Javi Garcia (continued)

NQCitizen said:
sir baconface said:
I'd go for stability and keep Garcia over some incomer who may be of inferior temperament and may need time to settle.

We don't need a team packed with galacticos. There's a place for one or two who get on quietly with their work.

Any of Kolarov, Dzeko and Garcia go and we might find a terrible mistake.

Top class output from these players that often goes unrecognised.
I agree. Our squad needs depth. These guys are the ones we should keep for squad and replace Micah, Rodwell.
taconinja said:
Tim Howard was the co-commentator today on my broadcast and he was effusive in his praise of Garcia to put it mildly. I have a feeling if we do want to loan him to Everton as was suggested a few months ago, they would be happy to take him.

-- Sun Apr 27, 2014 6:02 pm --

Tbilisi said:
I thought this guy was utter utter shit.........I was wrong,superb today.
Better than being wrong in the opposite direction. ;)
On a side note, how good was Howard as a commentator? So positive about everything and everyone, never putting in any snide digs or criticising people for no reason. So much better than all the bitter twats we get over here. Genuinely enjoyable to listen to, so enthusiastic and positive
Think of any top sportsman and they make what they do look easy. Javi made what he does look sooo easy today. Only it's not easy. It needs intelligence, discipline, the ability to read the game, composure and terrific fitness. I thought he was completely in control today.
He looks lot more settled within himself new country new language and we are finally seeing the real Garcia.. he looks so much happier in tunnel cams interviews you can tell he feels like he belongs now. im so glad to be proven wrong about him !
I still would like us to go and get Fernando but Garcia is a definite must keep for me now.

Imagine our midfield next season: Yaya, Fernandinho, Garcia, Fernando, Zuculini - perfect balance in my opinion and by far superior strength in depth compared to this season.
Credit where it's due. He has been top quality recently. Makes it look easy. People who were questioning him after Sunderland game are muppets!
Rammy Blue said:
AshtonBlueMooner said:
Quietly going about his job, I didn't think he was good enough (hands held aloft), I was wrong. Well played son, keep it going, you're doing a very effective but underrated job.

Funny thing is that he still makes me shit myself every time the ball comes to him, he's sooooo fucking slow it's astonishing. However I really have to eat a fuck of a lot of humble pie as the guy has put in shift after shift and rarely lets us down.

Well done Javi, you deserve a medal.

I love you Rammy :))
Has there been a better defensive midfielder in the league in 2014?

I don't think there has.

Amazing turnaround from 2013 where we would all have been happy to let him go.
The one thing I have noticed with Garcia over the last few weeks is how vocal he is, he is always talking and he isn't afraid to offer his opinion to other players, he does seem to be a leader on the pitch in that sense
We have now finally reached a state of content with Garcia. He has taken the reins and looks the part.

Now we have a reliable DM in our hands, do we still need Fernando? Although Fernando might be pocket change in the summer so it would be worth keeping him for ourselves too.

Should this be a new thread?

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