Jimmy & Joe To Sign New Contracts

kinkysdribble said:
All our players who are No.1 in their respective positions have all recently signed new contacts, but Milner who in my opinion is a useful squad member and nothing more is dragging his feet, if he goes I won't lose any sleep over his departure. The disappointing thing is the way he's gone about running his contract down, claiming it's not about money but he wants more playing time,well he's been given plenty but still no sign of pen to paper if media reports are to be believed, now some will say " he's within his rights, he's seen his contract through and fair play to him", but with City facing FFP scrutiny it would be useful to receive some cash considering how much we would've invested in him during his contract term, none of this is sour grapes cos if he signs, good and if he goes, so be it!

You are not a business man, or familiar with contracts, are you?

But, you are a PR reps best friend, because you have swallowed the negative PR on Milner hook, line and sinker.

He was bought for what City thought he was worth to them. They gave him a contract that they felt he deserved, and he has honored it. Never ruffled a single feather.

So, unless you are ITK, and have some concrete negative information about either him or his reps playing games with the club, I'd politely suggest giving the player enough space to have a scintilla of doubt in his favor that he is simply looking out for his future.

Conversely, you can keep the "Fuck him!" attitude.
ChicagoBlue said:
kinkysdribble said:
All our players who are No.1 in their respective positions have all recently signed new contacts, but Milner who in my opinion is a useful squad member and nothing more is dragging his feet, if he goes I won't lose any sleep over his departure. The disappointing thing is the way he's gone about running his contract down, claiming it's not about money but he wants more playing time,well he's been given plenty but still no sign of pen to paper if media reports are to be believed, now some will say " he's within his rights, he's seen his contract through and fair play to him", but with City facing FFP scrutiny it would be useful to receive some cash considering how much we would've invested in him during his contract term, none of this is sour grapes cos if he signs, good and if he goes, so be it!

You are not a business man, or familiar with contracts, are you?

But, you are a PR reps best friend, because you have swallowed the negative PR on Milner hook, line and sinker.

He was bought for what City thought he was worth to them. They gave him a contract that they felt he deserved, and he has honored it. Never ruffled a single feather.

So, unless you are ITK, and have some concrete negative information about either him or his reps playing games with the club, I'd politely suggest giving the player enough space to have a scintilla of doubt in his favor that he is simply looking out for his future.

Conversely, you can keep the "Fuck him!" attitude.

No issues with what Kinky says. Milner could have made his intentions clear in the summer rather than misrepresenting his true intentions which may have been to leave on a "free". We would then have had opportunity to sell him in all probability and extract a fee.
ChicagoBlue said:
without a dream said:
ChicagoBlue said:
If it is not to be, I wish him the ABSOLUTE BEST WISHES for the work he has done in helping my club be the best it has been in history, playing football, and against teams, that could only have been dreamt of just a few short years ago.

I just don't get this. I don't expect him to have any loyalty but he sure as hell won't be getting any 'best wishes' from me when he's damaged the club. I'm a City fan, not a James Milner fan.

So, you can figure out how to put it in bold, but you couldn't read the rest of the sentence?!

I guess when David Silva takes his Bosman back to Spain, you will be telling him not to let the fucking door hit him in the arse, too?

What kind of fucking mercenary are you? And what are you, 12?

City gave him a X year contract and he has honored it to the hilt and never caused a ripple. He is one of only two regular England players in the team, trains and plays hard, hardly ever injured, and has his own charitable foundation that puts himself and the club in a good light. Let's get rid of all those arseholes in the squad, eh?!

Yeah.....other than having been a model pro who honors his contract and does the business for us for years, fuck him, right?!

I reckon Dave wouldn't dick around, when he goes it will be with the clubs blessing.

He knows his value, fair play to him he only gets one shot at a career, I don't question his professionalism, I don't doubt he's a nice bloke. I sure as hell won't be wishing him well when he joins a rival club trying to take points off City and knock them out of competitions though, I'm a City fan, why would I?

