Jérémy Hélan & City (Merged)

Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

sam the drummer said:
who on earth does this.... with shit .... lol
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

BillyShears said:
I saw we send the kid back...

I'm all for signing up good young players - but it seems rather farcical that clubs like City and Chelsea feel the need to not properly compensate clubs like Rennes...

Anyway, I imagine this will be a storm in a tea cup...after what's happened to Chelsea, no doubt the more pragmatic chairmen of premiership clubs will be calling up any clubs they have problems with and asking the question "how much?" - then simply paying what they need to...

There's no sense in trying to be stingy over a few million euros when much larger punishments could be meted out in the future...
I don't think it's that we didn't compensate them properly, they just saw the opportunity after Chelsea got done to make a few extra quid on the side if they made it look dodgy. Why complain now, rather than then, if they suspected an illegal approach? In that case it could've been us who set the precedent instead of Chelsea if they were so sure.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

kiam06 said:
Ive just heared the complaint from Rennes on SSN, all it does is mention that Kakuta guy that Chelsea signed, this shows that it is just a response to that and they are just taking advantage of that case.Rennes are just after a payday and we should not stand for it.

Believe me, there's no sense in exhibiting the kind of behaviour that got Peter Kenyon into his mess at Chelsea. We should just pay the money and move on. UEFA and FIFA aren't the biggest fans of premiership clubs or English football as a whole - and City should not start acting in any way which is going to antagonize them...
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

n_mcfc said:
Seems like clubs are cashing in on the current anti-English stance taken by FIFA.

World Cup 2018 wont be in England!
Wonder if a certain Frenchman at UEFA is pulling the strings behind these clubs popping up.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

While i agree in certain terms that we should pay the money and move on. What i dont agree with is the premier league and english league getting bullied by another league purely because they have one of their countrymen at the helm of uefa. I mean if a swiss person gets in charge next are we all going to have bow down to swiss football and let them be succesful for a while where does it end.

Personally i think its time for the FA to grow a spine and stand up to uefa and their constant attacking of the premier league and english football.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

mancboy123 said:
While i agree in certain terms that we should pay the money and move on. What i dont agree with is the premier league and english league getting bullied by another league purely because they have one of their countrymen at the helm of uefa. I mean if a swiss person gets in charge next are we all going to have bow down to swiss football and let them be succesful for a while where does it end.

Personally i think its time for the FA to grow a spine and stand up to uefa and their constant attacking of the premier league and english football.
It's not UEFA it's FIFA
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Wish the club would make a statement denying any wrong-doing and asking Rennes to shut up or be taken to the cleaners legally.

The whole system is wrong imo, not just specific clubs and it's Platini who is sat in his tower of turd who could actually do something about it, but chooses to act the prick constantly. He pretends to care about all these issues but really he's very selective in who he attacks. Lower league and foreign clubs do need protection or reimbursement, but for the big clubs there should be a transfers code of conduct or something that approves everything first.

Where will this end? It's making football into a nonsense, and January will be quiet as anything at this rate. Get a set of rules and implement them. Anything serious in the past 24 months can be looked at, but wild accusations like Rennes are coming out with should be equally punishable.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Lets hope that our legal team had all the angles covered, or else this could be a serious error by our management team.
Re: Oh dear - City worse than Chelsea

Football Manager 2010 will be shit as no English teams will be allowed to buy anyone lol

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