joe hart

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henryhoover said:
city got owned in every part of the pitch but you want to slag Hart,
Hart is on the end of everything else that went wrong,not the reason for it

Kind of agree but if you are number 1 for Manchester City, you need to save goal 1 and 3 tonight. Simple as that really.
henryhoover said:
city got owned in every part of the pitch but you want to slag Hart,
Hart is on the end of everything else that went wrong,not the reason for it
When your keeper lets 2 soft fuckin goals in against a team of that standard you stand absolutely no chance.Who cares if he is englands number 1,you only need to buy a pair of gloves to be a contender !
Citizen_Ando said:
Pants is head and shoulders above him. Seriously though, I'm now worried he'll cost us more games this season.

Totally agree. If he's not there already, he's sailing close to becoming a liability.
Beaten at his near post not once but TWICE in one game. I thought Joe was getting it back together but these last couple of games he's gone backwards again. Take him out of the spotlight and lets see how he responds. He's been good enough for us in the past, hope he gets it back and soon.
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Citizen_Ando said:
Pants is head and shoulders above him. Seriously though, I'm now worried he'll cost us more games this season.

Totally agree. If he's not there already, he's sailing close to becoming a liability.

He already is!
Jumanji said:
henryhoover said:
city got owned in every part of the pitch but you want to slag Hart,
Hart is on the end of everything else that went wrong,not the reason for it
Did you see the goals?

Hart is 100% to blame. But by no means, not the only one.

He has got to big headed thinking he is the best,when he is far from it.
I would be looking to sell in January and bring in Begovic
dazz46 said:
Jumanji said:
henryhoover said:
city got owned in every part of the pitch but you want to slag Hart,
Hart is on the end of everything else that went wrong,not the reason for it
Did you see the goals?

Hart is 100% to blame. But by no means, not the only one.

He has got to big headed thinking he is the best,when he is far from it.
I would be looking to sell in January and bring in Begovic

Totally agree with this - need a new keeper in jan
Not good enough for this level, too inconsistent to be branded world class and we need consistent world class, or at least in the games when world class needs to shine through!

I doubt he will be our number 1 come next season in my opinion.
He's chucking it away. Made his millions, well inside the England club, sits on his arse and fuck it all.

Guess what Joe? The Celtic keeper and Newcastle cast-off is now vying for your place. Get your fucking arse in gear.
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