Joe Hart or Willy Caballero

For me I'd stick with Hart mainly because from what I've seen of Willy he's no better, admittedly this is based on pre season and the community shield.

Another note on hart, he seems to get his angles wrong at the near post quite a lot. This is something that he should be working on in training with the goalkeeping coach everyday! He also tends to anticipate instead of reacting, which is fine when you anticipate right but when you don't it looks like a howler like yesterday's did.
manchester blue said:
The stats were in the last Hart thread and I'm not going to look again but the facts are that his shots on target to saves ratio is dire. basically a shot on target has a good chance of going in. He's is protected a lot by our, usually excellent defence, in so much as he is rarely kept busy.

Quite simply he is not the standard of other positions on the pitch.

Didn't realise the stats said that, but its a pretty damning one.

When's Hart's contract due to end? I did read some mention of him getting a renewal.
Be a shame if we have to lose an English player, but if we can find better...
Hart is just an extremely average error prone keeper. He has the very odd great game but he's not good enough for us.
I don't get where all this negativity towards Willy is coming from. He proved at Malaga that he is a top keeper and he hasn't even had a chance at City but yet people are writing him off after one glorified friendly performance. Ironically, the ones who are writing him off are the same people who want to stick with Hart despite him making a lot more costly cock ups than Willy.

A decision needs to be made on Joe. The guy has regressed so much that people are happy to point out that he does the simple stuff well as some kind of positive. The truth is that he no longer has that presence or aura about him that he had 2 years ago. There was a time that when our defence messed up he would be there to sort it out. After all that's why clubs want a world class keeper. Now though the defence messing up is his an excuse for his laughable attempts to save the shot.

Personally I believe Joe does deserve another chance when taking into account his potential and age. However, we are approaching last chance saloon for him. Mancini wanted rid and last season he got dropped. He was lucky that Pantilimon was never good enough to take his spot permanently. Now though it's different. We had far more concerning needs for the squad than a world class GK but now we have addressed them issues. Also Willy is a more than able short term (at least) replacement for Hart.

The frustrating thing is that just when you think Hart has turned a corner and has got his form back, he makes a clanger like yesterday. I don't think that his form is anything to do with his attitude but rather a mental one. I reckon that the media stuck the knives in so much during his period of bad form that he is scared of making a mistake, which is stopping him playing his natural game.
Is this how it is going to be now?, Anytime we concede with Hart in goal, there will be a campaign and calls to drop him.

It will be laughable if it was not very sad.

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