Jimmy & Joe To Sign New Contracts

Problem with James signing a new contract is that he also becomes less disirable to another club. If he signed a new 4 year deal in the summer then his fee stays around £15m. Not sure Liverpool would still be interested at that price. He might earn abit more but he loses some options regardless of salary.

I doubt whatever happens he's going to move to a top tier team. Liverpool right now is a huge step down - his best options might be united and he think he'd be a great addition to arsenals squad but his best chance of playing in a Champs League semi final is staying at City and hoping for the best ;)
If he leaves for more game time, i really dont think hed get any more at Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea etc, he'd have to join a team such as Everton and Spurs, and with them, he wouldn't be challenging for silverware every year.
Vic said:
Mister Appointment said:
....the truth is rarely do players run down their contract and leave for a rival, yet still retain the love of the supporters of the club they're leaving. As much as you keep arguing there's nothing wrong with Jimmy doing this, there is equally nothing wrong with viewing him as a mercenary twat for doing what he's doing.


Not sure even as bad as Liverpool are that I would consider LA Galaxy a rival.
chris85mcfc said:
Once you allow a player to run his contract into its final year, you will always run the risk of losing him for nothing

I'm sure the club wouldn't have let this happen to Sergio, Yaya or Vinny, so why Milner?

Unless of course we are talking double standards

There is a contract offer on the table. Has been for some time. Are you suggesting that Milner is as important to City as Aguero? Or Kompany?
Milner has been offered what's no doubt a very good deal. Why he hasn't signed it is anyones guess.

He'll only get more game time at a much lesser club. Is he going to play ahead of the players at Liverpool that currently keep him out of England team.
Or Arsenal, is he likely to play ahead of Sanchez, Walcott, Ozil, Oxlaide-Chamberlain.

When people say ignore the media, it's not always that easy. Jimmy obviously believes he doesn't play all that much. Despite statistics showing otherwise.
Mister Appointment said:
Danamy said:
It'll be interesting to see if the people bemoaning Milner for his actions on carrying out his contract are the same people clapping their hands in glee over Lampard staying until the end of the season after agreeing to join up with New York City this month?

The fickle and double standards of a football fan eh?

How are the two situations even remotely comparable?

There are a lot of important differences that I am too lazy to list; also I do not know all the facts of either situation. I think a key difference is that Frank may have been taken by surprise by how much he enjoyed being at City. Milner on the other hand has I feel been much more premeditated in his actions.

If Milner prizes money above playing for MCFC, that is his prerogative but placing MCFC's needs ahead of Jimmy's when it comes to my opinions is mine and I will be disappointed in Milner if he does not sign a new contract with City.
OB1 said:
Mister Appointment said:
Danamy said:
It'll be interesting to see if the people bemoaning Milner for his actions on carrying out his contract are the same people clapping their hands in glee over Lampard staying until the end of the season after agreeing to join up with New York City this month?

The fickle and double standards of a football fan eh?

How are the two situations even remotely comparable?

There are a lot of important differences that I am too lazy to list; also I do not know all the facts of either situation. I think a key difference is that Frank may have been taken by surprise by how much he enjoyed being at City. Milner on the other hand has I feel been much more premeditated in his actions.

If Milner prizes money above playing for MCFC, that is his prerogative but placing MCFC's needs ahead of Jimmy's when it comes to my opinions is mine and I will be disappointed in Milner if he does not sign a new contract with City.

Likewise. A £20m contract at City or a £25m contract (including signing on fee) at say Liverpool. In the grand scheme of things, money shouldn't be the all consuming consideration. It's bonkers amounts of cash and he'd be set for life either way, and I too would be disappointed if Milner were to reject what he has at City, where he is liked and respected by all and has the chance of continued glory, in favour of Europa League nothingness at Klanfield and a few extra quid
Whatever, I'm over him. He's playing us like Yaya did. If he's staying then great, if he's gone then good riddance.
chris85mcfc said:
It's good to see that 'trial by Bluemoon' is still being adhered to

schfc6 said:
chris85mcfc said:
Once you allow a player to run his contract into its final year, you will always run the risk of losing him for nothing

I'm sure the club wouldn't have let this happen to Sergio, Yaya or Vinny, so why Milner?

Unless of course we are talking double standards

There is a contract offer on the table. Has been for some time. Are you suggesting that Milner is as important to City as Aguero? Or Kompany?
Milner has been offered what's no doubt a very good deal. Why he hasn't signed it is anyones guess.

He'll only get more game time at a much lesser club. Is he going to play ahead of the players at Liverpool that currently keep him out of England team.
Or Arsenal, is he likely to play ahead of Sanchez, Walcott, Ozil, Oxlaide-Chamberlain.

When people say ignore the media, it's not always that easy. Jimmy obviously believes he doesn't play all that much. Despite statistics showing otherwise.

No im not suggesting he is as important as those mentioned ability wise, but you could argue that he is important in terms of always being fit and being able to play well in various positions, which is something every manager loves to have.

What I am saying is that there is no way on this earth that the club would ever allow the likes of Sergio, Vinny etc to run their contract into the final season, as the risk of them going for free is to high. They would either make them an offer they can almost not refuse, or they would be forced into selling the season before his contract runs out a la Van Persie and Nasri.

I think City see Milner's contract as less important than the above, as if he leaves it saves them about £20 million in terms of wages/salary but in the other hand they are losing a player who is probably worth about £15-£20 million, for free. And the main point being that his ability can almost easily be replaced

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