Jack Grealish

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I don't know what I have to think about this. I truly rate Graelish and his age fits this team well. But if we are seriously spending that amount of money on him, I can't see us signing a world-class striker, besides him. And if that's the case, I would definitely prefer a new striker over another LW. He would compete with Sterling and Foden on that position. Foden could move to the central position but still, a striker is what we need much more.
Starting to sound like a few media outlets jumped the gun on this one. Still expect it to get done but don’t think it’s as close as the esrly reports are suggesting. Villa offering grealish a new contract is an interesting development but doubt it will change his mind
To be fair, I've seen clubs do this previously, so they can say to their fans they're not a selling club, they wanted the player to stay & they have European ambitions with said player at the heart of the team.

The player insisted he wanted to leave, & we only want players committed to the club, so reluctantly we were forced to set a valuation & accept a bid once the valuation was met. The player gets the move. The club gets the money. The fans blame the player. Everyone's happy and the fans have a new boo boy.
I don't care about the price but don't see where he plays. Ahead of Foden I imagine- and I'm surprised how many on here are fine with that.

I think it's incredibly naive to pretend Pep will suddenly forget about his obsession with playing midfielders on the wing. Grealish, Foden, Sterling, Mahrez and Torres all fighting for the same spot next season will lead to at least two of them being disappointed.
Foden and Grealish can both play in central midfield with Kev as well as playing the wings
Act your age then, not your shoe size

Try talking football instead of making every post you reply to personal, old fella. It's a terrible habit you can't rid.

This is a football forum, not somewhere to run your petty squabbles.
He's got a right attitude on him, hope Pep kicks that out of him if we sign him.
Good player though but thick as fuck
He's got a right attitude on him, hope Pep kicks that out of him if we sign him.
Good player though but thick as fuck
Any chance you've got examples of his bad attitude and being thick as fuck?
I'm talking on the pitch by the way, where it matters.
Sterling also plays in a team which scores twice the goals as Villa does. My post wasn't even about binning Sterling, its just that him, Silva and Mahrez look likelier than the others to leave.
Not saying you was mate.

Yeah we score twice as many, but all their play goes through Grealish. We have KDB, Foden, Mahrez, Sterling, Gundogan, Torres etc. Plus Foden’s been playing LW last season, who’s playing where? Seems like a nice to have when we could just throw £140mil at Haaland and be set for ages.
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