Joe Harts Kicking

His errors will always count more, such is the life of a goal keeper. Its just that he's still making the same mistakes game after game. Slow of his line, doesn't come for crosses with any real sense of conviction and can't really throw with pace, or accuracy beyond 15 meters. I agree, Pants should get a run.
today at the game i was talking too a guy next too me about why every single time it went too kolarov (he never took it under control) and we were saying why not give it edin instead
Does anyone else see something that's alarming? Last season, our defense was almost impeccable due to Kompany being in immaculate form and a consistent defense without injuries and switch ups. This seasons, our defense while still great, has undergone many changes to include nastasic, injuries and Kompany having a season which is not on par with last season. Hart, while making great saves, conceded little goals last season mainly due to the defense, with even Hart acknowledging this. This season, with our defense being in its awkward but still good state, Hart's frailties have reared their heads more times than needed. Just a thought.
I know the rags are out to play, but this must be one of the most stupid topics on Bluemoon for some time.

1) Look at the goals against column, and just think back all of 4 days to the Wigan game where Hart made a match-winning save

2) His kicking is usually very very accurate for a keeper.
cant spel forgive me said:
today at the game i was talking too a guy next too me about why every single time it went too kolarov (he never took it under control) and we were saying why not give it edin instead

Probably because Dawson and Vertongen were owning Dzeko in the air and on the floor.
Joe's kicking was definitely poor today.
Does anyone know why the Spurs fans were constantly booing him? A poor excuse, but maybe this affected his kicking?
akcity said:
pudge said:
It's not so much his kicking but the fact he was kicking it to Kolarov, who can't win a header to save himself.

I don't remember Kolarov ever being in row 10? That's where 90% of Harts kicks went today!
Exaggeration at it's finest.

Or worst as the case may be.
Honestly if anyone thinks that Pantilimon's kicking is superior IN ANY WAY to Hart's then you need your eyes testing. He can barely reach the bloody half way line.

People will see what they WANT to see - not what's actually happening.

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