John Terry [Merged]

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Re: Chelsea reject Terry offer [Merged]

larderland said:
MonsallBlue said:
Did anybody catch what the Chelsea chairman said on Chelsea TV? It was on SSN earlier but couldnt get to watch it properly

Impression I got was Terry is staying. Although he said he would be gutted if he went..

he sed hed be gutted as a chelsea fan but as a chairman hes guaranteeing he wont leave!!

Hmm, what an odd statement.
Re: Is anyone that arsed if John Terry doesn't sign?

Pam said:
danburge82 said:
but it would be a poor move for Terry

So what is your thinking on why Terry won't confirm where his future lies even after his present club are publicly on record as requesting him to do so?

I know this is a late reply on this but the answer to your question is: £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
Re: Is anyone that arsed if John Terry doesn't sign?

pinkwheeltrim said:
IF that prick signs for us,it could very well be the last staw for me!! I am seriously thinking about walking away from the team I have loved for many years,things just don't feel right anymore!!!

I know I will get a load of stick from our new breed of dickhead fans for even saying this!!

I wont give you stick, well maybe i will, id still be a loyal blue if we signed Gary Neville.............well, maybe not! haha! But whats so wrong with Terry that you'd walk away from City!?

Chelsea and England captain, and an excellent captain and leader of both!
He went into the Barca dressing room after that Chapms Lg semi final and apologised and consoled them on what had happened - Barca players applauded him!

So what if he was a United fan as a kid, so was Stephen Ireland! so what if he and his family have a bit of a track history of being in trouble and a bit naughty, i could tell you some things that ive got up to in my life and some of you would faint!

so what is is thats so bad about him!?

(I by the way also think its a bad move but only for Terry, for City it is nothing but positive![apart from it will be the moment we will be the most hated club in Britain and will kick off the start of City fans becoming like the Rags we hate!]!)
Re: Terry - it looks on?

alera said:
He wants pay parity with the top earners and a 5 year deal. Obvious what will happen they will cave in as with Lampard and he will get what he wants....

Lampard and Ballack have it in the their contracts that they will be the top paid players though as well so any bumps in salary for Terry will cost them for those players as well.

Loose loose situation for Chelsea this...

I think this works in our favour. If Terry goes back to Chelski and says "City are going to buy Tevez, Eto'o etc and offer me 200k a week-match it or I'm off" then Chelsea will not pay him because Lampard, Ballack and Drogba will throw their toys out of the pram. I don't think we've heard the last of this one, could run right through to deadline day.
Re: Terry - it looks on?

city diehard said:
has anybody got the thread that spursmad started about a transfer request for terry?

that was all that was said he popped on left 1 post then got back to work ......... the rest of the thread had no more info
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