Joe Hart + Mancini's Comments

Didsbury Dave said:
Hart hasn't been right all season. He should have saved the winner. I felt bloody sorry for him though last night after he gave that superb interview. The interviewer said to Mancini "HArt has critisised the players", which is not really what he said, and Mancini took it the wrong way.

If that's what was said then I understand Mancini's comments.

Hopefully it can be put down to a lack of communication and has already been sorted between Mancini and Joe already
I don't have a problem with what Hart said, he was spot on and simply saying what we were all thinking, you CAN'T go 2-1 up with 5 minutes to go and then lose, it's unacceptable. I also think Mancini didn't respond to what Hart said, he responded to what he was TOLD Hart said, which is a different matter entirely. I want Hart to be pissed off with the outcome, I certainly was, and I don't think it does anyone any harm for Hart to tell the media it was unacceptable.

As for the goals conceded last night, Hart couldn't be blamed for the first at all. The second was well placed and in the bottom corner, very difficult to reach, I didn't think Hart was to blame for that one either. The third should have been stopped, but it was Kompany's inexplicable failure to do anything with the shot that caused the goal and not Hart's actions, by the time Kompany had let it go Hart had no time to react.
Didsbury Dave said:
Hart hasn't been right all season. He should have saved the winner. I felt bloody sorry for him though last night after he gave that superb interview. The interviewer said to Mancini "HArt has critisised the players", which is not really what he said, and Mancini took it the wrong way.

He's always going to be like this, a bit of a loose cannon in the media. He opens his mouth without thinking sometimes. It's part of his makeup, he's a hothead.

I've got used to it now, it comes with the territory, and hopefully the players have. I hope he apologised to Hart after he saw the interview.

This is perhaps why we should let Platt do any talking after defeats like this. He is more calm and does not let the press windi him up.
I presume that by the deficiency in Hart's goalkeeping you mean he is getting beat to his left hand post, 4 times this year, last night, 2 against Saints and Suarez free kick. You will find that if you analyse every goalkeeper in the league you will find that a larger percentage of goals will be to that side. That is due to the majority of players being right footed and that is the natural finish.

Regarding the spat between Hart and Mancini, DD is correct the way the interviewer put the question to Mancini was wrong, he loaded the gun and unfortunately Mancini pulled the trigger.
Mancini doesn't think properly when angered, he's a very sore loser which is a good thing really.

I'm glad both Joe and Mancini are fucked off as that game was 3 points in the bag at 85 minutes!!
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Mancini has a policy of trying not to criticise a poor performance in front of the cameras (unless he's in a major arse). He leaves it for the training pitch and rightly so.

Joe's comments were passionate but go against Mancini's policy of keeping that indoors. The fact that he didn't single anyone out is irrelevant.

Mancini, as harsh as it was on a clearly upset Hart, was right in what he said. It's up to him, not Hart, to make those comments, regardless of if us as fans appreciate a bit of passion from the players.

Nonsense. Hart made reasonable comments in response to questions asked. He responded like a winner, a true professional. Now the way the interviewer put it to Mancini didn't accurately respresent those comments, but Mancini should have taken a deep breath and given a non-commital answer until he found out what had really been said.

He opened his gob without thinking, and not for the first time. Lost his rag.

In the scheme of things it shouldn't matter, especially if he said sorry, but if I were Hart I'd be irritated with those comments. The good news is I'm sure Joe's bright anough to shrug them off.

Didsbury Dave in 'it's Mancini's fault' shocker.

It isn't nonsense, it just paints Mancini in a light that you don't like. It could be argued Joe responded without thinking, also in the heat of the moment.

Mancini's comments were very harsh on Joe, however both were speaking in the height of emotion, not just Mancini. Fact remains that it isn't for Joe to publicly condemn our performance, I'd even say it's not for Mancini either, save it for the training pitch.

Joe knows the media circus around us and should have known better. His comments allowed the interviewer to twist it slightly and create the situation we are now in.