Hopefully he signs a new deal and all the speculation can be consigned to history and I can carry on singing 'there's only one James Milner' next year, it doesn't look like that's going to happen though.
ChicagoBlue said:
kinkysdribble said:
All our players who are No.1 in their respective positions have all recently signed new contacts, but Milner who in my opinion is a useful squad member and nothing more is dragging his feet, if he goes I won't lose any sleep over his departure. The disappointing thing is the way he's gone about running his contract down, claiming it's not about money but he wants more playing time,well he's been given plenty but still no sign of pen to paper if media reports are to be believed, now some will say " he's within his rights, he's seen his contract through and fair play to him", but with City facing FFP scrutiny it would be useful to receive some cash considering how much we would've invested in him during his contract term, none of this is sour grapes cos if he signs, good and if he goes, so be it!

You are not a business man, or familiar with contracts, are you?

But, you are a PR reps best friend, because you have swallowed the negative PR on Milner hook, line and sinker.

He was bought for what City thought he was worth to them. They gave him a contract that they felt he deserved, and he has honored it. Never ruffled a single feather.

So, unless you are ITK, and have some concrete negative information about either him or his reps playing games with the club, I'd politely suggest giving the player enough space to have a scintilla of doubt in his favor that he is simply looking out for his future.

Conversely, you can keep the "Fuck him!" attitude.

I think thats naive.

Football contracts are somewhat different from normal business contracts in that we are dealing with intangible assets that become completely worthless at the end of the contract. For that reason, players leaving on a free is very uncommon for players in their prime.

If a player engineers a situation where he's out of contract and leaves on a free, it's hugely detrimental to the club, and if someone deliberately manoeuvres to achieve that, they are basically shafting the club. Anyone doing this deserves a right slagging off in my book, and given the situation right now, it's hard to interpret this in a different way.
If he is about to leave, it was nice of him to milk the club for his free holiday in Abu Dhabi, no doubt first class in every way possible

In all seriousness though, seems strange that he seems to be at the forefront of most of the PR stuff. If he was about to announce his departure, you'd think he'd keep his head down.... Or am I just being naive in thinking a footballer would have any common sense?!?
Mister Appointment said:
Rammy Blue said:
Mister Appointment said:
Because he no longer has the ambition to challenge himself at the highest level. Sad really especially if it's to be believed that he wants to trade in Kun, Silva, Yaya, Sami, Vinny, etc as teammates to go ply his trade alongside Hendo, Leiva, Lallana, Borini, Lambert, etc.

Come off it mate, let's be honest, he knows he's incapable of being on a par of the calibre of player we are moving towards.

More a realist if you ask me.

I don't know how else you'd describe someone who gives up playing as many minutes and as many games as Milner does at a club like City to go somewhere he knows he'll always finish behind us but will play 10 more games a season. Total lack of ambition. There have been plenty of moments in the last 18 months where you've been calling for his inclusion ahead of Nasri's as have tons of people who watch City. He's good enough to play a huge part in our squad even if he doesn't have the technical qualities of other players.

The Guardian article put up a few pages back said that he started 12 league games last season. I don't know if that's right or not or how many games he's started each season since he signed and tbh I can't be arsed looking it up because I know that it's a fraction of the games that some of his perhaps more illustrious teammates have started. That's the issue for Milner - he's said it - playing time and therefore, though unsaid, his perceived standing within the team. He's been a bit part player at City - a stand in, a filler in of holes when others are injured or out of form, a perennial sub - albeit an at times vital, mostly consistent, rarely injured, incredibly versatile, pretty damn decent and uncomplaining bit part player. Ok, so his game time has increased this season to date, but I can't believe anyone is so naive as to think this has been in an effort to placate Milner and is just more filling in of holes due to the injury issues we've had across the midfield and up front this season. Milner will never be one of the first names on the team sheet at City. He knows it. We know it. If he wants to be he has to move on, and a Bosman now is his best chance of securing a club that will be competing for, though probably not winning, trophies. If he signs a new contract at City and stays another year or 2, with let's face it probably ever diminishing playing time, he'll then end up somewhere like West Brom or QPR. Move somewhere like Liverpool now and he's got a good chance of playing 40-50 games a season, be one of the main men and be in a team that will at least theoretically be challenging for silverware for the next 3-5 years. I honestly believe international considerations come into it too. I don't think being a bit part player for us has helped his England career at all and it sure as hell won't help it into the future.

So whilst it's hard to take - potentially losing such an asset for zip - I can't fault Milner for wanting to move on for the reason he has stated, if that is the case, and wholly agree with those who appreciate the fact that he will have fulfilled the terms of his contract to the letter and wish him well.
For a Forum full of working class fellas who do a hard days work for their crust, you sure do like to put on your blue tinted specs when it comes to the billion dollar businessman who runs your favorite football team!

