Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

The Fixer said:
mancity dan said:
He was 16/17 when he signed for us and we got an ITC so I don't see there being any problem. Slow news week so they have to pick on ickle citeh !!

How can they have done a pre-contract agreement at the age of 13 and why has it taken Rennes 7 months to make a complaint?

It wouldn't suprise me if fifa are going out of their way to hunt down these kind of dealings, it does seem strange that Rennes have only just reported us??

As said, if true it'e Twatini's crusade via Rennes....if is down to 'slow news week' the club should go all guns blazing at SSN/whoever for shit stirring
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Have to say when I was watching it on the SSN ticker this morning that it seems like a coincidence that 3 English clubs are being accused by 3 French xclubs over illegal transfers. Band Wagon jumping perhaps?
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

looks like a five year ban and 20 million fine,
they would just love that wouldnt they??
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Gaudino said:
The Fixer said:
It wouldn't suprise me if fifa are going out of their way to hunt down these kind of dealings, it does seem strange that Rennes have only just reported us??

As said, if true it'e Twatini's crusade via Rennes....if is down to 'slow news week' the club should go all guns blazing at SSN/whoever for shit stirring

Totally agree. That early in the morning that I think we will hear something later on from the club about this...
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea


Perhaps its a good thing we spent so heavily this window then eh? ; )

I'm sure the club will issue a statement saying "utter bollocks" later on today
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

mancity dan said:
samharris said:
dan....its early mate...;)

haha sorry sam. nerves on edge, sat at work at got some rag workmates having a go, need something to say back !!! HELP

no need for sorry's mate, I think we are all a bit on edge over this tbh...funny how its just french clubs ?? Chelsea,scum& us all reported by french clubs..Elan has been with us since feb...so why has it taken 7 months for this to come up ??
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Perhaps for seven months they've been thinking "there's somebody missing here...".

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