Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
de niro said:
not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

No - in a civilized society courts and juries decide who is guilty,not some self-appointed vigilante who,understandably,isn't thinking straight.
What on earth do you mean 'with dna they wouldn't go to court unless totally sure of a conviction'?
What about those people who are found not guilty of murder by a jury,after all the evidence has been evaluated?
This happens in hundreds of murder trials every year.
Or when the police conspire to convict an innocent man?
Do I really need to list countless instances of this happening in recent legal history?
What you propose is the killing of an innocent man - innocent in that he has not been tried and convicted of any offence in a court of law.
And that,in my opinion,is simply ludicrous to any sane person.

If it was your offspring involved you would probably do exactly the same. And if you wouldn't, then you're obviously a better man than me and bob.
de niro said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Then congratulations on being the hardest man on the forum.
I shall not even try to bring logic and common sense into any future debates with you,because if you would kill a man merely because the police suspect him of committing a crime,then I despair.

not sure about being the hardest man on the forum, i'm 56 ffs but yes you are right i am more than capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought. what you are saying is see if he's guilty first, ok i'll give you this, with dna etc they would'nt go to court unless totally sure of a conviction,i would lie in wait till he shows up with the usual blanket over the head, then i'd kill the twat.
no fucking sky tv and play stations in prison for that fucker.

You are "more that capable of slitting that guys throat without a second thought"!!!!!! You must be a fucking nutter then,who probably needs therapy of some sort! Jesus Christ,there's nothing like a murder to bring the bluemoon morons shuffling out of their caves!

Innocent until proven guilty, regardless of what he looks like!
Johnsonontheleft said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No - in a civilized society courts and juries decide who is guilty,not some self-appointed vigilante who,understandably,isn't thinking straight.
What on earth do you mean 'with dna they wouldn't go to court unless totally sure of a conviction'?
What about those people who are found not guilty of murder by a jury,after all the evidence has been evaluated?
This happens in hundreds of murder trials every year.
Or when the police conspire to convict an innocent man?
Do I really need to list countless instances of this happening in recent legal history?
What you propose is the killing of an innocent man - innocent in that he has not been tried and convicted of any offence in a court of law.
And that,in my opinion,is simply ludicrous to any sane person.

If it was your offspring involved you would probably do exactly the same. And if you wouldn't, then you're obviously a better man than me and bob.

A question for you johnsonontheleft/de niro

If you had 2 kids, one who was murdered and one who wasnt would you be willing to lose 20+ years with the kid who remained just to satisfy your bloodlust?

Its not a dig, just interested to know your thoughts.....
LongsightM13 said:
A fascist is only a liberal who has just been mugged

Not too far from the truth. In general people get more right-wing as they get older, have kids, start paying taxes, get more life experience etc. This is why the Tory party is full of OAPs.

I should add that this is not always the case, before some old scrounger comes out with: "Ive voted Labour/Lib Dem all me life!"
Johnsonontheleft said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No - in a civilized society courts and juries decide who is guilty,not some self-appointed vigilante who,understandably,isn't thinking straight.
What on earth do you mean 'with dna they wouldn't go to court unless totally sure of a conviction'?
What about those people who are found not guilty of murder by a jury,after all the evidence has been evaluated?
This happens in hundreds of murder trials every year.
Or when the police conspire to convict an innocent man?
Do I really need to list countless instances of this happening in recent legal history?
What you propose is the killing of an innocent man - innocent in that he has not been tried and convicted of any offence in a court of law.
And that,in my opinion,is simply ludicrous to any sane person.

If it was your offspring involved you would probably do exactly the same. And if you wouldn't, then you're obviously a better man than me and bob.

No,I wouldn't.
And it has nothing whatsoever with being a 'better man'.
It is everything to do with believing in the rule of law,and the presumption of innocence until guilt is established.
Because that is what reasonable,sane folk do.
Because that is what reasonable,sane folk do.

Reason and sanity would be out of the window if some scumbag took the life of a loved one.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
No,I wouldn't.
And it has nothing whatsoever with being a 'better man'.
It is everything to do with believing in the rule of law,and the presumption of innocence until guilt is established.
Because that is what reasonable,sane folk do.

I agree.

And I'd even go so far to suggest that whilst a person can "imagine" what they would do in those circumstances, the truth may be very different.

Most parents that I have seen go through something like this (and it happened to my friend's parents) looked incapable of any action at all and the one major thing that seemed to surround them was simply a sense of desolation. They were barely able to function day to day nevermind anything else.
softlad said:
Johnson Ontheleft said:
If it was your offspring involved you would probably do exactly the same. And if you wouldn't, then you're obviously a better man than me and bob.

A question for you johnsonontheleft/de niro

If you had 2 kids, one who was murdered and one who wasn't would you be willing to lose 20+ years with the kid who remained just to satisfy your bloodlust?

Its not a dig, just interested to know your thoughts.....

good question, you can only deal with things as you see fit at the time, i couldn't live a normal life anyway with a child of mine gone.
no bloodlust mate just an eye for an eye, call me old fashioned.
have you seen those parents? why should they not have revenge? i honestly dont get the do gooders we now have in our country.
of course there would be no need for "vigilantes" if we hung the fuckers.
softlad said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
If it was your offspring involved you would probably do exactly the same. And if you wouldn't, then you're obviously a better man than me and bob.

A question for you johnsonontheleft/de niro

If you had 2 kids, one who was murdered and one who wasnt would you be willing to lose 20+ years with the kid who remained just to satisfy your bloodlust?

Its not a dig, just interested to know your thoughts.....
Very good question this. Before I answer it though I can't see why people are having a dig at De Niro with the 'hardman' posts, but stupid that.
Anyway, back to the question. Put Mr Wells, Mr Chapman, Mr Yeates et al in a room just 5 minutes after they discover who butchered, raped, strangled and discarded the body of their daughter, and I bet you that thoughts of consequences would go out of the window, and that instinct to exact revenge would come flooding out. I have 2 kids and a step child, and if anything happened to either of them and I either caught the person doing it or had the chance to exact revenge whilst the anger was still raw, I know for a fact I wouldn't control myself and that those 5 minutes of beating, stabbing, slitting, kicking and basically ravaging the shit out of him/her would be the 'best' 5 minutes ever.

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