Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

softlad said:
What like the Guildford 4? Didnt the judge in that case say that he wanted them tried for treason against the crown so he could hang them? Look what happened there.....

Regardless of what happens, there will always be miscarriages of justice, bent coppers, technology unavailable that can disprove a allegation.

How would you feel if you were on a Jury who sentenced someone to death, only to later find out they were innocent?

Sentences need to be harder and tougher, but there is always the oppurtunity to reverse that sentence. Once someone is dead, thats it.

Yeah that's one bent,fucked up corrupt conviction you mention .... I'm saying with irrefutable evidence. Perhaps there needs to be a reform of the judiciary system anyway to eradicate the corruption that still goes on

Technically it was 4 primarily, along with the rest of the Maguire family.....

Then there was Derek Bentley, The Birmingham Six, Judith Ward, Bridgewater Three amongst many.

Plus there is no such thing as irrefutable evidence. You take what is put in front of you as the gospel, but as with all technological advances, things change, evidence becomes unsafe....

Plus, you didnt comment on how you would feel if you commited someone to death to then find out they were innocent. Could you deal with that!?
I've never been able to fully comprehend the arguement against capital punishment especially when the following points are always raised by those who oppose it (capital punishment):
"violence breeds violence" bollocks. No it does not.
"they could convict the wrong person" unequivocally have the guilty party bang to rights
"It isn't civilized" neither is murdering someone, as someone has already posted, an eye for an eye ... is it such a bad thing?

Violence breeds violence. It's a fact. Do you know how much more likely it is for someone to grown up violent if they've seen it all their life?

Plenty of people have been 'bang to rights' when convicted only to find out that a miscarriage of justice has occurred. Bit fucking late to say sorry if you've executed someone isn't it?

Murdering someone isn't civilised of course. But how the fuck can executing someone be civilised either?

On top of these, the death penalty is no deterrent. Again, a proven fact.

Oh, it's more expensive than locking up someone for life too. At least it is when you have the proper checks and balances in place. Even the most rabid pro-death penalty people should see the need for these unless they don't believe in any justice system whatsoever.
Swales lives said:
That is one terrible advert for Waterstones

Inside as well.
Pigeonho said:
I normally stand for letting someone rot in a 6ft by 7ft cell, with water and bread 3 times a day for the rest of their lives. No window, no human contact, just the most basic existence imaginable, but there are cases sometimes where if you had the chance of carrying out corporal punishment yourself, you would just have to take it.

Thats the thing though IF they get convicted they don't serve time like that. If they did i think a lot of people wouldn't be as bothered or as blood thursty.
If jail was a far more unpleasant experience then I'd put more value on it as a punishment. It is way too cushy and so in the interest of proper retribution we need to kill these fuckers. Read out the details of their crimes and I will happily push the button that hangs/ gases/ electrocutes them whatever. Obviously this would only happen in cases where the evidence was irrefutable. Otherwise just bang them up in a Thai style prison cell and let other inmates shit and piss on them on a regular basis by way of their daily treat. These latest xmas muslim terrorists would do for starters if found guilty as well as the murderer of Joanna Yates and other killers and potential killers of their ilk. These people cannot and should not be rehabilitated. These animals are a pointless drain on on our resources and forfeit any human rights that they previously enjoyed. Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth. No mercy to those that show none themselves.
Balti said:
If jail was a far more unpleasant experience then I'd put more value on it as a punishment. It is way too cushy and so in the interest of proper retribution we need to kill these fuckers. Read out the details of their crimes and I will happily push the button that hangs/ gases/ electrocutes them whatever. Obviously this would only happen in cases where the evidence was irrefutable. Otherwise just bang them up in a Thai style prison cell and let other inmates shit and piss on them on a regular basis by way of their daily treat. These latest xmas muslim terrorists would do for starters if found guilty as well as the murderer of Joanna Yates and other killers and potential killers of their ilk. These people cannot and should not be rehabilitated. These animals are a pointless drain on on our resources and forfeit any human rights that they previously enjoyed. Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth. No mercy to those that show none themselves.

There isnt, and never will be such a thing as irefutable evidence.... therein lies your problem.

I agree with the issues surrounding prison, but because the system is that great at the moment doesnt mean we should advocate killing people.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
de niro said:
would not make the courts, nothing and i mean nothing would stop me from killing him stone dead. having a daughter that age makes me shudder at the thought of the loss her parents feel.

But do we not need the courts to establish his guilt?
If he is proved guilty,then lock him up and lose the key,but surely the hallmark of a civilized society is that his guilt must be established first?
After all,the judiciary have got things horribly wrong before now.
Nah you can tell nowadays just by looking at them.
Serious question here...would it make murderers, rapists and the like think twice if the death penalty was in force?
Or if the life sentance actually meant LIFE and prisons were actually hell holes (not f*ckin holiday camps with sky sports, xbox etc!)..
I can kind of understand where De niro is coming from..I myself have got a 6 month old daughter and when I saw the girls father (whos been murdered!) at the press appeal it broke my heart tbh!
Who wouldn't want to kill the bastard/s who killed their daughter/son/wife etc??

In reallity though someone mentioned earlier that in these types of circumstances you probably wouldn't have the energy/will to carry this out!

Another poster also made a good point in that he actually hasn't been charged yet!....ok ok it looks effing dodgy as fook but even so!
Capital punishment is proven to be of no deterrent.

I also wonder if those commenting on prison being a 'holiday camp' have ever actually been in one.
gazhinio said:
Serious question here...would it make murderers, rapists and the like think twice if the death penalty was in force?
Or if the life sentance actually meant LIFE and prisons were actually hell holes (not f*ckin holiday camps with sky sports, xbox etc!)..
I can kind of understand where De niro is coming from..I myself have got a 6 month old daughter and when I saw the girls father (whos been murdered!) at the press appeal it broke my heart tbh!
Who wouldn't want to kill the bastard/s who killed their daughter/son/wife etc??

In reallity though someone mentioned earlier that in these types of circumstances you probably wouldn't have the energy/will to carry this out!

Another poster also made a good point in that he actually hasn't been charged yet!....ok ok it looks effing dodgy as fook but even so!
It doesn't really work as much of a deterrent in America, so no reason to believe it will over here. Rapists and murderers are unlikely to be the most logical of people at the best of times, so a logical argument of 'do that and die' probably won't register enough for it to deter them from committing the crime

Not sure prisons are genuinely like holiday camps either to be honest. Granted i only know one person who has served time, but he's still not recovered from being inside. Shouldn't have done the crime though, but yeah he assured me it was horrific.

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