Well-Known Member
I do know that "freedom of speech no matter how offensive" was used a hell of a lot to defend Farage by the same people who are faux "outraged" by the Brand joke.
Also, isn't it the Alt-Right types who apparently despair at the state of comedy to the point where they've created their own comedy night*, frequented by the likes of Prison Planet's Paul Watson, which allows Right wing comedians to tell "non PC" jokes without judgement or persecution? You'd have thought this is exactly the type of freedom of speech in comedy that they profess to protect. But as usual with these Right wing hypocritical cunts , the second the tables are turned they are the absolute kings of being offended.
Also, isn't it the Alt-Right types who apparently despair at the state of comedy to the point where they've created their own comedy night*, frequented by the likes of Prison Planet's Paul Watson, which allows Right wing comedians to tell "non PC" jokes without judgement or persecution? You'd have thought this is exactly the type of freedom of speech in comedy that they profess to protect. But as usual with these Right wing hypocritical cunts , the second the tables are turned they are the absolute kings of being offended.
*Inside London's 'Free Speech' Comedy Night
Comedians who believe you "can't say anything anymore" performed to a who's who of the British right: Paul Joseph Watson, Toby Young and Breitbart editor James Delingpole.
https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/xwn5 ... right-wing
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