Me? I like to look at the player, make sure he does what the club wants during his contractual period and doesn't try to undermine the club IF the club decides not to pay him what he thinks he is worth, or play him as much as he thinks he deserves.

As I said, if he signs, excellent. If not, I will wish him the best for being a model pro while he has been at this club and for his contributions in giving me many years of pleasure as a 45+ year fan of the club. And, if he ever comes back to play against City, I will give him the same welcome as I do for other players who leave City without giving us the two finger salute.

Oh, and I fully expect him to score, like every other ex-player who returns to face us!!!
chris85mcfc said:
Paul_Powers_Tash said:
chris85mcfc said:
They've probably offered him a years supply of Yorkshire Tea, and a weekly slot on CityTV with that moron Chappie.

But clearly trial by Bluemoon insists he's a c**t and a mercenary, and ironically isn't very good at football

So it beggers belief why so many want him to sign his new contract

Lets have it right. He's said many many times signing his contract is not about money but about game time. He cant have it both ways.

You're right he has said that to the media. What goes on behind closed doors is something we're not privvy to.

For all we know there could be other issues with the contract, would you go and tell the local paper all your private details?

Simply put, we just don't know what the issue is. But if people have got a gripe because he is leaving for free, then the answer to that is the club should have sold him last summer.

Hang on, lets have it straight if you've got another agenda why say anything at all. If you say something to the fans and probably the club through the media it effectively validates what you are saying behind the scenes. This is increasingly looking to be Milners game plan to stall any sale last summer so he can have his big fat pay day this summer, hence why he wasn't sold last summer.
I have no problem with Milner leaving on a free this summer if he'd been straight and either been up front about it or alternatively said nothing at all. Instead he's put his clearly stated only reason for not signing ie game time, front and centre and the fans and the club have taken him at his word. It now appears that his word if of no value and it is looking increasingly clear that he has deceived us all.
Now I'm a big boy and I know the world is full of low lifes who screw us over on a regular basis and unfortunately Milner is just another one on an ever expanding long list and sadly I'm old enough and cynical enough not to be surprised by it anymore.
What amazes me though is that a large number of CIty fans on here are supporting the guy after it is clear he's dipped your pockets and mugged us all off. Strewth!
ChicagoBlue said:
kinkysdribble said:
All our players who are No.1 in their respective positions have all recently signed new contacts, but Milner who in my opinion is a useful squad member and nothing more is dragging his feet, if he goes I won't lose any sleep over his departure. The disappointing thing is the way he's gone about running his contract down, claiming it's not about money but he wants more playing time,well he's been given plenty but still no sign of pen to paper if media reports are to be believed, now some will say " he's within his rights, he's seen his contract through and fair play to him", but with City facing FFP scrutiny it would be useful to receive some cash considering how much we would've invested in him during his contract term, none of this is sour grapes cos if he signs, good and if he goes, so be it!

You are not a business man, or familiar with contracts, are you?

But, you are a PR reps best friend, because you have swallowed the negative PR on Milner hook, line and sinker.

He was bought for what City thought he was worth to them. They gave him a contract that they felt he deserved, and he has honored it. Never ruffled a single feather.

So, unless you are ITK, and have some concrete negative information about either him or his reps playing games with the club, I'd politely suggest giving the player enough space to have a scintilla of doubt in his favor that he is simply looking out for his future.

Conversely, you can keep the "Fuck him!" attitude.
You're right I'm not a business man nor am I familiar with the in and outs of footballers contracts, does that mean I can't have an opinion! There has been no negative PR on James Milner from what I've read, in fact he's quite the media darling ( ultimate pro, hardworking, trains hard, etc etc), and not once did I say "Fuck him" if he leaves, but I'll be completely honest here, and it is only my opinion ( doesn't count for much in the grand scheme of things) , I don't rate him that highly in fact I think he's everything wrong with English football, too much emphasise on workrate and endeavour rather than technical ability and a little bit of flair ( it is supposed to be entertainment after all) . As for his last lucrative deal before he hangs up his worn out boots, I'm sure he's not hiding behind the sofa whenever there's a buzzer from his electronically operated gates cos he can't afford to pay the window cleaner, there you go I've said it now,it's out in the open,and breathe!!!

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