Javi Garcia (continued)

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I thought MDM did well in the DM role tonight. He can press in that position without risk of leaving holes in the back four. I know it wasn't much of a test tonight but I think Garcia is beginning to settle into our style of play more & can possibly be of use in the future. For a long time, I really did not believe this. Same to be said for Kolarov who has pushed Clichy hard of late for the left back spot. I'd now side with Kolarov due to the better delivery into the box & I do also think his defending has improved. Some of the movement & play tonight was top drawer. The scoreline could have been a lot worse for West Ham. As had been suggested by the journos on appointing MP, he gets the best out of his squad as is now being shown. The only player who is possibly going the other way is Lescott. He never was a great ball player so maybe he is no worse now to what he was in the past but just not as suitable to our style of play. He is still a good defender & worthy of a place in the squad but we are so spoilt now that there is an attitude amongst some that each and every player must be the real deal otherwise they should be dispensed of. You can't expect to have a squad of world-beaters so support each and every player who the manager feels is fit to wear the shirt. His judgement hasn't been too bad now going off the beatings we've handed out. Lastly, I know I'm covering a lot of bases here but I don't post too often at all so forgive me but there was a little bit of the ole! ole! chants when West Ham couldn't get a sniff of the ball with our intricate, short passing. If I was a fan of a team who was on the receiving end of these chants, I'd think "What a shower that lot are!" & it would turn me against such a team. When those chants are going around, I would say it not only embarrasses the team who can't get a touch of the ball but also our own players. Gratitude for such passages of play would be better served with an applause which would encourage our players to keep it going as opposed to the ole! ole! chants which may embarrass them into stopping such passing plays. A proper third world problem I know! But I just think why turn people against us when the football we play deserves to draw people in & not drive them away.
Rammy Blue said:
NQCitizen said:
Rammy Blue said:
MDM has the presence and technical ability to pick up a ball in tight areas and move it on, Javi shits himself if anyone is within 10 yards of him.

Yet still completes nearly every pass despite "shitting himself"?

I'm not getting into a debate about it but if you've got an ounce of football intelligence you'd know exactly what I mean.

Oh. Well there we go then.

You should probably tell Jorge Jesus, Roberto Mancini and Manuel Pellegrini too.

My solitary ounce of footballing intelligence is telling me you don't manage to complete passes while shitting yourself.
Rammy Blue said:
NQCitizen said:
Rammy Blue said:
MDM has the presence and technical ability to pick up a ball in tight areas and move it on, Javi shits himself if anyone is within 10 yards of him.

Yet still completes nearly every pass despite "shitting himself"?

I'm not getting into a debate about it but if you've got an ounce of football intelligence you'd know exactly what I mean.

If you re not getting into a debate about it why bother giving your opinion ? As for football intelligence its you that lacks an ounce of it ! Well played Javi yet again !
Well I'm going to stick my head above the parapet on this one. Garcia has become a damn useful squad player sitting and screening. Never loses possession and, whilst he's immobile, he's strong and clever.

He would never be in my strongest eleven, and I'd still upgrade him in the summer but at the moment, in a stretched squad, he's doing alright for me.
A useful player and unless we sign another midfielder in this window then I will trust MP's judgement in picking him when both Yaya and Ferny needs resting.
Didsbury Dave said:
Well I'm going to stick my head above the parapet on this one. Garcia has become a damn useful squad player sitting and screening. Never loses possession and, whilst he's immobile, he's strong and clever.

He would never be in my strongest eleven, and I'd still upgrade him in the summer but at the moment, in a stretched squad, he's doing alright for me.
Agree with most if this although I'd never use the adjective 'strong' to describe him.
Suddenly he makes sense as a 60' min substitution with the lead. Looks like he has finally found his feet in front of the back four. He reads the game quite well. If this player came into the squad when he was bought the way he is playing right now we'd have no gripes with his performance.
Lets not forget today we were at home and had over 70% possession of the ball. In a game like the Crystal Palace game where we dominate and cannot make the break through he is pretty useless as he adds nothing to help break them down. Its hard to know with him though in a 3 man mid away from home I think he can do a decent job.
Did well tonight.

Also his determination to be interviewed in English is to be admired.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Well I'm going to stick my head above the parapet on this one. Garcia has become a damn useful squad player sitting and screening. Never loses possession and, whilst he's immobile, he's strong and clever.

He would never be in my strongest eleven, and I'd still upgrade him in the summer but at the moment, in a stretched squad, he's doing alright for me.
Agree with most if this although I'd never use the adjective 'strong' to describe him.

Nor 'never loses possession' but after a couple of truly shocking bits of play early doors, he did well today & was more constructive than in previous games.

He was up against Noble rather than Iniesta though.

We finished the game with 3 fullbacks, 3 centrebacks, Garcia, a young kid & Dzeko on the pitch, & still ripped them to bits, so today was probably not the day to judge one way or the other.
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