Personal view - naive from Joe. Overly strict from Mancini.

Both at fault.
markbmcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Mancini has a policy of trying not to criticise a poor performance in front of the cameras (unless he's in a major arse). He leaves it for the training pitch and rightly so.

Joe's comments were passionate but go against Mancini's policy of keeping that indoors. The fact that he didn't single anyone out is irrelevant.

Mancini, as harsh as it was on a clearly upset Hart, was right in what he said. It's up to him, not Hart, to make those comments, regardless of if us as fans appreciate a bit of passion from the players.

Nonsense. Hart made reasonable comments in response to questions asked. He responded like a winner, a true professional. Now the way the interviewer put it to Mancini didn't accurately respresent those comments, but Mancini should have taken a deep breath and given a non-commital answer until he found out what had really been said.

He opened his gob without thinking, and not for the first time. Lost his rag.

In the scheme of things it shouldn't matter, especially if he said sorry, but if I were Hart I'd be irritated with those comments. The good news is I'm sure Joe's bright anough to shrug them off.

Didsbury Dave in 'it's Mancini's fault' shocker.

It isn't nonsense, it just paints Mancini in a light that you don't like. It could be argued Joe responded without thinking, also in the heat of the moment.

Mancini's comments were very harsh on Joe, however both were speaking in the height of emotion, not just Mancini. Fact remains that it isn't for Joe to publicly condemn our performance, I'd even say it's not for Mancini either, save it for the training pitch.

Joe knows the media circus around us and should have known better. His comments allowed the interviewer to twist it slightly and create the situation we are now in.

Personal view - naive from Joe. Overly strict from Mancini.

Both at fault.

What utter, pompous, deluded twaddle. Joe didn't "publicly condemn our performance". He answered questions in an articulate and professional manner. He answered like the winner he is. He didn't criticise anyone.

To try to insinuate he is somehow at fault in this is laughable. He's blameless. Mancini got the wrong end of the stick and lashed out.
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Nonsense. Hart made reasonable comments in response to questions asked. He responded like a winner, a true professional. Now the way the interviewer put it to Mancini didn't accurately respresent those comments, but Mancini should have taken a deep breath and given a non-commital answer until he found out what had really been said.

He opened his gob without thinking, and not for the first time. Lost his rag.

In the scheme of things it shouldn't matter, especially if he said sorry, but if I were Hart I'd be irritated with those comments. The good news is I'm sure Joe's bright anough to shrug them off.

Didsbury Dave in 'it's Mancini's fault' shocker.

It isn't nonsense, it just paints Mancini in a light that you don't like. It could be argued Joe responded without thinking, also in the heat of the moment.

Mancini's comments were very harsh on Joe, however both were speaking in the height of emotion, not just Mancini. Fact remains that it isn't for Joe to publicly condemn our performance, I'd even say it's not for Mancini either, save it for the training pitch.

Joe knows the media circus around us and should have known better. His comments allowed the interviewer to twist it slightly and create the situation we are now in.

Personal view - naive from Joe. Overly strict from Mancini.

Both at fault.

What utter, pompous, deluded twaddle. Joe didn't "publicly condemn our performance". He answered questions in an articulate and professional manner. He answered like the winner he is. He didn't criticise anyone.

To try to insinuate he is somehow at fault in this is laughable. He's blameless. Mancini got the wrong end of the stick and lashed out.

Yeah hart answer was a response by a WINNER as how I saw the game as well we shouldn't be losing a game from 1-2 up with 5 mins to go especially with the team we have now don't care who we are playing....
I would like to see Mancini be briefed a little better by our PR people before going immediately in front of the camera.

Hart was very candid, didn't say anything wrong for me, but I do think Joe is starting to believe a little too much in what he believes the wider public want and need to hear?

Perhaps a little too self-aware at present and needs to get back to letting his goalkeeping speak for him on a more consistent basis.

I don't think mixing with half those England pricks does him any favours.

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