Joe Hart (joined Torino on season long loan - Official)

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That's down to percentages. So has Joe Hart. Most of Vinny's long passes go to the oppo goalkeeper. Having said that, everyone will be better at everything under Pep. They have basically been operating for 3 years without a coach.
Most of Bonucci and Boateng's long passes go astray as well. Vinny is as good as anyone.
Karen I know you have a soft spot for Joe by the truth is by your own admission if you do believe that it takes years to unlearn what he has been taught then his days are numbered. This is not personal but the advancement and the benefit of the team. He does not play in the way Pep likes so shall not be kept on.
So what about the young keepers, Gunn etc. Are you saying its not too late for them to learn, just too late for Joe, or should we just scrap taking in English goalies into the academy?

It'll be interesting to see what happens with Gunn this season. At his age I would normally think a loan spell and match experience would be best for him, however as the keeper at City is now required to be able to play the ball out from the back it may be better for him to stay around the squad this year as third choice keeper and adapt to the new system. It's a difficult one to call.
Karen I know you have a soft spot for Joe by the truth is by your own admission if you do believe that it takes years to unlearn what he has been taught then his days are numbered. This is not personal but the advancement and the benefit of the team. He does not play in the way Pep likes so shall not be kept on.
I have come around to the idea he will have to go,what i object to is the putting him down,he has served us very well and that should be recognised,comparing him to neuer puts him down imo
Don't take it personally,i am some what jaded with this thread
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We do want to be the best team in the world, right? Remember the Barca game? Joe was magnificent on the day. But that's not what we need. Pep is NOT trying to build a team that will be overrun in midfield, or one that struggles to keep possession. Also, Pep values calm, precision, and quick thinking. Joe is all passion & power. And then there's the dressing room factor. I think others said it better earlier in the thread, but I just want to agree that it's more than one thing. Love Joe, hate to see him go, but he doesn't fit the plan. I will miss him. But I won't miss those 60 yard kicks for touch.
You had. This forum, and members like you, are a disgrace with all the hate you have for our players.
How fucking dare you call me a disgrace and accuse me of hating our players?

I fucking love Joe Hart. I love Zabba, I love Vinnie, I love Aguero and I love Yaya Toure. However, I am not blinkered enough to think that a single one of those players is the best in the world in their position. I loved Ian Bishop, SWP, Andy Hinchcliffe and Niall Quinn but when they left, I carried on supporting the club in the best way I possibly could at every occasion and only finances has ever had an affect on my complete devotion to my football club.

I'll be gutted when/if Joe Hart leaves. It'll take me ages to love the new keeper like I love Hart just in the same way it took me years to accept that he was as good as Tony Coton. I've also got a 7 year old daughter who says she'll support whoever Hart signs for.

The top and bottom of my feelings is this though - the only employee of the club who I absolutely believe is the best in the world at what they do is Pep Guardiola. If he sold Aguero tomorrow I'd be gutted but excited to see how he plans to better the team. You need to step away from the keyboard because you're making a dick of yourself.
How fucking dare you call me a disgrace and accuse me of hating our players?

I fucking love Joe Hart. I love Zabba, I love Vinnie, I love Aguero and I love Yaya Toure. However, I am not blinkered enough to think that a single one of those players is the best in the world in their position. I loved Ian Bishop, SWP, Andy Hinchcliffe and Niall Quinn but when they left, I carried on supporting the club in the best way I possibly could at every occasion and only finances has ever had an affect on my complete devotion to my football club.

I'll be gutted when/if Joe Hart leaves. It'll take me ages to love the new keeper like I love Hart just in the same way it took me years to accept that he was as good as Tony Coton. I've also got a 7 year old daughter who says she'll support whoever Hart signs for.

The top and bottom of my feelings is this though - the only employee of the club who I absolutely believe is the best in the world at what they do is Pep Guardiola. If he sold Aguero tomorrow I'd be gutted but excited to see how he plans to better the team. You need to step away from the keyboard because you're making a dick of yourself.

Too be fair Kev does love the club and players and is only stating his views no need to make things personal simply because you do not agree. That same player you are fighting over will be kissing another badge or telling Sky how "the move was the best thing he ever did". So try and be less attached to these people they know it is a business and for all his effort Joe Hart was the top paid keeper in the PL for a very long time. It is not like we are throwing him away he worked was paid we thank him and lets move on.
Most of Bonucci and Boateng's long passes go astray as well. Vinny is as good as anyone.

You should have watched Boateng at the EUROS mate! Any 60 yard pass bang into one's advantage. Incredibly good for a defender. You know that.

Vinnie was great when fit. But certainly his defending was his strongest area, not his build up. Not calm enough there.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Back to topic.
What about Celtic?
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