Joey Barton

Can't stand the ****, don't know many if any City fans that do like him. Still not really known what he has done in particular to the suing machine.

If I was in a lift with her I would try desperately not to make eye contact or speak with her for fear of a summons in the post.

How many people has she sued?
How many people has she sued?

The suing remarks are a bit tongue in cheek but she can moan for England, probably why none of her England team mates stuck up for her.

Just to be clear "suing remarks are a bit tongue in cheek ", just in case she is reading this and decides to leave the country because she feels unsafe before she goes ahead to sue me,
Every time I see this thread pop up to the top of the forum I eagerly open it in hope that the renewed discussion will be about Barton fucking off to Hungary or Belarus to be with his spirit animals.

And, each time, I am desperately disappointed.
Every time I see this thread pop up to the top of the forum I eagerly open it in hope that the renewed discussion will be about Barton fucking off to Hungary or Belarus to be with his spirit animals.

And, each time, I am desperately disappointed.

The **** has spirit animals?
It was a targeted hate campaign against a female sports pundit (who happens to be female and black) - he knows his audience and he knew she would be pelted from all his lowlife followers - He made her life hell so he could profit.
Something needs to be done to stop this sort of thing - or is continually targeting an individual on social media perfectly fine?
Made her life hell? Did he ?
I liked Barton lots as a City player for a while but was calling for his departure long before he attacked Dabo on the training pitch.
Every time I see this thread pop up to the top of the forum I eagerly open it in hope that the renewed discussion will be about Barton fucking off to Hungary or Belarus to be with his spirit animals.

And, each time, I am desperately disappointed.

With a bit of luck the next time it gets bumped will be when someone shanks him in the strangeways shower blocks.
No, what happens in a society where people see Warri’s behavior is that society has the freedom to say he’s a twat for what he does and nobody listens to the twat. The rest then goes away because saying testy things doesn’t produce the required result. The twat gets ostracized and realizes his behavior was the cause and changes. Ideally.

The problem is a chicken and egg one that you actually described, albeit without identifying it…

What does it say about the society that he:

A) Gets a podcast
B) Thinks being a twat will pay off
C) Gets advertisers on the pod
D) Attracts more twats
E) Makes enough money to deal with the few lawsuits that come from being a twat?

Is he the problem or is it the society that has enough twats in it that his twattery rewards him?

If being a twat is a crime, we may all be in trouble from time to time!

He needs calling out for it, whether there's legal ground or not I'm not totally sure, but he's regularly such an arsehole that I'm all for it if that's what it takes to stop him.

His 'freedom of speech' shouldn't override other people's freedom to not suffer racist and sexist pile-ons, whether they are good at their jobs or not.

Being a twat isn't a crime, but being a twat to other people pretty much is. There's lots of laws that touch on that in one way or another.

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