joe hart

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PSmyth07 said:
People can piss off that there was a call, what about when Demechelis had to clear it in the opening 10 mins because Hart failed to deal with it? Hart at the minute is a liability. Casillas in Jan please.
and negredo didn't even score today, messi in jan please
kompany injured still? ramos in jan please
clichy in a poor run of form? alaba in jan please
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
Lavinda Past said:
BlueTG said:
Karma for what? Who did he kill?

He killed us at the FA Cup Final. Arrogant twat should have been on the bench, but spat his dummy out.


he wanted to play in a cup final how does that make him arrogant- every player does. if i remember rightly mancini chose to play hart. I dont remember him or there ever being stories of him spitting his dummy out.
He's clearly on an Anti-Hart roll atm.
welsh_andy said:
didnt see game as in work but listened on radio, was it as clear cut joes fault as it was suggested? should he have let nas deal with ball?
Mix-up, but I think Hart was at fault

The defence as a unit needs Kompany back, or if that isn't going to happen, then maybe Demichelis can sort them out

So annoying because we were much better. It's Cardiff and Villa all over again
TFC said:
I'd rather have seen him put his hands up and get sent off. If you are going to fucking come out that far, at least commit you twat.

So fucking pissed off, schoolboy errors. AGAIN.

ahahahaha you've made yourself look a right twat there
Victor Valdez - better than joe - joe doesn't make many saves. If he played for stoke or Norwich he wouldn't play for England.
I am staggered that anybody should be blaming Nastsic. The fella had it all under control. He read the long ball, had got the right side of Torres and had given himself a very comfortable header back to the keeper.
Wtf was Joe doing out of his box? Had he got there before Torres (doubtful) his header would have probably ended up at an opponents feet as the ball had no pace on it and would have not made it out for a throw. Easy goal for them.
Terrible decision making has been Hart's trait for too long now.
worsleyweb said:
Victor Valdez - better than joe - joe doesn't make many saves. If he played for stoke or Norwich he wouldn't play for England.

maybe, but most keepers that play for barca arent exactly tested are they. If i had to choose id go for Begovic
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