposed to zionism, i.e. opposed to the existence of any jewish state. Are they non-racist and non-supremacist ? You know, the people whose life mission is to destroy all jews.
Even if he's left the thread, others may appreciate a more informed understanding of Zionism. Never mind a single definition of Zionism, it would help to know about all the different historical varieties of Zionism - including those not just after a "national home" but a restoration of the largest area that "Israel" held in Biblical times, not just the river (Jordan) to the sea but the river Nile to the river Euphrates. And (by modern standards certainly) it's hard not to see describing Asians as "barbarians" compared to Europeans as just a wee bit racist.

One thing that worries me about this conflict is that I get the feeling that those in charge are more interested in the past and the future than the present.
We had Netanyahu, albeit a political play, talking about some Jewish hero from before Jesus's time. And then Hamas militants sacrificing themselves for a future in heaven.

Both sides seem to have s long game in mind. I think Netanyahu believes that when in 200 years Israel stretches from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean, he will be remembered as one of the architects of this triumph.
Likewise Hamas, Hezbollah believe at some point Israel will just disappear, presumably when the US's power wains. In the meantime they just have to keep fighting, committing crimes that keep Israel doing stuff that will degrade its international standing.

Essentially there are some very unhinged people running things.
I have to say even when I stayed in Jerusalem, well before the first intifada, I didn't feel comfortable there. Too much religion. Despite the sunshine it had a very oppressive feeling.
What it is like now I can't imagine.
If you are into those pesky things called facts then perhaps you shouldn't engage in hyperbole. The entire Jewish race is not being accused of things they aren't guilty of. The nation of Israel and it's army the IDF are being accused of things.

So if you are going to request sticking to facts from Katz, it's best you do the same. And this is coming from someone who is no fan of Katz and who Katz is not fond of.

But if we are going to preach it, then let's be about it.
But I didn't;t say that

I said that Hamas wanted to erase the entire jewish race. I referenced Israel earlier in my post.
If you are into those pesky things called facts then perhaps you shouldn't engage in hyperbole. The entire Jewish race is not being accused of things they aren't guilty of. The nation of Israel and it's army the IDF are being accused of things.

So if you are going to request sticking to facts from Katz, it's best you do the same. And this is coming from someone who is no fan of Katz and who Katz is not fond of.

But if we are going to preach it, then let's be about it.

I can’t tell if you genuinely think @kaz7 is called Katz or it’s some sort of commentary on her obsession with cats.

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