Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

The newspaper coverage of this guys arrest and some of the comments on here are a fucking disgrace.

Things like 'prof strange released on bail' (Daily Mail) based on some former student recalling the personality of an English teacher over 20 years ago are ridiculous. So a few remarks about someone being an 'eccentric' or 'strange teacher' means they should be referred to as 'prof strange' with a discourse of 'strange might equally mean likely', really are the worst ugly form of journalism possible.
brass neck said:
BimboBob said:
It will be the dad. He cried too much at the press conference.

ha ha ha.......Its not just me then, I'm always a touch suspicious when i see press conferences. The amount of times the murderer has made a point of getting on telly or overdoing it at the conference then eventually gets caught. It will end up being the Oddball Landlord. I should imagine after he thought he was being clever telling the police he saw her leave with 2 people (to throw them off his sent) the cops probably checked a CCTV in the area that will of picked her up at that time, after it turned out to be bollox they probably said mmmmmmmmmmm....thats strange..and wondered why the slightly odd landlord with weird hair who lived on his own decided to say that.....

Im sure I have heard somewhere that the police use the appeals to investigate suspects (if they suspect a close link). I think they have profilers and psychologists looking at the way family members appeal and from that they gather lots of information.

Im also sure there are some stats along the lines of 90% of all murder vistims knew their murderer, quite mad really......
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.

not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

Right then De Niro, you've murdered this bloke... what now?
softlad said:
brass neck said:
ha ha ha.......Its not just me then, I'm always a touch suspicious when i see press conferences. The amount of times the murderer has made a point of getting on telly or overdoing it at the conference then eventually gets caught. It will end up being the Oddball Landlord. I should imagine after he thought he was being clever telling the police he saw her leave with 2 people (to throw them off his sent) the cops probably checked a CCTV in the area that will of picked her up at that time, after it turned out to be bollox they probably said mmmmmmmmmmm....thats strange..and wondered why the slightly odd landlord with weird hair who lived on his own decided to say that.....

Im sure I have heard somewhere that the police use the appeals to investigate suspects (if they suspect a close link). I think they have profilers and psychologists looking at the way family members appeal and from that they gather lots of information.

Im also sure there are some stats along the lines of 90% of all murder vistims knew their murderer, quite mad really......

75% are related.
denislawsbackheel said:
softlad said:
Im sure I have heard somewhere that the police use the appeals to investigate suspects (if they suspect a close link). I think they have profilers and psychologists looking at the way family members appeal and from that they gather lots of information.

Im also sure there are some stats along the lines of 90% of all murder vistims knew their murderer, quite mad really......

75% are related.[/quote]

Husband and Wife in Stoke?
Swales lives said:
de niro said:
not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

Right then De Niro, you've murdered this bloke... what now?

lol De Niro, theres always one thick hardnut
Same thing happened with the Brass killer in Leicester and the McCann's. Innocent people splashed all over the papers only to walk free days later.

INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY is a lovely idea but in knee jerk Britain it's a little bit twee.

I'm still all for killing anyone/everyone just in case they ever step out of line but that's just me.
There's an actor I know pretty well who was taught by this professor. Was speaking to him last night and he scoffed at the idea that he'd even been arrested. The guy was apparently his favourite teacher and someone who he reckons wouldn't have it in him to harm an insect, let alone another human being.
Skashion said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
I'm still all for killing anyone/everyone just in case they ever step out of line but that's just me.
We enlightened few eh? Murder is the only way to prevent death. It's obvious.

Exactly. People may laugh but if we'd killed whoever killed Joanna Yeates at birth then Joanna would still be alive now. It really is that simple.

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