No, what happens in a society where people see Warri’s behavior is that society has the freedom to say he’s a twat for what he does and nobody listens to the twat. The rest then goes away because saying testy things doesn’t produce the required result. The twat gets ostracized and realizes his behavior was the cause and changes. Ideally.
The problem is a chicken and egg one that you actually described, albeit without identifying it…
What does it say about the society that he:
A) Gets a podcast
B) Thinks being a twat will pay off
C) Gets advertisers on the pod
D) Attracts more twats
E) Makes enough money to deal with the few lawsuits that come from being a twat?
Is he the problem or is it the society that has enough twats in it that his twattery rewards him?
If being a twat is a crime, we may all be in trouble from time to time!