It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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Would you be happy for a third party to put a price on Bernardo for example? Not for me. If the clubs cannot agree he stays put and life goes on.

its a trick one because if the player want to leave you would be daft to try and keep him
you would lose something on the pitch from a unhappy player and still paying his wage

so yes if Bernardo want to leave and both club can not agree a price maybe its the way forward
the transfer market needs controlling because of the covid-19 outbreak so a independent adjudicator or a board can control the market
IF they need the cash and we are the only bidder and Kane only wants us, he is not in a strong position to negotiate anything.
I can't see how he could actually reject the offer of £120-130m when it really comes down to it. Given Spurs financial condition and the player's wish to leave, we will even make it a cash deal, he would be a fool to turn it down.
its a trick one because if the player want to leave you would be daft to try and keep him
you would lose something on the pitch from a unhappy player and still paying his wage

so yes if Bernardo want to leave and both club can not agree a price maybe its the way forward
the transfer market needs controlling because of the covid-19 outbreak so a independent adjudicator or a board can control the market
Independent like Uefa? No such thing as independent in football sadly.
It's not 10m to compromise on though, it is a gap of about 50-60m to bridge, if you go by the reports. Tixi has happily let deals collapse over not wanting to budge on as little as up to 5m, and Pep has never begrudged it, to think we would suddenly pay 10s of millions more than a ceiling value is a bit of a stretch.

This will go till the very end of the window. We will need to break that principle, but Spurs will also need to accept they lower their valuation significantly. And the media rumour claims will be used to wash that linen in public.

Yes I know that. But since Pep has been promised Kane but the continuous from Aguero to Nmecha that City is letting every striker go because they are getting an elite striker.

But for this deal to happen for a English player from a rival club from the league who is coming after a tremendous season personally you got to pay even a
30 million premium.

Everyone knows Harry Kane wants to leave, they also know we don't have a striker. They would try to squeeze us a bit harder in such a case.

And a collapse deal don't make any sense until Haaland is confirmed next year.

Since it's not and Dortmund will also make Txiki's life difficult. Add annoying agents like Raiola and a player who doesnt mind going to Chelsea or Madrid
City would be better off paying up Levy.
Atleast Kane single mindedly wants to come to City.
its a trick one because if the player want to leave you would be daft to try and keep him
you would lose something on the pitch from a unhappy player and still paying his wage

so yes if Bernardo want to leave and both club can not agree a price maybe its the way forward
the transfer market needs controlling because of the covid-19 outbreak so a independent adjudicator or a board can control the market
Respect your opinion, but cannot agree with that.
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