It's quiet 10, no apologies! (continued)

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Rolee said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
wahooblue said:
Quite simple. The last three games of the season, the Aguero/Tevez partnership scored exactly Zero goals.

-- Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:30 am --

And yet on the final day of the season, Carlos did nothing and Mario and Edin won the league for us. Fitting I would say.

He got Barton sent off

No, Barton got himself sent off.

And Carlos was a lucky boy that he didn't walk too.

So he did a good job then, see what i mean where there is a will
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Rolee said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
He got Barton sent off

No, Barton got himself sent off.

And Carlos was a lucky boy that he didn't walk too.

So he did a good job then, see what i mean where there is a will

No, he got lucky. Imagine if he had justifiably walked for his actions, doesn't really bear thinking about, does it?
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -2012.html</a>

Only team to have not signed anyone now that Wigan and Stoke have done business. :O
EalingBlue2 said:
I completely understand and agree with the flappers - it is clear yet again the club will sign poor players and go backwards as has happened under khaldoon and
Mancini every season. Last season shows they don't know what they are doing! With a half decent management team Ibra, Cavani, neymar, Cavani, lavezzi, de Rossi and Martinez would already have been signed and intergrated by now!

I vow not to post In the transfer but I am deeply embarassed that some of the cr&p on here could have been written by fellow blues! Think before posting please some of the material here will be on every other fans forums to take the piss out of what some blues are becoming! FFS we are champions and we are champions because fortunately wears run by class acts and not clueless panickers

well said EB, although they are obviously entitled to their opinions the flappers are embarassing beyond belief
BoyBlue_1985 said:
wahooblue said:
oakiecokie said:
Care to explain !!! Could have fooled me during the Norwich away game.
Too may fuckers still believe the shit media.
Dear oh dear !!!

Quite simple. The last three games of the season, the Aguero/Tevez partnership scored exactly Zero goals.

-- Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:30 am --

de niro said:
No surprise there.

And yet on the final day of the season, Carlos did nothing and Mario and Edin won the league for us. Fitting I would say.

He got Barton sent off

yeah and he also could have got himself sent off and lost us the fucking league - Mike Dean has said if he had seen Tevez's arm swing he would have sent him off - so had Dean seen that and Barton not reacted that would have been the league fucked because of one man's petulance - AGAIN
oakiecokie said:
wahooblue said:
oakiecokie said:
Care to explain !!! Could have fooled me during the Norwich away game.
Too may fuckers still believe the shit media.
Dear oh dear !!!

Quite simple. The last three games of the season, the Aguero/Tevez partnership scored exactly Zero goals.

By the same token the 6 goals were scored by 2 defenders,a midfielder (x 2) and two attackers.
Still doesn`t make Sergio and Tevez a shit combination.

DONT NEED no FUCKEN STATS , you could see it with your fucken eyes, if you watched the last 6 games you could see carlos made a big impact, his impact was that he not only bought the best out of aguero but nasri, silva and yaya. The interplay was majestic at times
Ntini77 said:
Doesn't Nir Biton count as a signing?

Not until he signs. :)

Which is supposed to happen after Austria if we can get a work permit (could be a problem I guess).
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