It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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No. The club has basically said to any player who isn't happy to bring us an offer because we won't stand in their way.

Think Laporte, Jesus and Bernie are the three in question.

No official offers yet, but sounds like City are willing to take money over longer periods as long as reflect our true valuations.

I would be surprised if Bernardo is still with us next season. The only issue is whether there’s a realistic offer on the table. The fact that there’s been a push with Grealish suggests we expect to get a workable proposal.

As for Laporte either we don’t expect him to go or we have a replacement lined up. I wouldn’t have thought we’d let Harwood Bellis go out on loan without unless we had 4 centre backs at the club.

As for Jesus, I hope we keep him. He’s never going to be Aguero’s replacement but he can play anywhere across the front 3, he presses really well and he’s a decent dribbler. I would hate to see us sell him and then be looking for a reply for Mahrez in 2 years time.
If they can pay that for him why the fuck won’t we? He’d transform us and we’d be sorted for years without needing to sign another striker.

About time we showed we have bigger bollocks than fucking Chelsea. We need Haaland. If he goes there we can say goodbye to the title next season.

Wouldn't touch a deal like that with a barge pole, whats the point of buying a player for more than £100 million plus the fee's for Riola and Alfie only to have someone come in 18 months down the line and pay the £150 million release clause.

This is the issue with Riola, his player hasn't even moved yet and he is already planning where he will go next. All this talk of being set for 10 years is bollocks, his agent doesn't work that way.
Wouldn't touch a deal like that with a barge pole, whats the point of buying a player for more than £100 million plus the fee's for Riola and Alfie only to have someone come in 18 months down the line and pay the £150 million release clause.

This is the issue with Riola, his player hasn't even moved yet and he is already planning where he will go next. All this talk of being set for 10 years is bollocks, his agent doesn't work that way.
Exactly remember anelka ?
Moved every few years as his brother were his agents and they made loads of dosh of it.
I don't agree with the trophy and grealish argument yesterday. However this bit I do agree with, everyone has an opinion and they are entitled to it. What Is the point of the forum when people use the Pep knows best argument.
Thanks. I posted the trophy argument in response to someone who posted stats based on one season (last season) who was using that to say Grealish and Kane were a step up from Aguero and whether that is true or not is up for debate BUT using one seasons stats is not accurate either. And stats in any form can be misleading as I have said in other posts and its also about judgement with what we see on the pitch....

Grealish is a good player - but in my opinion he isnt as good as Bernardo or anyone else we have for that matter of fact....could he be - of course but at present he isnt.

Is kane a good striker - there better out there - i think Kane is the one that we should be going I dont (and if we were somehow to land Messi I would advocate not going for a striker at all for a year and waiting for Haaland if possible)..but there are other options as well. But again thats just my opinion. Kanes goals scored I beleive is as good as Sergio's at the same stage in his career I believe but again those stats can been seen differently if you look at whom the goals are scored against...with the exception of Arsenal and Leicester Kane has scored the most goals against average midtable clubs outside of the top 6 - Sergio by comparrison scored more than double Kane did against the top 6 and for me that is the difference maker. (again I dont know how that comes out in goals to games ratio vs the top 6 as I couldnt find the stats so it could turn the argument on its head again)....but from watching him on the pitch enough for both Spurs and England I wouldnt go anywhere near Kane....doesnt mean i wont support him if he doesnt come however...same with Grealish and it also doesnt mean they wont be successful either.
Brazilian football in the 60's and 70's was considered to be as good as European football I believe.
but as good as the prem league now as thats the comparrison....or stick Sergio in the 1960's and 70's Brazillian league
Wouldn't touch a deal like that with a barge pole, whats the point of buying a player for more than £100 million plus the fee's for Riola and Alfie only to have someone come in 18 months down the line and pay the £150 million release clause.

This is the issue with Riola, his player hasn't even moved yet and he is already planning where he will go next. All this talk of being set for 10 years is bollocks, his agent doesn't work that way.

Really depends on the player. Verratti, Insigne, Nedved, various others who are/were represented by Raiola and haven't moved often, if at all.

Not defending Mino as he's an odious leech on the game, but signing one of his players isn't necessarily sentencing yourself to having that player angling for a move two years down the line
Wouldn't touch a deal like that with a barge pole, whats the point of buying a player for more than £100 million plus the fee's for Riola and Alfie only to have someone come in 18 months down the line and pay the £150 million release clause.

This is the issue with Riola, his player hasn't even moved yet and he is already planning where he will go next. All this talk of being set for 10 years is bollocks, his agent doesn't work that way.

Not that I believe the claim itself, but as a hypothetical I agree. Unless it only applied to the last year of his contract, in which case it still has significant value to any club.
I would be surprised if Bernardo is still with us next season. The only issue is whether there’s a realistic offer on the table. The fact that there’s been a push with Grealish suggests we expect to get a workable proposal.

As for Laporte either we don’t expect him to go or we have a replacement lined up. I wouldn’t have thought we’d let Harwood Bellis go out on loan without unless we had 4 centre backs at the club.

As for Jesus, I hope we keep him. He’s never going to be Aguero’s replacement but he can play anywhere across the front 3, he presses really well and he’s a decent dribbler. I would hate to see us sell him and then be looking for a reply for Mahrez in 2 years time.
Gabby has been here for five years , aside from the real game and the hundred points goal he has been meh , a let down imo
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