It's quiet... summer 2018.

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Judging by Pep's words ('City are not going to drop him'), Kompany will fulfill his contract and stay until next summer at least. De Ligt is U21, the only problem would be CL squad spots.
I'd suggest swapping Bravo for a domestic keeper (Gunn?)
Gunn staying is very unlikely think he only has 2 years left and if we wqnt best value for him we need to sell this summer with clauses. That and I cant see him wanting to be on the bench behind a keeper a similar age. Especially when he has been on the edge of the England squad.
IF we bought De Ligt imo he'd certainly be loaned for a season .
looks like this will be the quietest, its quiet thread in recent times....With Pep saying we will go for one, maybe two targets we can pretty much dismiss out of hand a huge majority of rumours straight off the bat.

Quality over quantity hopefully
Pep said maybe one, maybe two players. So I think it will just be Jorginho plus an attacker.

Looks like Gundogan will be getting more games instead of David.

De ligt would make more sense next season when Kompany will probably leave and Otamendi a year older. Or maybe we buy and loan back??

Ilky getting more game time that David actually makes us weaker both defensively and attacking wise which is a problem
I think it's possible, but why would you loan out such an expensive player instead of using him yourself? The kid had successful EL campaign last season, plays for Dutch NT alongside Van Dijk, it's not like he's not ready for a senior level football. Would be Stones' competitor right away.

I think we are getting a little bit ahead of ourselves. The Dutch NT hasn’t been competitive in years and he just recently started playing for them if I’m not mistaken. Ajax had a weak group, Lyon and rags were their toughest games, so doesn’t say much to me.

Need to watch more games to form an opinion but I wasn’t wowed by his talent in the EL final, he is extremely young but to come to the PL and boss it at 18 would mean he has to be one of the greatest CBs in the history of the sport.

Don’t see a club paying £50m for him and taking such a risk when for that price you can buy almost any experienced CB you want but yea I would have to watch some more full games of him.
Ilky getting more game time that David actually makes us weaker both defensively and attacking wise which is a problem

I know it’s a problem. Personally would love to see Gundogan sold and Isco come in. Would be such an improvement but it’s very unlikely and it seems Pep and everyone in the team really like Gundogan so I think he will stay.
I know it’s a problem. Personally would love to see Gundogan sold and Isco come in. Would be such an improvement but it’s very unlikely and it seems Pep and everyone in the team really like Gundogan so I think he will stay.

I like Ilky as well..I think he is absolutely class but defensively he is awful when compared to the likes of Kdb, Silva and of course Ferna
I like Ilky as well..I think he is absolutely class but defensively he is awful when compared to the likes of Kdb, Silva and of course Ferna

Yes, he’s afraid of tackles due to his injuries. Would sell now while his value is highest, another injury could destory him but he’ll most likely stay.
Yes, he’s afraid of tackles due to his injuries. Would sell now while his value is highest, another injury could destory him but he’ll most likely stay.
But selling him would make the squad weaker. How many clubs have rotational mids of Gundo's level? Madrid and Bayern, who else? I think he's a great asset.
I think it's possible, but why would you loan out such an expensive player instead of using him yourself? The kid had successful EL campaign last season, plays for Dutch NT alongside Van Dijk, it's not like he's not ready for a senior level football. Would be Stones' competitor right away.

Many of us have have tried and failed to decipher the small print re 'club trained' & loan deals, argued like fuck & in the end are no nearer a reliable answer. I've given up.

But suffice to say, it's possible he may not be eligible unless we keep him registered to play here.
But selling him would make the squad weaker. How many clubs have rotational mids of Gundo's level? Madrid and Bayern, who else? I think he's a great asset.

If sold, would assume he’s replaced by a superior player. Right now he provides zero challenge to Kev and Dave, ideally we want someone that will push them. Few players would, Isco is one of them even though I know there is no chance of it happening.
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