Joe Hart + Mancini's Comments

waspish said:
Yeah hart answer was a response by a WINNER as how I saw the game as well we shouldn't be losing a game from 1-2 up with 5 mins to go especially with the team we have now don't care who we are playing....

I liked his reaction, I was very proud of him. I liked the fact that our players - and manager - had the self-belief to be gutted we didn't win this game.

I've said it before, there is a core of players who's attitude is exactly what a really successful side needs. Articulate, focussed, passionate, sportsmanlike. Hart's one, Vinny's another. De Jong was one. Aguero and Zab have it, even Dzeko.

All great sides have these. It should be encouraged, not stamped on.
Can't really understand how anyone could suggest that Hart was at fault for any of the goals last night. First deflected, second right in the corner after a really sharp turn, third let down by Kompany ducking right in front of him - not a keeper in the world who could have reacted at that point to save it.

Can understand a bit about the distribution but i) a lot of it comes when sides press us up the pitch, we can't find an out and we end up going back to him, and he then has to launch it forward under pressure; ii) we only have Tevez, Silva and Nasri forward - playing the way we did yesterday, Yaya could perhaps have done more to make himself a natural target, I thought, pulling out wide etc. to go up against their fullbacks in the air, iii) he can only play the ball out shorter if our defenders and/or central midfielders want it and are available, and Madrid's pressure so high up meant this wasn't possible. As Tolmie said, sides have cottoned on to this as the way to play against us, and no way Mourinho was going to miss it.
its just media fueling it up nothing more than that hart comments were presented to mancini as if he is was criticizing the team but in reality he was having a dig at him self more than anything in the heat of the moment and it can happen after such a loss.
Both are professionals and would be over it by now.
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Nonsense. Hart made reasonable comments in response to questions asked. He responded like a winner, a true professional. Now the way the interviewer put it to Mancini didn't accurately respresent those comments, but Mancini should have taken a deep breath and given a non-commital answer until he found out what had really been said.

He opened his gob without thinking, and not for the first time. Lost his rag.

In the scheme of things it shouldn't matter, especially if he said sorry, but if I were Hart I'd be irritated with those comments. The good news is I'm sure Joe's bright anough to shrug them off.

Didsbury Dave in 'it's Mancini's fault' shocker.

It isn't nonsense, it just paints Mancini in a light that you don't like. It could be argued Joe responded without thinking, also in the heat of the moment.

Mancini's comments were very harsh on Joe, however both were speaking in the height of emotion, not just Mancini. Fact remains that it isn't for Joe to publicly condemn our performance, I'd even say it's not for Mancini either, save it for the training pitch.

Joe knows the media circus around us and should have known better. His comments allowed the interviewer to twist it slightly and create the situation we are now in.

Personal view - naive from Joe. Overly strict from Mancini.

Both at fault.

What utter, pompous, deluded twaddle. Joe didn't "publicly condemn our performance". He answered questions in an articulate and professional manner. He answered like the winner he is. He didn't criticise anyone.

To try to insinuate he is somehow at fault in this is laughable. He's blameless. Mancini got the wrong end of the stick and lashed out.

He answered in the heat of emotion. Nothing he said was wrong, and what he did say we all wanted to hear. No issue with that. He did however, set himself up for the media to twist it, which they did as per.

Mancini 'lashed out' (he didn't) based on the question he was asked that had been twisted. My argument is that Joe gave the media the chance to do that by being so honest. As I said, it was naive, nothing more.

Probably equally naive of Mancini to take the wording of the question as fact.

In any case, it's all blown miles out of proportion and there is barely anything to see here whatsoever.

My argument with YOU, is your blaming Mancini without any acknowledgment that Hart's words gave the media the chance to put their own shite spin on it.

As I said, both at fault in their own way.
I take on board that Mancini was asked for his reaction to Joe's comments, but Mancini should've said nothing IMO or just glossed over it. He could even have said "i didn't hear what joe said". It is a sometimes a heat of the moment thing with him where he's clearly so passionate that occasionally he loses his cool in moments of adversity. Heart on sleeve rather than calculated.
BillyShears said:
I take on board that Mancini was asked for his reaction to Joe's comments, but Mancini should've said nothing IMO or just glossed over it. He could even have said "i didn't hear what joe said". It is a sometimes a heat of the moment thing with him where he's clearly so passionate that occasionally he loses his cool in moments of adversity. Heart on sleeve rather than calculated.

A better way of wording my thoughts.

However, I apply this to both Mancini and Joe.
markbmcfc said:
My argument with YOU, is your blaming Mancini without any acknowledgment that Hart's words gave the media the chance to put their own shite spin on it.

Nonsense. Hart said "It's not on. You can't go 2-1 up and lose the game. We can only blame ourselves. They are a very good team and so are we. We dug deep, got a lead twice and threw it away. It's hard to come off the field after losing 3-2 and be positive."

Hart's words were spot on. He said nothing wrong. He said nothing controversial. He said nothing out of the ordinary. Mancini's reaction without all the facts was misplaced.
BillyShears said:
markbmcfc said:
My argument with YOU, is your blaming Mancini without any acknowledgment that Hart's words gave the media the chance to put their own shite spin on it.

Nonsense. Hart said "It's not on. You can't go 2-1 up and lose the game. We can only blame ourselves. They are a very good team and so are we. We dug deep, got a lead twice and threw it away. It's hard to come off the field after losing 3-2 and be positive."

Hart's words were spot on. He said nothing wrong. He said nothing controversial. He said nothing out of the ordinary. Mancini's reaction without all the facts was misplaced.
Mancini needs to have a quiet word with joe
Just to tell him to be careful with what he says
Didsbury Dave said:
markbmcfc said:
Mancini has a policy of trying not to criticise a poor performance in front of the cameras (unless he's in a major arse). He leaves it for the training pitch and rightly so.

Joe's comments were passionate but go against Mancini's policy of keeping that indoors. The fact that he didn't single anyone out is irrelevant.

Mancini, as harsh as it was on a clearly upset Hart, was right in what he said. It's up to him, not Hart, to make those comments, regardless of if us as fans appreciate a bit of passion from the players.

Nonsense. Hart made reasonable comments in response to questions asked. He responded like a winner, a true professional. Now the way the interviewer put it to Mancini didn't accurately respresent those comments, but Mancini should have taken a deep breath and given a non-commital answer until he found out what had really been said.

He opened his gob without thinking, and not for the first time. Lost his rag.

In the scheme of things it shouldn't matter, especially if he said sorry, but if I were Hart I'd be irritated with those comments. The good news is I'm sure Joe's bright anough to shrug them off.

Agree 100%. Joe was straight from the heart (no pun intended) and not critical of anyone in particular or any tactics. He was hurt by the defeat and came over well imo. Bobby should be long enough enough in the tooth to parry the interviewer's question. Hope they patch it up in private as they clearly feel passionately and are both "good guys".

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