It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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I just can’t believe we are so poorly run that we would let aguero leave without having a replacement pretty much sorted. If we don’t replace aguero this window then the decision to let him leave is either completely stupid or incredibly arrogant
We are very well run and will do the best possible. Remember other clubs and players make choices that don't always suit us, for their own reasons, we are not entitled to always get what we want in the real world. Trust the people who have brought us success beyond our wildest dreams.
Can someone start a petition on to bring Sergio back. I reckon once we reach 100,000 or signatures the club will have to do it. After all, spurs didn't hire a manager because their fans said no. We have more power than people think, we just need to use it wisely. I mean we brought down the "Super League". Football fans are the REAL members of the "Justice League", fighting for equality and justice for all!
Yes because it’s fair to judge sergio’s impact after one injury hit season. last season was not a normal season but thanks to our great depth across the side as well as Chelsea and Liverpool badly underperforming we won the league at a canter.

Next season Chelsea will be better, Liverpool won’t have 3 cb’s missing for most of the season and United have improved and are looking to do more business.

The 86 points we got last season likely won’t be enough to win the league again next season we must improve we need a striker. Even the 83 goals we scored last season was way down on previous years.
If any club has headroom to improve its City because we played last season without a striker. You assume for some reason that our rivals will strengthen and we wont?
Martinez isn't even better than Gabriel Jesus,let alone Aguero.The comparisons between him and Kun start and stop at them being Argentine.Think people forget how outrageous Aguero was at Atleti..We talk about Haaland at his age now but Kun was levels above him at the same age..A generational talent,carrying Atleti at 19 years,and with Madrid,Barca,
Juve,Chelsea after him..In the current market,don't even think we could afford him,Atleti would demand a world record fee or he would have a extraordinary clause..That's how good he was when he left Atleti.
100%. We wouldn't be able to sign Aguero with our current transfer policy. He'd go to Chelsea instead.
Maybe we thought we could get Haaland or Kane without much fuss, but having to pay a premium for said players, only to find out later the premium is a piss take.
I think I’d rather go with what we’ve got for this season, than pay £250m for Kane and Grealish.
Which then makes letting Sergio go seem silly.
We will have been planning for Sergio's departure virtually as soon as he arrived, thing is the football environment changes rapidly and plans have to be flexible, We have to work within the context of our own budget, ffp rules, market trends and in competition with the plans of other clubs.
Martinez isn't even better than Gabriel Jesus,let alone Aguero.The comparisons between him and Kun start and stop at them being Argentine.Think people forget how outrageous Aguero was at Atleti..We talk about Haaland at his age now but Kun was levels above him at the same age..A generational talent,carrying Atleti at 19 years,and with Madrid,Barca,
Juve,Chelsea after him..In the current market,don't even think we could afford him,Atleti would demand a world record fee or he would have a extraordinary clause..That's how good he was when he left Atleti.
Aguero was/is an assassin. His movements are deliberate. None of this "goals bouncing off his shins" nonsense. He was one of three strikers that Atleti had let go in consecutive sesaons IIRC. At one point I was wondering where they were unearthing all these strikers. But Aguero as I remember was something else as I followed Atleti ever since Maradona played for them. I even relished his connection to Maradona at the time. Making us in bed with football royalty.
There is no way on earth we would be able to purchase someone like Aguero these days with FFP and our current transfer policy. Those were record deals when we made them back in the early takeover days.
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