joe hart

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mgreenz97 said:
pee dubya said:
mgreenz97 said:
So your saying Nastasic's incorrect assumption is Hart's fault?
Makes sense.
Well yes, if he was expecting Hart to be flying out like that he wouldn't have headed it past him, he didn't expect it for a reason: it doesn't normally happen. Both Hart and Nastasic could have prevented this happening, Hart by staying on the line, Nastasic by looking. But Hart is the one who made the worse decision. Both need to take some blame, i think Harts' share is bigger though.

Nastasic shouldn't be making decisions based on assumptions.
Hart had started to come so he had to come all the way or he'd have been caught in no mans land.
There's nothing wrong with his decision to come out because he was getting there well before Torres.
Nastasic however, has just headed the ball to where he expects Hart to be, despite Hart letting Nastasic know very loudly that he was coming for the ball.

And neither should Hart do you not understand?

What is wrong with you? He was in no mans land the minute he left his line! WOW

And so was Nastasic

Every comment you just made was pathetic
BlueTG said:
@BluePhil8 said:
cookster said:
Did you see Valdes yesterday?

No to be honest, and I'd much rather have Iker. But I've just had it with Hart now. I don't care who it is, Begovic would probably be an improvement.
You'd soon care if the replacement wasn't adequate enough, 'probably' an improvement.. well what a concrete reason to go buy him then.

What the fuck do you want me to say? I'm not a fucking football scout. All I know is that Hart is costing us to many points over a consistent period of time. I'll let our director of football find his replacement since that isn't my job.
Re: It's Time to Drop Joe

Nastasic was in control of the situation; Hart should have waited "inside" his area, not to charge like he did!
Northwichdave said:
Kun Aguero said:
kippaxchris said:
Yet again it doesn't matter what he shouted! He should NOT have been coming in the first place.

Nasty should have booted it into row Z long before then, Joe had to come as he thought Torres was getting to the ball first, which he more than likely was. It was a massive blunder by Nastasic but it's his one I can recall, I'm sure he'll bounce back.

Torres clearly getting to the ball, so how does Anastasia head it past Hart then?

Hart's fault, end of.

He left Hart outside alone.
Re: It's Time to Drop Joe

Don't think ive ever seen so much personal abuse on here towards our own player. Bluemoon seems very angry tonight
kippaxchris said:
mgreenz97 said:
pee dubya said:
Well yes, if he was expecting Hart to be flying out like that he wouldn't have headed it past him, he didn't expect it for a reason: it doesn't normally happen. Both Hart and Nastasic could have prevented this happening, Hart by staying on the line, Nastasic by looking. But Hart is the one who made the worse decision. Both need to take some blame, i think Harts' share is bigger though.

Nastasic shouldn't be making decisions based on assumptions.
Hart had started to come so he had to come all the way or he'd have been caught in no mans land.
There's nothing wrong with his decision to come out because he was getting there well before Torres.
Nastasic however, has just headed the ball to where he expects Hart to be, despite Hart letting Nastasic know very loudly that he was coming for the ball.

And neither should Hart do you not understand?

What assumption exactly has Hart made?
That Nasty wouldn't gift Torres a goal?
Because he's bang out of order if he was expecting to not concede there.
mgreenz97 said:
pee dubya said:
mgreenz97 said:
So your saying Nastasic's incorrect assumption is Hart's fault?
Makes sense.
Well yes, if he was expecting Hart to be flying out like that he wouldn't have headed it past him, he didn't expect it for a reason: it doesn't normally happen. Both Hart and Nastasic could have prevented this happening, Hart by staying on the line, Nastasic by looking. But Hart is the one who made the worse decision. Both need to take some blame, i think Harts' share is bigger though.

Nastasic shouldn't be making decisions based on assumptions.
Hart had started to come so he had to come all the way or he'd have been caught in no mans land.
There's nothing wrong with his decision to come out because he was getting there well before Torres.
Nastasic however, has just headed the ball to where he expects Hart to be, despite Hart letting Nastasic know very loudly that he was coming for the ball.
Hart instigated the entire thing. If he stays where he is, nothing happens, nothing has the potential to happen. It would have just been a long ball nodded back to the keeper. It's not a decision Nastasic should have had to make, the keeper should not be putting his defender in that situation.
kippaxchris said:
BlueTG said:
WNRH said:
Simply not good enough, a keeper should be number one priority in the summer, until then Pantilimon will do.
The thing is though, will he? If we had a keeper of Lopez or Begovic's quality in the squad I have no doubt they would have featured instead of Hart by now. Pants has made mistakes in the small amount of games he's played for us, and he doesn't exactly fill me with confidence when he starts, and clearly doesn't for the manager otherwise we would have seen him play.

Panti will do?? Hes better than that! (for first comment)

Panti is a good keeper he didn't make mistakes against Villa in the league cup like a lot of Hart fans try to say ,he just wasn't very good! He also made a mistake in the semi final against Chelsea but that didn't cost us a goal fortunately, and in that same game he made some match winning saves!

But what you have to understand with Panti he doesn't get regular football like Hart does he only gets a game every couple of months yet he still does good! He has made magnificent saves and has had man of the match performances when he has had a chance. So to say he makes mistakes as well is very very harsh as he has never ever made a proper mistake like Hart constantly does!
To be honest, I couldn't recall you all the games he has played in, but someone pointed out a few mistakes.
Just, for me at least, theres a reason why we haven't seen him feature when he probably should have. Granted he made some excellent saves in that semi final but I also question his attitude for the interview he so cleverly decided to do in the cup final week.

Also he fucked up in the community shield, granted it wasn't match changing.
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