Please everyone who's submitted here.
If you email your experiences to he is collating them to submit to the club and will ask them to take up the matter formally with UEFA.
It's all well and good fuming on here but if you don't try to tell the club exactly what happened in writing they can't do anything about it.
Mods can we get a stick at the start of the thread for that info? So many people posting their experiences here but it's not an official channel.
If you email your experiences to he is collating them to submit to the club and will ask them to take up the matter formally with UEFA.
It's all well and good fuming on here but if you don't try to tell the club exactly what happened in writing they can't do anything about it.
Mods can we get a stick at the start of the thread for that info? So many people posting their experiences here but it's not an official channel.