Joe Hart (continued)

I really cant believe anybody is blaming Joe for the Balotelli goal, seriously I must be watching a different game. Baines does not pressure the cross, Cahill loses his man to a simple run off his shoulder and then to make it worse he moves backwards towards his goal as Mario drifts away. Basic defending is to be touch tight with your man as the cross comes in, if not then do everything you can to get there, Cahill just drops back and any chance of keeping a high line is lost. Joe has a good starting position for the cross which is then put beyond the back post and there is no way he can come for that.

Why criticise Joe, some of you have very limited knowledge of the game and must have never played it thats for sure.
He's done fine in both matches so far - one fumble early on against Italy, and should probably have been more aware for Suarez's second corner last night. Apart from that he's been solid, and couldn't have done anything with any of the goals.

He's still not quite back to his best for me - he doesn't seem to have that natural, instinctive confidence he had in 2010/11 and 2011/12. But there still aren't many I'd swap him for.
Super David Silva 21 said:
Oh shit.

Are we blaming Joe Hart for being knocked out?????

He was a disgrace, how dare he allow Gerrard to head it into Suarez path and score.
Joe's about 11th on the list

Hot shot Welbz, Rooney, Gerrard, England's back 4, Hodgson etc etc

This little rag plot is doomed to failure
Right enough is enough with some of you dozy cunts !!! How the fuck does earning a few extra bob from making an advert from a National Company make you lose your fucking concentration ??
Right City cancel all future Players visits to hospitals to see sick kids,cancel City Today,cancell City in the Community,cancel all trips to schools,cancel any media interviews,cancel today,after all its a fucking big distraction and all City players must remain focused on their full time occupation.
Fucking grow a pair of bollocks all you fucking hypocrites as you would be the first fuckers trying to gain extra cash for any sort of work.
Unbelievable Jeff !!!
It's become glaringly obvious that the majority of his detractors ( note: note all ) are on his case because they are letting their feelings about him personally cloud their judgement on his ability.

I don't believe he's up there with the very best but he's a very good keeper and there's not many that I'd be willing to fork out silly money ( because that's what we'd be paying for an upgrade ) for.

He has his weaknesses but as shown last season he was the willingness and professionalism to improve himself.
ifiwasarichfan said:
Kitplayer11 said:
ifiwasarichfan said:
By and large a good post.

Except for one fatal error. Joe is actually World Class.

I can't think of three keepers who are better than him. Massive credit to him as well for getting his mojo back after going through a really bad time.

Just honestly can't agree that joe is world class at all. He showed glimpses that maybe he could become one of the elite keepers in the world during the 11/12 season.. Dortmund game in particular but he has definitely regressed since then.

His reading of the game seems very poor and often he'll get caught out of position.. Balotelli the other night sums this up perfectly. His distribution is dire but everyone knows that. The being beat at the near post is a real issue and the problem I've got with this is that he's being touted as a world class keeper. He isn't and I doubt he ever will be. I'd love to be proven wrong but for me his attitude is all wrong. Did he really need to be making adverts when he was dropped from the side for poor performances last season? For years we would have been taking the piss out of the rags for stuff like this .. But really? Joe hart? It smacks of poor attitude, of someone that takes them self far too seriously. The say 30 hours he's spent making adverts doing voice overs this season could have been spent practicing. And I don't buy any of this bollocks about a short career and needing to earn. He earns more in 2 weeks than i do in a decade

Name me three keepers then smart arse.

Germany's top two and Buffon for starters

Joe is good but not World Class
City Raider said:
and of course we're going out coz of joe's adverts

That time could have been better spent working on passing the ball

Also, why does Joe put extra pressure on himself by appearing in shit adverts that are repeated as soon as we get knocked out. I know the money and his agent are drivers for this but he's earning a fortune already.
Tim of the Oak said:
City Raider said:
and of course we're going out coz of joe's adverts

That time could have been better spent working on passing the ball

Also, why does Joe put extra pressure on himself by appearing in shit adverts that are repeated as soon as we get knocked out. I know the money and his agent are drivers for this but he's earning a fortune already.

Come off it. You don't seriously think that he is missing training time to film an advert?

Beyond that, you could make precisely the same claim about every minute that every player spends not training - i.e. they could be using that time to practice and improve further.
Super David Silva 21 said:
Oh shit.

Are we blaming Joe Hart for being knocked out?????

He was a disgrace, how dare he allow Gerrard to head it into Suarez path and score.
Probably, there's some serious haters on here although some are obvious wums.
That said he did make me nervous in the first 10 minutes last night, thankfully he settled down because he was looking a bit hyper initially.

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