joe hart

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The thing was Nasty had a few yards on Torres and it wasn't as if Torres was going past him. Hart could have seen that quite clearly if only he engaged his brain and realise that as Nasty was gonna get to the ball first the obvious thing was a header back. He rushes out all the time and like at Villa it's fucking cost us.
cookster said:
@BluePhil8 said:
WNRH said:
Simply not good enough, a keeper should be number one priority in the summer, until then Pantilimon will do.

And what? Have Hart cost us even more points? Bid for Casillas and Valdes in January.

Did you see Valdes yesterday?

No to be honest, and I'd much rather have Iker. But I've just had it with Hart now. I don't care who it is, Begovic would probably be an improvement.
If you keep picking a player regardless of his performance - why should he strive to improve himself? All players need to have the mentality that there is room for improvement and practice/play accordingly by doing so they at least have a reasonable chance of maintaining the level they already have.
Harts level is going backwards and the type of mistakes like todays are amateurish.
cookster said:
pudge said:
cookster said:
Having an argument with you is like having an argument with my wife. You're obviously right!
Having an argument would mean there's two contributions towards the point, not nonsensical unfunny quips tbf.

So with that I'm clearly not having an argument with you.

You really are like my wife, sulking now because you're wrong but won't admit it. Diddums.
I see nor hear any sulking, you haven't addressed the point when engaging in discussion with me, "diddums".

My point is it's not ALL Joe's fault, if you wish to argue that then I'm all for it.

But posting unfunny bollocks about you and your wife's relationship doesn't add to anything.
pudge said:
cookster said:
pudge said:
the balls coming down then if Nastasic is heading it?

And Joe was coming on to it..... maybe it might have dropped given the laws of physics.

Or even then, keepers have heads too!!

Shocking revelation for you I take it

Having an argument with you is like having an argument with my wife. You're obviously right!
Having an argument would mean there's two contributions towards the point, not nonsensical unfunny quips tbf.

So with that I'm clearly not having an argument with you.

Your wrong. Nasty, was holding of Torres and looking to head back that was clear for everyone to see. You could see Torres slowing because Nasty had it covered He headed back so Hart could use his hands. But no, Hart yet again makes an appalling decision with no logic, or reason. He is an average to good keeper and not good enough for us. Say Nasty gets beaten to the ball by Torres, because the cock has rushed out Torres would simply nod it over him. Which ever way you look at it Hart screwed up,, again.
@BluePhil8 said:
cookster said:
@BluePhil8 said:

And what? Have Hart cost us even more points? Bid for Casillas and Valdes in January.

Did you see Valdes yesterday?

No to be honest, and I'd much rather have Iker. But I've just had it with Hart now. I don't care who it is, Begovic would probably be an improvement.
You'd soon care if the replacement wasn't adequate enough, 'probably' an improvement.. well what a concrete reason to go buy him then.
pee dubya said:
mgreenz97 said:
pee dubya said:
I don't think this was a mistake purely made today, it's been building up because there's regularly confusion between Hart and the central defenders. Countless times the defenders are obviously wanting Hart to come and just pick it up, but he stays on his line and they end up clearing it. This time Hart has decided for some reason to come charging out of his box, with Nastasic fully in control of the situation. Nastasic hasn't looked because this is totally out of Hart's normal behaviour, he doesn't come for much easier balls, why should he expect it this time?

So your saying Nastasic's incorrect assumption is Hart's fault?
Makes sense.
Well yes, if he was expecting Hart to be flying out like that he wouldn't have headed it past him, he didn't expect it for a reason: it doesn't normally happen. Both Hart and Nastasic could have prevented this happening, Hart by staying on the line, Nastasic by looking. But Hart is the one who made the worse decision. Both need to take some blame, i think Harts' share is bigger though.

Nastasic shouldn't be making decisions based on assumptions.
Hart had started to come so he had to come all the way or he'd have been caught in no mans land.
There's nothing wrong with his decision to come out because he was getting there well before Torres.
Nastasic however, has just headed the ball to where he expects Hart to be, despite Hart letting Nastasic know very loudly that he was coming for the ball.
VOOMER said:
pudge said:
cookster said:
Having an argument with you is like having an argument with my wife. You're obviously right!
Having an argument would mean there's two contributions towards the point, not nonsensical unfunny quips tbf.

So with that I'm clearly not having an argument with you.

Your wrong. Nasty, was holding of Torres and looking to head back that was clear for everyone to see. You could see Torres slowing because Nasty had it covered He headed back so Hart could use his hands. But no, Hart yet again makes an appalling decision with no logic, or reason. He is an average to good keeper and not good enough for us. Say Nasty gets beaten to the ball by Torres, because the cock has rushed out Torres would simply nod it over him. Which ever way you look at it Hart screwed up,, again.
I'd say they both did given how it played out;

Once Joe comes out there's no need for the header.


Joe shouldn't come out at all.

Given he did, there's fault on both ends.
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