Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

It was then that City moved in – without any contact according to Dreossi, who insisted yesterday that the ITC provided by the French football federation for the player was delivered in error. The player arrived at City in February.

Sorry but this tells me City clearly applied for the ITC which was then approved and provided. We were told it was all fine at the time, and now they are now saying it was an error, then we cannot be held accountable as we were given the go ahead. The error is from the French and you cant blame us for thier error.

I have total faith in our owner and management and 100% expect to see nothing happen to us over this. Unlike other cases in the news, We were granted the ITC to conclude the deal and its not our fault if they gave it in error
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

black mamba said:
Never Rennes but it pours!

F'ckin french , they'd cause a riot in a library!

And then they'd engage one of the multitude of reverse gears on their tanks and bugger off, with the notion that somebody else will sort out the mess.

Methinks that the two players, Kukuta and Hélan, both French nationals, along with one half of the European version of Morecambe and Wise (without the laughs), Platini, are part of a pretty little trio bent (right choice of word?) on bringing English football to heel. No better way than to curtail all the dreadful excesses of English football than to ban them from European competitions, and when this has no grounds, ban them from the transfer market, leaving the way open for the Italians, Spanish, and of course THE FRENCH, although no great worries there. Anyone been to Guingamp?

I just cannot understand, in the days of football being a business, and lawyers getting their fingers in every single cheese and onion pie, that MCFC do not pursue their business knowing that the deal can be called 'legal' in the twinkle of an eye, without recourse to the court of PlatBlatt.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

The fuck is up with these chat French clubs all of a sudden attacking English clubs. First Kakuta with Chelsea then Pogba with the rags then us with Helen. This is a fucking joke. The French are a bunch of hypocrites seeing as they poach all of there talent from Africa at a young age i.e Patrick Vieira, Drible Cisse, Makelele, Mandand and ship load more. Why the fuck does no one complain about Arsenal ho have practically raped there whole academy system.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

hertsblue said:
It was then that City moved in – without any contact according to Dreossi, who insisted yesterday that the ITC provided by the French football federation for the player was delivered in error. The player arrived at City in February.

Sorry but this tells me City clearly applied for the ITC which was then approved and provided. We were told it was all fine at the time, and now they are now saying it was an error, then we cannot be held accountable as we were given the go ahead. The error is from the French and you cant blame us for thier error.

I have total faith in our owner and management and 100% expect to see nothing happen to us over this. Unlike other cases in the news, We were granted the ITC to conclude the deal and its not our fault if they gave it in error

Think you're in a dream world my friend, none of what you mentioned even matters. They are out to get us so they will look at the evidence however they want to. This is an assault on english clubs and City and Chelsea head their list.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

I do wish the FA would grow a pair of Balls and stand up to Platini. His Anti English is a complete joke of someone holding his position. All this crap about players moving abroad from him and wage caps and this is from someone who left France at the earliest oppurtunity to earn (then) top wages in another Country.
Lets have the top 4 threaten to pull out of the Champions League until he is removed. Wonder how much of the Sponsers would be happy with that, as English football is amongst the most watched in the World.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

hertsblue said:
I do wish the FA would grow a pair of Balls and stand up to Platini. His Anti English is a complete joke of someone holding his position. All this crap about players moving abroad from him and wage caps and this is from someone who left France at the earliest oppurtunity to earn (then) top wages in another Country.
Lets have the top 4 threaten to pull out of the Champions League until he is removed. Wonder how much of the Sponsers would be happy with that, as English football is amongst the most watched in the World.

I agree 100%, the English clubs need to get together and stand up against UEFA and FIFA they are persecuting English clubs for being succesful on and off the pitch.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

platini is a twat end of!! hes defo gonna go after us coz he`s been going on bout spending for a while now and he hates the english clubs so we`re defo gonna get nailed me thinks!! would be surprised though if cookie and the team have fooked up.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

kiam06 said:
hertsblue said:
It was then that City moved in – without any contact according to Dreossi, who insisted yesterday that the ITC provided by the French football federation for the player was delivered in error. The player arrived at City in February.

Sorry but this tells me City clearly applied for the ITC which was then approved and provided. We were told it was all fine at the time, and now they are now saying it was an error, then we cannot be held accountable as we were given the go ahead. The error is from the French and you cant blame us for thier error.

I have total faith in our owner and management and 100% expect to see nothing happen to us over this. Unlike other cases in the news, We were granted the ITC to conclude the deal and its not our fault if they gave it in error

Think you're in a dream world my friend, none of what you mentioned even matters. They are out to get us so they will look at the evidence however they want to. This is an assault on english clubs and City and Chelsea head their list.

I agree.

Is it any surprise that the 3 clubs targeted so far are Chelsea, United and us? Three of the biggest spenders in the Premier League! UEFA/FIFA are trying to hit us whichever way they can, some of the ways in which they are trying to do it are long winded and almost impossible to enforce due to European law so they are now trying to find new ways in which to hit us.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Atleast The Telegraph mentioned FFF gave City ITC. Funny how The Guardian and SSN left that out. Wonder why? Because that basically says it was legal and ruins the story. It is quite odd that only French clubs are reporting English clubs. United are about to sue Le Harve and City will probably do the same.

In the interview Rennes said the FFF errored and they had a pre contract. Doubt City would of signed the player if they didn't get the ITC from the FFF. Doubt the FFF would of approved the ITC if Rennes had a actual signed document. United was accused of paying off the players parents. Chelsea was accused of talking to a player of another club and convincing him to walk out on a signed contract.

Quite simply neither Rennes or Le Harve have paper evidence against the Manchester clubs and if they did those clubs would of filed suit right after the player left as in the Chelsea case. Now Rennes and Le Harve are just looking for sympathy.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

It's time to uncover some dirt on a few of these French clubs if you ask me. They'll have their guilty parties without a doubt. This league has the most African youngsters than any other in Europe. I'm sure we can dig up something between us, I'll start looking into Lyon, Bluemoon T-Shirt for the winner ;)

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