I am flummoxed CTID1988...... the only thing that logically makes sense was the driver using the brakes. Which doesn t even add up looking at it.

Where did you find this gif..... it has completely messed with my head.

another point were the stray bullets...... one struck a witness(fragments) and ended up down by the flyover/bridge...... another hit the limo.

Without doubt the entire factual authority on this subject. I implore everyone to read it, but it takes a good fortnight such is the detail. The rest, especially the above fictional rubbish, is embarrassing in comparison to this 20yr researched and proven account of facts
On a more serious note. I know you think the Warren Commission Report was accurate and comprehensive, have you read Whitewash by Harold Weisberg and if so, what did you think of it?
I am flummoxed CTID1988...... the only thing that logically makes sense was the driver using the brakes. Which doesn t even add up looking at it.

Where did you find this gif..... it has completely messed with my head.

another point were the stray bullets...... one struck a witness(fragments) and ended up down by the flyover/bridge...... another hit the limo.

I am genuinely confused, the line on the GIF.... the lines by Jackie indicate no movement from her which cancels the brakes as a possibility( strange JG mentions it in the dialogue just before)

now the line by JFK shows him in motion...... the cross lines and the line by Connally don't make sense as they both seem to stretch...... the cross is by what looks like the inside door handle, Connally head just stretches.....

Regardless, cheers CTID`88.
Secondly, if Oswald shot him alone, why wasn t JFK`s face blow out from the rear head shot...... it is obvious to anyone looking at the Zapruder film the shot was from the front with the exit wound to the rear..... you say Oswald acted alone, please explain, use the book you referenced if you have to explain the "kill shot" from the book depository. how come the earlier shots didn t have a backward explosion effect like the kill shot did..... that would mean he loaded different types of bullets.... which is total poppyc0ck-IMO.

Once I seen the film, I had no doubt in my mind the kill shot was 100% from the front meaning.... more than one shooter, meaning conspiracy.

Gun shot wounds are whole science to themselves, with many variables including calibre of bullets, bullet velocity and where they actually hit on the body and what they hit internally.

If you look at some of the testimony's regarding soldiers killed/wounded crossing the Somme etc a lot describe the entry wounds being the size of a fixpence piece but the exit wounds being big enough to fit both your fists in. From these huge exit wounds the men would be physically thrown forward by the exit force and end up face down in the mud, unlike what you would see in Hollywood with them being thrown backwards through the air.

Also, a common myth from WW1 was that all German snipers used 'explosive' (or dum-dum) ammo, due to how headshots would practically explode the whole head of the victim. All the evidence & testimnoy after the war was to show that, even though explosive ammo was used occasionally, 99% of kills were done using just high-quality standard ammo.

Having watched the JFK footage numerous times i can't see anything to indicate the shots came from anywhere but the Book Depository. The first shot looks like a through&through in the neck area and the headshot is consistent with what happens when a bullet hits something that is essentially 80-90% water.

The only thing i'm not 100% convinced about with the JFK assasination is that LHO was the 'actual' shooter. This is more to do with what happened in the aftermath of the shooting and the Jack Ruby hit at the station, and his previous pleas that he was just a 'patsy'. Maybe he was.
There was a JFK thread a year or two ago, will try and find it when on my computer and off the phone.
It got a bit heated I recall as someone was producing hard hitting facts (can't remember which side he was batting for).
I too produced a list of loads and loads of people connected to the incident who all died under very dodgy circumstances over the years

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