Israel-Palestine Conflict

Aside from it linking to a Haaretz article and an interview on Israeli state radio?
The Haaretz article talks about Hamas killing nearly everyone on an IDF base and air support being requested. Whilst there may have been the occasional friendly fire casualty, these propaganda outlets are trying to minimise what Hamas did and blow out of all proportion any friendly fire incidents, and the tone of your comment suggest you’re only too willing to believe every word.
The Haaretz article talks about Hamas killing nearly everyone on an IDF base and air support being requested. Whilst there may have been the occasional friendly fire casualty, these propaganda outlets are trying to minimise what Hamas did and blow out of all proportion any friendly fire incidents, and the tone of your comment suggest you’re only too willing to believe every word.
There'll be a few others lapping it up as well.
I know I am talking into the void here however here goes, we all see the world differently we live in our own world and whatever position you take your mind will try and prove it, as Robert Anton Wilson said in the great book Prometheus Rising, “What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves.” in your own little world you are right and your prover will work flat out to prove it

But what is you took more nuanced view? What if you could really see it from both sides?
And Mondoweiss is another well known Palestinian propaganda site.

Seems some Palestinian propaganda outlets are in full flow making up stories that Hamas didn’t killed hardly anyone and it was the IDF that did it all. It’s the same MO as Holocaust denial whereby they hope that if there’s enough made up stories from imaginary or anonymous sources it will get some traction.
Mondoweiss? Palestinian? Its owners are Jewish.

The Haaretz article talks about Hamas killing nearly everyone on an IDF base and air support being requested. Whilst there may have been the occasional friendly fire casualty, these propaganda outlets are trying to minimise what Hamas did and blow out of all proportion any friendly fire incidents, and the tone of your comment suggest you’re only too willing to believe every word.
So there was plenty of 'friendly fire'. Given that you are partial to a quibble over death totals because of the governing authority surely you take my point that th full picture of what happened is at least unclear?
So there was plenty of 'friendly fire'. Given that you are partial to a quibble over death totals because of the governing authority surely you take my point that th full picture of what happened is at least unclear?
Every last detail is not yet known but it’s more than clear in broad terms what happened. You give away your apologism for Hamas when you say things like “atrocities committed by Hamas, or at the very least enabled by their 'military operation '” which suggests you’re giving them a get out by referring to it as a military operation and suggesting that the Israeli deaths were only “enabled” by them rather than perpetrated by them.
And there is insufficient evidence of “plenty” of friendly fire, just two or three incidents out of 1400 murders. I’m not going to post the link because it’s quite gruesome but there is a website containing raw footage from numerous cameras (dashcams, rescue workers body cams etc) that shows the scale of the Hamas atrocity where it’s impossible to come to any different conclusion that a massacre took place and it was perpetrated by Hamas. Any other narrative is just denial of reality.

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