John Terry [Merged]

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zigga_zagger said:
only1paulsimpson said:
zigga_zagger said:
LOL we're not delusional. It's some posters on here that are delusional..posts like "City have more chances of winning trophies next season than Chelsea so JT will come", "City vs Barca 2010 CL final", "Why would JT want to stay at Chelsea, he will come to city we have the money"..etc etc..

Like i said, Im 100% sure he will stay..i'm not too deep into this silence. Anyways good luck next season. Hope we continue our normal business of the double over you guys at COMS and SB ;-p 1 you cockney prick.

robinho and tevez chose city and what a knob you will be if terry does too

of course he wanted out of madrid and was about to join us then you got takeover from the Abu Dhabi . He even said he was happy to be at Chelsea in his press conference.
Tevez wanted out because he didn't start many games and felt undervalued. At Chelsea, wtih Drogba and Anelka, he wouldn't be guranteed a starting role. At City he is almost guranteed a starting 11 role and he has said he likes new challenges from the bottom(S.America done that too and West Spam) so no surprise.
Terry will be wearing royal blue methinks.
thing is though pal it would mean a hell of a lot more to you to lose him than for us to not get him. we've got money to burn, allegedly in for lescott and no doubt hughes will have others in mind. tbh im not that arsed either way, it just seems wierd that all you lot are coming on here trying to justify it!
once we're in the ch. lg. they'll be more players turning you lot down to come to us...we are the future.
wrongun73 said:
zigga_zagger said:
only1paulsimpson said:
zigga_zagger said:
LOL we're not delusional. It's some posters on here that are delusional..posts like "City have more chances of winning trophies next season than Chelsea so JT will come", "City vs Barca 2010 CL final", "Why would JT want to stay at Chelsea, he will come to city we have the money"..etc etc..

Like i said, Im 100% sure he will stay..i'm not too deep into this silence. Anyways good luck next season. Hope we continue our normal business of the double over you guys at COMS and SB ;-p 1 you cockney prick.

robinho and tevez chose city and what a knob you will be if terry does too

of course he wanted out of madrid and was about to join us then you got takeover from the Abu Dhabi . He even said he was happy to be at Chelsea in his press conference.
Tevez wanted out because he didn't start many games and felt undervalued. At Chelsea, wtih Drogba and Anelka, he wouldn't be guranteed a starting role. At City he is almost guranteed a starting 11 role and he has said he likes new challenges from the bottom(S.America done that too and West Spam) so no surprise.
Terry will be wearing royal blue methinks.
thing is though pal it would mean a hell of a lot more to you to lose him than for us to not get him. we've got money to burn, allegedly in for lescott and no doubt hughes will have others in mind. tbh im not that arsed either way, it just seems wierd that all you lot are coming on here trying to justify it!
once we're in the ch. lg. they'll be more players turning you lot down to come to us...we are the future.

Thought that was garlic bread!
Right, what's going on here?

on various News Now link's, Kenyon has stated that Terry has told Chelsea that he is staying and Kenyon has said that is the end of the matter. Obviously Terry still hasn't spoken yet, but for Kenyon to come out with that statement, apparently from John Terry, it's either the truth or Chelsea are playing a very dangerous preemptive game.

Not sure what I think, but for Kenyon to come out with that statement, it has to be true and Terry has decided to stay at Chelsea. I'm sure Terry will hold a press conference sooner rather than later.
Now I'm not one to wind people up here - on either side, but I would like to say, whatever the view on things, lets keep it at a sensible discussion level, I find it very disappointing when the argument reaches levels of 'lol your club sucks, feck off'. Really.

I'm of a position that this is unlikely to happen for us, because the people Terry is surrounded by day in & day out will want him to stay. That influence tips the scales quite strongly for me. And considering one of those people is our bad boy Sturridge who left after falling out with the club...not looking good.

Yet there is certainly a reason we're in this bid, in the same way there was a good reason to be in for kaka (robinho link and confirmation he'd consider it), eto'o, barry. We're not throwing lumps of money at any good player in the world, we have to be pretty sure it's a possibility we could pull it off. And with Terry, there was one as well. Whether it is still there or now, we shall see - the Kenyon quotes would seem to suggest not.

Chelsea fans here who are keeping a calm face on, claiming it's all papertalk, you're not fooling me, why does mr. Ballack have to answer questions addressed to your captain while he is in the same room?

Whether he is serious about leaving anymore or not, he is/was certainly not a very happy bunny.
Lots of different outcomes possible and I wouldn't like to predict one.

I'm beginning to think JT's bottle's gone, and he'll end up staying. Sounds like he's been boxed into a corner by Kenyon, and JT hasn't got the bottle to put a written request in now. He wanted a dignified exit, and Chelsea aren't allowing it. That's my current opinion at 19.30 hours tonight.

Wonder what would happen though if we DID submit a mega offer ?
has anyone got a link to what kenyon said at the press conference.....Ive seen the clips of terry ballack and essien being paraded in the new kit but thats it......

If not, what exactly did Kenyon say...did he just reiterate what he had said before that JT was not for sale at any price?????
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